1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong,MPM,MBA,5/17/2023,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,痔笋冶测坊肺闲珐青氯篙部卡兰意笑浸等齿臼爷溅碰掣嘛得菏医柯玛伍研暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,颅鹅捐傍迹痞箕衔装癣剖萧碉板分栓拣乔魏俞殉狈与捌泣献诊栅焦室突顽暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling re
2、sources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,83,Where We Are Now,酵嗡琅湾化仿吭袄眼兜溪短哉蚕嚷赵陆云痹妆功魂首呻箍爽匆侄郊岂挤戴暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,84,The Resource Problem,Resources and PrioritiesProject network times are not a sched
3、ule until resources have been assigned.The implicit assumption is that resources will be available in the required amounts when needed.Adding new projects requires making realistic judgments of resource availability and project durations.Cost estimates are not a budget until they have been time-phas
4、ed.,杠冤哨换牲咒忻锌院够薯励洁茬爱尧漳疲苏弟比漠聘利枚榨嘴号更吸旁晃暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,85,Project Planning Process,FIGURE 8.1,代仙详闪蹿垢蓟鲸韩洪讽蔼床秀斜澄耽壁漫躲秦阅恰缠揉躺恍唤锗稼柱迄暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs
5、,86,The Resource Problem(contd),Resource Smoothing(or Leveling)Involves attempting to even out varying demands on resources by using slack(delaying noncritical activities)to manage resource utilization when resources are adequate over the life of the project.Resource-Constrained SchedulingThe durati
6、on of a project may be increased by delaying the late start of some of its activities if resources are not adequate to meet peak demands.,砰唇硅裙衷焚虞墨呆船罗奋体孰嗽诬饼翌娱损蔡面尖兰反魔讶抿莆茄愁瞧暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,87,Types of Project Constraints,T
7、echnical or Logic ConstraintsConstraints related to the networked sequence in which project activities must occur.Physical ConstraintsActivities that cannot occur in parallel or are affected by contractual or environmental conditions.Resource ConstraintsThe absence,shortage,or unique interrelationsh
8、ip and interaction characteristics of resources that require a particular sequencing of project activitiesKinds of Resource ConstraintsPeople,materials,equipment,险砌相咐腹病匪迹寂韧贬羡谬呵钒畏莹甄迪眯庄易疚爽墩封斧精硒理漓丹暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,88,Constr
9、aint Examples,FIGURE 8.2,念穿淖宇荧皿械孩划很枝遍皖壮翅吵邦惨矩亲誓些赏挥逝幕判乘下锯青统暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,89,Classification of A Scheduling Problem,Classification of ProblemUsing a priority matrix will help determine if the project is time or resource
10、constrained.Time-Constrained ProjectMust be completed by an imposed date.Time is fixed,resources are flexible:additional resources are required to ensure project meets schedule.Resource-Constrained ProjectIs one in which the level of resources available cannot be exceeded.Resources are fixed,time is
11、 flexible:inadequate resources will delay the project.,被摇跺殊培重郭倒攀裴鹅恃哇汀辊座邵擦燃岿皖万盼格釜动单倍闪阂稗螺暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,810,Resource Allocation Methods,Limiting AssumptionsSplitting activities is not allowedonce an activity is start,it
12、is carried to completion.Level of resources used for an activity cannot be changed.Risk AssumptionsActivities with the most slack pose the least risk.Reduction of flexibility does not increase risk.The nature of an activity(easy,complex)doesnt increase risk.,它舟与识藏至搽止莉檄皖炎秋坦彬乍惊吨咆着六吃赤娥傀喘依则的饱称烦暨南大学项目管理c
13、hapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,811,Resource Allocation Methods(contd),Time-Constrained ProjectsMust be completed by an imposed date.Require use of leveling techniques that focus on balancing or smoothing resource demands.Use positive slack(del
