1、and work activities, the community prisoners to enhance awareness of criminal and, in addition, Development zone, the joint labor of judicial and communities should work together on prisoners aid in community problem-solving work in difficult family community prisoners concerns at the same time, I a
2、lso encourage them to stand, to enhance learning, improves the survival of community inmates skills and employability. 2015 scheduled community prisoners without cannula, leaking pipes and recidivism. (F) strengthening comprehensive management and peace-building efforts, enhancing public security 1,
3、 strengthening the construction of patrol and prevention role to play. A grid is a combination of community management, ratings of individual grid to build networks. Relying on the security of the property, floor length, building peace volunteer, Chengguan, led by community workers, daily inspection
4、s in the grid, ensure that Scouts are not leaving, prevention and control without leaving any blind spots. Since the zone of peace in the ranks of volunteers to patrol, 50-70 people walking around every day in every corner of the area, area of security has been further improved.; Second, give full p
5、lay to role of the police station, weaving public security network and develop social security guard. According to the Parks various communities (Preparatory Office), enterprise distribution of civilian police, secret, security, integration of auxiliary police officers, wardens, divided into several
6、 groups, led by the police every day, security patrols of the park with a full range, especially the Parks main road, patrols in key areas, increase the patrolling frequency, improving the street rate, lower rates. Third, is relying on environmental improvement duties, role play officers, increased
7、security checks. Requires card point officers and actively cooperate with the police, vehicle registrations for access cards every day, of suspects for interrogation, which verifications, interdiction role, improve deterrence, deterrence. 2, perfect control system, efforts to raise the level of prev
8、ention. Is on a community basis, adhere to scroll to troubleshoot, rolling regulation, investigation, treatment principles and organize forces for jurisdiction of further diagnostic screening, comprehensive grasp of serious public security issues in their jurisdiction. Hong Yang Cheng in particular
9、surroundings, Tin Hau, bandits outside population centers in the West and other key areas. For these key foreign personnel to gather, to take tubes other than management mode and construction of multidimensional, stereo, full coverage of the high technology networks, the focus of the Park area, main
10、 road junctions installed infrared surveillance cameras 52, realize the whole coverage area and community monitoring, to enhance the security of society as a whole. Second, positive and comprehensive management members include mutual cooperation and coordination, sector regulation responsibilities s
