1、In County government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Twelve-Five planning and the law administrative 55 planning implementation yilai, I city levels the sector Xia big pneumatic advance l
2、aw administrative and rule of law Government construction, led attention, measures powerful, method properly, effect obviously, law administrative and rule of law Government construction work made has great progress, powerful advance has I City economic social of and good and fast development. Speci
3、fic reports are as follows: a Twelve-Five during the work completed (a) promoting administration according to law was strengthened. Twelve-Five during, I city seriously implementation in heze City law administrative 55 planning, in annual early of full municipal government legal workshop Shang, insi
4、sted arrangements deployment, insisted layer Layer signed law administrative target responsibility, insisted months summary, and quarter scheduling, and years assessment, insisted recognition award work Qian three name County district; around law administrative and rule of law Government constructio
5、n 1443 work thought, continued punches not pause, and firm target not toss; always will Government legal work points, and law administrative target responsibility, and Implementation of government legal system as the main measures to move forward. After years continued tireless of efforts, I city of
6、 law administrative advance work made has significantly results, highlight performance for: levels leaders more attention law administrative work, more consciously using rule of law thinking and rule of law way processing problem, and solution contradictions, law administrative opinion atmosphere mo
7、re strong, law enforcement personnel law administrative capacity obviously enhanced, people satisfaction degrees increasingly high, law administrative promoted and guarantees economic social development function more appeared. Second, the implementation of the administrative reconsideration law of t
8、he powerful. Twelve-Five yilai, I city put administrative reconsideration system construction always as a event to caught, after years of efforts, through strengthening and perfect reconsideration system construction, reform administrative reconsideration system, innovation reconsideration work mech
9、anism, as currently, I city has established sound has administrative reconsideration filed, and trial, and hearing, and mediation reconciliation, and collective research considered, and misjudged held, more than 20 more than items work system; while, also break restricted reconsideration work bottle
10、neck, carried out relative concentrated administrative reconsideration right, City, County and District Administrative Review Committee was set up; innovative modes of administrative reconsideration, to explore the establishment of three centers review mechanisms established review case linkage syst
11、em to realize information resources sharing. 55 since the implementation of planning, 1300 cases handled reconsideration, the knot rate is above 90%. Third, the Government legal supervision to achieve a breakthrough. To administrative forced method, and legislation method, and administrative procedu
12、re, and Shandong province administrative law enforcement supervision Ordinance, and Shandong province administrative program provides, legal regulations issued implementation for opportunity, increased on levels中山市纵四线工程第标段袋装砂井施工安全专项施工方案中铁九局集团有限公司中山市纵四线工程第标段项目经理部2013年8月18日袋装砂井安全专项施工方案一、工程概况1、地质情况地质勘查
13、报告显示,本标段施工范围内的淤泥深度较大,从原地面往下主要为淤泥、淤泥质粉质粘土,厚度在1.613米。 2、基本情况在两阶段施工图设计中,路中间高压线下及边外4米的范围内的袋装砂井为非接管法施工,袋装砂井绝大部分为20米或接近20米长,非接管法施工桩机机架总高度为24米,方可满足设计的施工长度。路中存在高压线且部分路段两侧均存在高压线,施工桩机过高危及到高压线的安全,根据中山供电局安全交底要求,为防止在施工过程中发生机械倒伏以致危及高压线路的安全,需对超高的非接管法桩机采取一定的措施进行加固防护,以确保在施工过程中高压线路的安全,特制订本方案。二、施工条件1、高压线的分布情况路中高压线为220
14、KV,路线右侧高压线为110KV,路线左侧高压线为10KV。与路线相对位置如下:K7+200-K7+920段路中、两侧均有高压线;K7+920-K8+690段路中、右侧有高压线(右侧其中有一段约150米只有埋地电缆,无架空高压线); K8+690-K9+500段路中有高压线。2、高压线的相对位置根据项目部测量组的现场测量,路中高压线与两侧高压线之间的最大水平距离只有26.53米,路侧无高压线但受围墙限制的地方,高压线与围墙之间距离为24.7958.27米。全线路中高压线最低点位置的净高为12.78米14.44米,路两侧高压线的最低点位置净高为9.2712米。三、高压线路下安全施工要求1、最小安
16、约6米),应把桩基高度降至不高于9.5米;四、桩机安全专项施工方案 根据中山供电局安全交底要求,在路中和路线外侧均有高压线部位的非接管袋装砂井施工桩机,需要四向固定措施,保证机架的稳固不向高压线方向倒伏。根据原定施工进度计划要求,在施工现场共有5台24米高的非接管法袋装砂井施工桩机,其中K7+200K7+994段2台,K8+067k8+692段2台,K9+167K9+500段1台,则能满足进度要求。3、桩机安全专项施工方案一根据现场情况,袋装砂井施工分三大段落,部分路段除了路中有高压线之外,在路线左、右则也有高压线,考虑采用四向拉缆风绳拉紧袋装砂井桩机塔架,拉点在塔架的中间或中间稍微往上的位置
18、动施工,在机架底座焊接2根16#工字钢,延伸到履带端头范围外23m,然后在履带端头外玩下横向再焊接2根16#工字钢,做成一个端头横梁,横梁离地面高10cm,保证桩机可以自由移动。考虑到桩机塔架重量,在横梁上靠高压线方向每侧用两根50钢管做斜撑,连接到塔架的中间部位(大约为14米高的位置),形成一个有效的支撑,在桩机发生倒伏时能起到有效的支撑作用。见下图:5、桩机安全专项施工方案三 采用接管法施工,将24米高的机架进行改装,达到符合高压线最小安全距离要求后进场施工。根据测量数据结合中山供电局安全技术交底和高压线的最小安全距离要求,现场大部分原设计为非接管法施工的袋装砂井均需要改为接管法施工才能满
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 袋装 砂井桩机到 安全 施工 方案
