1、Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my company to do the work, please consider. Report cons
2、ists of three parts. Review the first part of XX years XX XX years production and management company working full shift the center of gravity and further consolidate and deepen the basis of cost control, control, improve the quality of management a critical year. A years to, in XX power annual works
3、hop spirit, and six a breakthrough and cost leading strategy of guidelines Xia, we tightly around full construction five type Enterprise this a Center, pay close attention to the safety, internal control cost, outside extension market, through all employees of common efforts, success achieved II per
4、iod engineering full completed, successfully completed the production business task, the work made has welcome of results and great of progress, company achieved has and good and fast across type development. A, and production business made fruitful results, promoted company career health developmen
5、t 1, and security situation good by control: face full into production Hou huge of safety pressure, through further implementation security responsibility, and strengthened daily management, and security management level get improve, in one fell swoop reverse has early continuous occurred non-stoppe
6、d of passive situation, annual safety situation good by control, not occurred personal, and fire, and major mechanical equipment, and traffic, and career health and pollution accident. General equipment accidents unit 1, 3 times the value of the annual appraisal, non stop 4 times, 8 times the value
7、of the annual appraisal, 1, comparing 07 are 3 times, corporate security control level has made considerable progress. 2, and run maintenance quality steadily improve: run management aspects, through further strengthened personnel skills training, analysis management in the of key link, developed an
8、d perfect work standard and implementation program, makes run management more specification ordered, management quality sharply upgrade, annual 33 times unit Kai stopped no errors, SSR-DS project debugging and four machine maintenance during, large operation and test not appeared any exception, crea
9、ted has 2nd, unit 453 days is nothing more than stopped run, 3rd, unit 350 days is nothing more than stopped run, more items security records; Unit maintenance aspects, after carefully planning, strictly construction, successfully completed has 5.276.10 line full stopped four machine maintenance, an
10、d #1 unit first a, level maintenance, annual the maintenance task, while, all maintenance security, and quality, and progress, and costs full by control, unit ignition, and grid once success, and repair Hou is nothing more than stopped accident, company plans maintenance management level get full up