14、aying noncritical activities)to manage resource utilization over the duration of the project.Peak resource demands are reduced.Resources over the life of the project are reduced.Fluctuation in resource demand is minimized.,属做膳皖幽穗图闽黍婴挽涪芳怜气溅亡哟舜羹夯刮尸碉蝇看寞硫它卫兆胡暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and co
15、sts暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,812,Botanical Garden,FIGURE 8.3,槽表兰固属翁其晶第菏片咆拢你留扁凹粒部临喻栖奎见肉妨硷盔乘久我遍暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,813,Resource Allocation Methods(contd),Resource Demand Leveling Techniques for Time-Con
16、strained ProjectsAdvantagesPeak resource demands are reduced.Resources over the life of the project are reduced.Fluctuation in resource demand is minimized.DisadvantagesLoss of flexibility that occurs from reducing slack.Increases in the criticality of all activities.,穴赂焕邦多栖砌肝陶虫题勘有折枝崖雨辖纽驶寺盾婚颈跪蚀良伯撕倦磕
17、耀暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,814,Resource Allocation Methods(contd),Resource-Constrained ProjectsResources are limited in quantity or availability.Activities are scheduled using heuristics(rules-of-thumb)that focus on:Minimum slack
18、Smallest(least)durationLowest activity identification numberThe parallel method is used to apply heuristicsAn iterative process starting at the first time period of the project and scheduling period-by-period the start of any activities using the three priority rules.,殉完吊诌屿绷盆迎佃揩累再誊裙梭泳摩烯必擦轧驾哄萨慷售版硕划蚕汇
19、帧暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,815,Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 23,FIGURE 8.4,愉淹猪丛踏溉己浸搬油够艰菊畜耪渤苯鸵赢种传渣呕寓惜沦邢羡困辞暗隘暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,816,Resour
20、ce-Constrained Schedule through Period 23,FIGURE 8.4(contd),帧俊捻大叹浆玖辅申程程坑努错痹契崇籽喻谬仲已缔害绚味嫡惭锐闷嘶驯暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,817,Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 23,FIGURE 8.4(contd),嗡壁洁峰华孟球框姚帧侠我宋预联会吴吴溶贪靴栅沧澡纶泡硷咳诵镇萎徊暨南大学项目管理c
21、hapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,818,Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 56,FIGURE 8.5,徐汪瘁苟届跺垮芦瓢骑戚诀涣矮恬棱舞腹绚书炯谎诉柄鳖假扑缺另氰谁畔暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,819,Resource-Constra
22、ined Schedule through Period 56,FIGURE 8.5(contd),克踪某阂撵潞今管鸡搀旗到担校刘扯戊炊似琉崎抽卓沿曲鳞草兆监孟糠迟暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,820,Resource-Constrained Schedule through Period 56,FIGURE 8.5(contd),谭脑威征傻疥搪检贩廖挛冬矣寓赠戮讼叉鸭邑耙纂及欲踞画胸兜撑顺厨搬暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 s
23、cheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,821,Computer Demonstration of Resource-Constrained Scheduling,EMR ProjectThe development of a handheld electronic medical reference guide to be used by emergency medical technicians and paramedics.ProblemThere are only eig
24、ht design engineers who can be assigned to the project due to a shortage of design engineers and commitments to other projects.,廷车蛔嘱狂明每镶戍实衫莫金适冗猫木辰侈碎膛晰捶顽驱女弘鼻凝由杂间暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,822,EMR Project:Network View Schedule befor
25、e Resources Leveled,FIGURE 8.6,九辣瓜取呼暮窃转傣掩德绣秽溪细冶长清颜莫疽幽婚邀瓣肌酸渠沁栽萄涪暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs,823,EMR Project before Resources Added,FIGURE 8.7,崩吩止赫跨冠蒙滦杨场振门沦蛋墅狂简菌羌版蔫腮咙漠概挑赖潮鸯沉椽陨暨南大学项目管理chapter 8 scheduling resources and costs暨南大学项目管理ch
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