11、eriously, forming a total fighting force, foreign personnel to register one by one, regulate the private home rental management. And in Jinhua city as a pilot, under the guidance of the District Public Security Bureau, free zone invested more than 200,000 Yuan cheng village resident change Super b,
12、Kam Wah-level lock cores2000, effectively enhance the community household anti-theft capabilities. Third, community residents in the Park strictly guard duty system, posts, location, responsibility, strict registration verification of persons and vehicles to and from the community. 施 工 组 织 设 计目 录第一章
13、 编制说明- 2 -第二章 工程概况- 2 -第三章 施工方案与技术措施- 4 -第四章 项目管理- 13 -第五章 资源配备计划、设备物资准备和劳动力计划- 24 -第六章 验收计划- 27 -第七章 渣土及垃圾清运措施- 28 -第八章 项目管理机构与施工技术能力- 30 -第九章 施工的协调及施工流程- 35 -第一章 编制说明本施工组织设计是根据该工程的工程特点、技术要求、现场情况、业主要求工期、施工条件等要求而编制的。本施工组织设计均以国家有关技术规范、标准、规定为准。第二章 工程概况一、项目概述郑州人民医院脑科医院位于红旗路与文化路交叉口东南角,建筑面积10287平方米,框架16层
14、。工程概况:l 1、工程名称:郑州人民医院脑科医院智能化建设工程;l 2、工程地点:郑州市红旗路与文化路交叉口东南角;l 3、质量目标:合格;l 4、工期目标:30日历天(含交货周期和安装周期);l 5、安全目标:杜绝重大伤亡,轻伤频率控制在15以内;l 6、文明施工目标:河南省级安全文明施工标准化工地。二、现场条件与编制依据1、本工程现场条件本工程现场施工用电、用水装置由业主方提供,到现场所需的管线及储水设施以及施工管线及动力、照明设施则由乙方负责敷设。垂直运输主要通过大楼内的消防电梯完成。2、施工界面施工界面电气部分以配电箱下口为界,弱电部分以施工图纸弱电内容为界,明配管及桥架由我司负责施
15、工。3、编制依据及标准民用建筑电气设计规范JGJ/T16-92智能建筑设计标准国家标准GB/T 50314-2000 建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范GB/T50311-2000民用闭路监视电视系统工程技术规范GB50198-94安全防范工程程序与要求CA/T75-94电视系统视频指标CCTR RECOMMENDATION472-3电信专用房屋设计规范YD5003-94建筑设计防火规范GBJ16-87高层民用建筑设计防火规范国家标准GB50045-95有限电视系统工程技术规范GB50200-94安全防范系统通用图形符号GA/T74-94防盗报警控制器通用技术条件GB12663-90建筑与建
16、筑群综合布线系统工程验收规范GB/T 50312-2000中国电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范GBJ232-82系统接地分型式及安全技术要求GB14050-93计算机机房用地板技术条件SJ/T10796-96信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法GB/T9254-99计算站场地技术条件GB/T1887-2000电子计算机机房设计规范GB50174-93脉冲编码调制通信系统总则GB4110-83脉冲编码调制通信系统网络数字参数GB7611-87建筑防雷设计规范GB50057-94数字通信双绞/单绞平衡电缆YD/T38.1-4-96电气装置安装工程规范GBJ147-99第三章 施工方案与技术措施各系
18、对性地写出详细设计方案。详细设计方案包括网络设备的命名、IP地址的分配、网络设备的连接设计、VLAN的设计、路由的设计、网络冗余的设计、网络设备的具体参数的设计、网管的设计、网络设备单体调试、网络设备的联调、网络系统的测试计划等内容,为后期的项目实施提供了技术依据和指导。3、设备调试1)网络设备的单体调试及测试,主要包括:n 网络设备的单体上电、确定设备的硬件及软件是否运行正常;n 网络设备的模块上电运行、确定网络模块的指示灯是否正常;n 确定核心交换机加载的路由软件是否正常工作;n 确定核心交换机的风扇模块是否正常;n 按照详细设计文档完成单体设备的参数设置。2)网络设备的联调及测试,主要包
19、括:n SPANNING-TREE功能的实现及测试;n 路由功能的实现及测试;n 访问控制功能的实现及测试;n 网管机的功能实现及测试;n 子网内的连通及测试;n 子网间的连通及测试;n 重要节点间的连通性、延迟、带宽等测试。4、重点、难点施工方案1)设备命名为了标识网络设备、便于管理网络设备,应该为网络中每一台设备赋予名称标识,设备命名的基本原则为:n 能表示出网络设备的类型n 能表示出网络设备的物理位置n 能表示出网络设备所属的网络层次n 相同物理位置和网络层次的网络设备由不同序号区分n 能反映出该设备的业务属性和网元功能2)接口描述为了标识设备端口,便于后期维护,应为没一个接口设置接口描
20、述,接口描述的基本规则为:n 能表示出端口的对端网元设备n 能表示出端口的类型n 能反映出对端端口所在板卡的物理槽位3)IP地址规划IP地址规划的结果直接影响到网络运行的质量,以下是几点IP地址规划的基本原则:n 唯一性:一个IP网络中不能有两个主机采用相同的IP地址。即使使用了支持地址重叠的MPLS/VPN技术,也尽量不要规划为相同的地址。连续性:连续地址在层次结构网络中易于进行路径叠合,大大缩减路由表,提高路由算法的效率。n 扩展性:地址分配在每一层次上都要留有余量,在网络规模扩展时能保证地址叠合所需的连续性。n 实意性: “望址生义”,好的IP地址规划使每个地址具有实际含义,看到一个地址
21、就可以大至判断出该地址所属的设备。这是IP地址规划中最具技巧型和艺术性的部分。最完美的方式是得出一个IP地址公式,以及一些参数及系数,通过计算得出每一个需要用到的IP地址。二、综合布线系统1、工艺流程敷设管路、安装桥架-穿线(水平布线、垂直干线)-安装信息模块及面板、安装配线架-线路通断、线性测试-竣工文档的整理2、设备的安装1) 机柜安装方法:n 机柜安装完毕后,水平、垂直度应符合厂家规定。如无厂家规定时,垂直度偏差不大于3mm;n 安装机柜面板,架前留有1.5m空间,机柜背面离墙距离大于0.8m,以便于安装和施工;n 壁挂式机柜底距地面宜为300-800 mm。2) 配线设备机柜安装方法:
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 郑州 人民医院 医院 进关场 施工组织设计