11、grade, from essentially guarantee has equipment run of health stable. 3, the assets profitability increased significantly: in 2012 the宁波双鹿电池科技城二期工程附属厂房桩基专项方案目 录一、 工 程 概 况 与 要 求二、 施 工 部 署 与 计 划 进 度三、 施 工 质 量 技 术 措 施四、 安 全 技 术 措 施五、 文 明 施 工 管 理 措 施附图:一、桩基施工平面布置图 二、桩基施工进度图 三、打桩顺序图一、 程概况与要求:1、工程概况:1.1 建
12、设单位:宁波双鹿电池有限公司 1.2 设计单位:宁波华之建筑设计有限公司1.3 监理单位:浙江工正建设监理咨询有限公司1.4 施工单位:浙江省二建建设集团有限公司1.5 地理位置:宁波市科技园区内1.6 桩基类型:500静压震拔沉管灌注桩2、 设计要求:2.1 本工程采用500静压震拔沉管灌注桩,参照2004浙G20图集,设计桩长42.044.0米左右,不得小于42米,进入持力层不得小于0.8米,单桩承载力特征值为650KN,压桩力不小于1.5R,以静压稳定抬架为主,结合桩长控制。总桩数为561枚。2.2 钢筋笼:612 , L = 19米,箍筋为6300螺旋箍,每隔1600设一道加劲箍10,
13、且与612电焊。2.3 砼标号:C25。3、 编制依据3.1 建筑物总平面布置图及桩位图;3.2 工程地质勘测报告;3.3 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002);3.4 建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-94);3.5 建筑软弱地基基础设计规范(DBJ10-1-90);3.6 宁波市建筑桩基设计与施工细则(2001甬DBJ02-12);3.7 本公司质量、安全、环境保证体系及程序文件.二、 施工部署与计划进度:(一)施工条件:1、 施工区位于宁波科技园区,地势基本平坦。场地自然地坪标高为绝对标高2.35m,设计桩顶标高为绝对标高1.95m,满足打桩要求。2、 搭建工地临时设
14、施,安排好现场办公室及解决职工住宿点,要求合理。3、 施工人员、设备机具、材料进场,并做好设备机具调试检查工作。4、 根据设计要求,做好材料试验,并按实际需要用量给予落实。5、 用BJ0603经纬仪进行测量,定位放样,做好桩尖埋设、障碍物清除等各种设备就位工作。6、编制施工平面图,安排打桩顺序表明桩位、桩号。(二)设备配置:根据设计要求,拟采用DZ40Y多功能桩机,其主要配套设备配置表: 设备配置表 (表1)序号设备名称型号单位数量备注1桩 机DZ-40Y台22电焊机BX400台23切割机台24翻斗车辆135插入式震动机台26气 割付27跑桩机台1(三)材料部署1、本工程桩基工程均采用商品砼。
15、2、本工程沉管灌注桩桩尖根据设计要求委托加工,进场后须报监理公司审核批准后方能施工。3、所有进场钢筋必须有出厂合格证,报监理公司审查后现场抽样复验,复验合格后方能进行加工、使用。(四)施工进度计划:计划自开工至桩基工程结束为 50天,在保证工期和保证质量的前提下,具体施工顺序安排如下:施工计划进度 (表2)工作名称进场安装埋设桩尖、打桩、跑桩动测退场进度天数3 天45天2天1、桩架进场3天。2、桩尖埋设2天,(同时竖桩机,调试准备完毕)。3、打桩、跑桩计划:43天完成。4、跑桩计划:待桩砼强度达到100%后立即跑桩,采用先打先跑,后打后跑。跑桩最短间隔时间为28天。5、测桩计划:跑桩结束后,进
16、行动测试桩,时间为2天。(五)、劳动组织:为保证施工质量、工期,拟组建宁波双鹿电池科技城项目部(具体人员组成详见施工组织设计),管理班子用技工岗位分工,详见施工人员智能分工表:施工人员职能分工表 (表3)序号工种人数职 责1项 目 经 理1负 责 工 程 全 面 工 作2技术质量负责1现场技术质量管理,整理资料提交报告3施 工 员2现 场 施 工 管 理、生 产 安 排4机械操作班8埋 桩 尖、清 碍、打 桩、跑 桩5钢 筋 工2钢 筋 笼 制 作6砼 工12砼 搅 拌、运 输 砂、石、砼 等7后 勤 人 员1供应材料、运输、保卫工作、住宿(六)、施工工艺1、施工工艺:a完成本桩基工程采用多功
17、能桩架,利用桩架重力装置,钢丝绳通过滑轮组与桩帽连接,再用两台卷扬机对位,将钢丝绳缩短,模管入土达到试桩记录及设计要求,进行灌注砼数量高度,再震拔成桩。b轴线定位参照设计的施工总平面图及施工图纸,用经纬仪和50M钢卷尺丈量。2、沉管灌注桩施工工艺流程施工装备测量定位探桩孔、桩位复核桩基就位静压沉桩管控制桩长、抬架检查桩管内情况浇灌砼、震动拔管安放钢筋笼、浇灌砼、震动拔管成桩、桩基移位至下根桩三、 施工质量技术措施: 为了保质保量,在合同工期内顺利完成该桩基工程,特订以下质量技术措施:(一)施工前根据设计图纸,地质资料编制好施工方案,清除地上,地下障碍物,整平打桩范围的场地,周围做好排水沟,修建
18、好临时道路,接通水、电。(二)测量定位: 定位放样选用SJ0603经纬仪,以圆心1.圆心2为准点,进行放样,复核规划局给出的4个角点,用钢卷尺弦线进行尺寸复核,经认真仔细测量,符合设计与规划要求,角度封锁误差,尺寸误差10MM范围内。 地坪水准测量,选用BS2000水准仪,在基准点、引出点、测量点、三点基本居中位置设观测点,先读出基准点标高转测引出点,然后复测读基准点,这样确保观测与读数正确,最后进行场地标高测定,在等距离任意选出6点,并做好观测记录,在引出点做好临时标记,写好测定标高。 桩尖就位后,有钢卷尺,弦线进行复核,以偏位较大的给予移动就位,偏位较小的则轻微移动,对复核后桩进行就位固定
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- 关 键 词:
- 静压 震四拔沉管 灌注 专项 施工 方案