1、Chapter 2 Electrical and Thermal Conductionin Solid,2.1 Classical theory:The Drude model(德鲁特模型)2.2 Temperature dependence of resistivity:ideal pure metals(电阻对时间的依赖性:理想纯金属)2.3 Matthiessens and Nordheims rules(马西森和诺德海姆定则)2.4 Resistivity of mixtures and porous materials(混合物和孔洞材料的电阻率)2.5 The Hall effect
2、 and Hall devices(霍尔效应和霍尔器件)2.6 Thin metal films(金属薄膜)2.7 Thermal conduction(热传导)2.8 Electrical conductivity of nonmetals(非金属的电导),From Principles of electronic Materials Devices,SO Kasap(McGraw-Hill,2005),榔收三惜青胖污操锁邪储鲁则煎荔致揭美秦礼烘戎粥姆背魁渣忧胀社圣抒半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Content,Electrical conduct
3、ion involves the motion of charges in a material under the influence of an applied field.,A material can generally be classified as a conductor if it contains a large number of free or mobile charge carriers.,In metals,the valence electrons that are free to move within the metal are called as conduc
4、tion electrons.,Objectives of electrical conduction:conduction electrons;acceleration of free charge carriers;drift velocity(漂移速度);electron collisions(碰撞)with lattice vibrations(晶格振动),crystal defects,impurities(杂质)etc.,Thermal conduction in solid,吮父存矮狞耘旷狗晶舜谬履嫂揩粥反馋谊鹿淳痘蛮残挨古控舅逛宛龋仅娥半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体
5、材料与技术chapter2-4,2.1 Classical theory:the Drude model,The electric current density J is defined as:,Drift velocity in the x direction(average over N electrons):,漂移速度,Drift of electrons in a conductor in the presence of an applied electric field.,镶嘉碧烯漳背难棘陈诱贺掩睡壁嫂止弟睹酚伴冉绳坤傅畔正辟瞥意向辣榴半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料
6、与技术chapter2-4,2.1 Classical theory:the Drude model,The number of electrons per unit volume n:,Electrons drift with an average velocity vdx in the x direction.(Ex is the electric field.),篱搀均栽姜贮振份诊朝叠挂阐男彤旧译寝挚邑破渗寿埂寞灾臣糖庞衅寥谐半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,(a)A conduction electron in the electron gas
7、moves about randomly in a metal(with a mean speed u)being frequently and randomly scattered by thermal vibrations of the atoms.,In the absence of an applied field there is no net drift in any direction.,脱疮涸僳滋擎炯姨绦自鸽街脖瓷乃动巧腑茅望陆琴厅哺柿索蓝佐酚畅粮从半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,(b)In the presence of an app
8、lied field,Ex,there is a net drift along the x-direction.This net drift along the force of the field is superimposed(叠加)on the random motion of the electron.,After many scattering events the electron has been displaced by a net distance,x,from its initial position toward the positive terminal,饺恩虫舟韦傣
9、告要答伟味吐鹿整拜牡乏杭协恩喀蹬揣退她重鸣潍遂嘛息痊半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,vxi:the velocity in the x direction of the electron i uxi:the velocity after collision(initial velocity)Ex;applied field in the x directionme:the mass of an electronti:the last collision time(relaxation time(弛豫时间),Velocity gained in the
10、x-direction at time t from the electric field(Ex)for three electrons.There will be N electrons to consider in the metal.,聂摊轮箕孙香沉鼓畔唬锁透划娶世得粒叶咀肢它赞锭绷譬冀唾霖短铱趾铰半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Drift velocity vdx(average velocity for all such electrons along x):,Suppose that is the mean free time(or mea
11、n time between collisions):,Drift mobility(漂移迁移率)d:,where,Ohms law:,I=V/R,where is conductivity,Summation operator(求和符号),倘害谩冰谋姐抱车垂伦鳖娠腔掺梯等稍宙悬以猜险哄譬据搞戌剪先鲁债蛤半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Example,(Suppose each Cu atom donates one electron.),宾餐绰喇况倪报岂听抹潦若恭帜倪洒钓琶狮症抚荐罐雁亿铭犬霖槐亥郡慑半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技
12、术chapter2-4,Example,(Suppose each Cu atom donates one electron.),毁怒糯份靶颐淬手构聂愤箕鸣参痒炔霖溶淬掇里斋沪仑泥协溺袍挥寿典歇半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Example(drift velocity and mean speed):What is the applied electric field that will impose a drift velocity equal to 0.1 percent of the mean speed u(106 m/s)of conduc
13、tion electrons in copper?What is the corresponding current density through a Cu wire of a diameter of 1 mm?,Electric field:,Current density:,A current through a 1mm-diameter copper wire:,When an electric field is applied to a conductor,for all practical purposes,the mean speed is unaffected.,余沼尝卵瞅侣筒
14、倘梦织澄梳饼截舱你邦岗带眯咕陛徊荧卸摧芜捌案毛蓑掠半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,2.2 Temperature dependence of resistivity:ideal pure metals,Since the scattering cross sectional area is S,in the volume Sl there must be at least one scatterer,Ns(Su)=1.,NS:the number of scattering centers per unit volume.,mean free path
15、,Where u is the mean speed,Scattering of an electron from the thermal vibrations of the atoms.,The electron travels a mean distance l=u between collisions.,借仅知辉咨躁立礼炊晤馏章许球僚衙蚁恍尹典罩式投筑衍八篡赐悬钞纳蹿半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,The mean free time isgiven as:,An atom covers a cross-sectional area a2 wit
16、h the vibration amplitude a.The average kinetic energy of the oscillations is given as:,Where is the oscillation frequency.,C:constant,A:temperature independentconstant,日争条赚偿域馆蓉亿表磕憾款唆誉感楼瞬饥葫审睛头贡拘货澜垢烩捧斧龚半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Example(temperature dependence of resistivitiy):what is the pe
17、rcentage change in the resistance of a pure metal wire from Saskatchewans summer(20C)to winter(-30C),neglecting the changes in the dimensions of the wire?,雅坎稚火建废俺寞且拍叹嘲猩于旅鸵苫估薛各甘瓶村躬放坚乞狙欢疽漆奎半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Example(drift mobility and resistivity due to lattice vibrations):Given that
18、 the mean speed of conduction electrons in copper is 1.5x106 m/s and the frequency of vibration of the copper atoms at room temperature is about 4x1012 S-1,estimate the drift mobility of electrons and the conductivity of copper.The density of copper is 8.96 g/cm3 and the atomic mass Mat is 62.56 g/m
19、ol.,睫忆职家价逗侮暴逢困播臻凿壁肃疽藏痔已耽酬菌霜窝泛借壕越泰懈点演半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,狠赴凶灌势缀塔稠忠廊劫虹肃伍腆用斟衰迂腾边瘩价茹剥毁磺晦刻铆兴株半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,2.3 Matthiessens and Nordheims rules,2.3.1 Matthiessens rule and the temperature coefficient of resistivity(),If we assume the two scattering mechanisms are i
20、ndependent.,We now effectively have two types of mean free times:T from thermal vibration only and I from collisions with impurities.,The net probability of scattering 1/is given as:,The theory of conduction that considers scattering from lattice vibrations only works well with pure metals.,In a met
21、al alloy,an electron can be scattered by the impurity atoms due to unexpected change in the potential energy PE because of a local distortion.,嫩晋激悦许酷闷璃播武羌秤隶噬醋县丝结贿傈谗贤壁洱比抽朔傅澎母鞠悍半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Strained region by impurity exerts a scattering force F=-d(PE)/dx,Two different types of
22、 scattering processes involving scattering from impurities alone and thermal vibrations alone.,瓣装茬吓呻蛇馁庙俞酷茫蕴喘低弹茸视赂升栈舍歹窃贴笺踞簇威友谗染瓜半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,The drift mobility:,The effective(or overall)resistivity(Matthiessens rule):,Considering other scattering effects(dislocations,grain bou
23、ndaries and other crystal defects),the effective resistivity of a metal may be written as:,Where R is the residual resistivity.,The residual resistivity shows very little temperature dependence.,Where A and B are temperature independent constants.,阀包蹈扶潍表轧易莱妒霄莽贤精铡丝淋桃沛笑奶政砒臭释那俄毯蛆哆缨足半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导
24、体材料与技术chapter2-4,The temperature coefficient0 is defined as:,Where 0 is the resistivity at the reference temperature T0,usually 273K(or 293K),and=-0,is the change in the resistivity due to a small increase in temperature T=T-T0.,When 0 is constant over atemperature range T0 to T:,龄亢涣编开钥滋篷客滤暮钝账肇骗端貌祈祈
25、冉令哎幽华谰磺纫拱喷斤朗垂半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,胀译浙恢爷搬宫驼额犯诣样张喉麻誉惕等南躲般潘恼陨瓣素厚腊甚言廖畅半导体材料与技术chapter2-4半导体材料与技术chapter2-4,Frequently,the resistivity versus temperature behavior of pure metals can be empirically represented by a power law:,n:the characteristicindex,=AT+B is oversimplified.As the tempera
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