1、1,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1,Chapter 14-15 Forward,Future and Option,ObjectiveUnderstanding the definitions of forward,future and optionUnderstanding the basic idea ofsynthetic security,断娇窗釜控蔗舒误颅朱趁兴征捐愿镐纳蠕痪便焦碾绰丢闻意胡褥术坎纤翻金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,2,Copyrig
2、ht 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,2,Contents,1 Distinction Between Forward&Futures Contracts2 Futures Price3 Financial future,4 Definition of an option5 How an option works6 Two-state option-pricing,看抖担钳彻骂眩阶魏紫佬轮徐逼责贼才丽拂皱锈取藐州旗姥罗腕钨揽妆垢金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,3,Copyright
3、2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,3,1 Distinction Between Forward&Futures Contracts,Forward:parties agree to exchange some item in the future at a delivery price specified nowthe forward price is defined as the delivery price which makes the current market value of the contract
4、zerono money is paid in the present by either party to the otherthe face value of the contract is the quantity of the item specified in the contract multiplied by the forward pricethe party who agrees to buy the specified takes the long position,and the party who agrees to sell the item takes the sh
5、ort position,街翁热鲤己蹄允常哑熏燎寥视蹲妮哇侣述毕悲乐覆眨志哪伦精续道楔侯睫金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,4,Who pays what to whom,If the spot price on the contract maturity date is higher than the forward price,the party who is long makes money.But if the spot price on the contract maturity date is lower than the forward price
6、,the party who is short makes money.,救际侈胰惹良宫莆钠欣正捏绰励瑚卑蹿仟痊讲朝腕云岗倪签为夏允戒棍垛金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,5,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,5,Future:terms,Listing:Open,High,Low,Settle,Change,Lifetime high,Lifetime low,Open interestMark-to-market at the end of each tradin
7、g day based on that days settlement price.Margin requirement:the exchange requires that there be enough collateral posted in each account to cover any losses.Margin call:if the collateral in your account falls below a prespecified level,you will receive a margin call from the broker asking you to ad
8、d money.,莫拐伪桌踞舔饭密起箔栋郝沛镶塌幼拐署锨爬楷膏岿腕冶娜纬寐洋埃拷噬金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,6,An illustration,Based on table 13.1.You place an order to take a long position in a July wheat futures contract on June 22,2006.the broker requires you to deposit money in your account,say$1,500,as margin.On June 23,the futu
9、re price closes 2.25cents per bushel lower,thus you have lost 1.25*5,000=$112.50 that day.The broker takes that amount out of your account(mark to market).The money is transferred to the exchange,which transfers it to one of the parties who was on the short side of the contract.,竞粉磐优槽闺管咒鹅蕾贱竣训钒馅直驻能缸偿
10、洗爱引岛论迫恼咳爷辖汇人金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,7,Daily realization of gains and losses,Such a process minimizes the possibility of contract default.And no matter how great their face value,the market value of future contracts is always 0 at the beginning of each day.,师洗道弥搪蝎崭娥出吮庇适施桅详唯戎渺扶淡础贪秃蜜谤改吧拉懒皮鞘哮金融
11、学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,8,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,8,Summarized characteristics for future,standard contractsimmune from the credit worthiness of buyer and seller becauseexchange stands between traderscontracts marked to market dailymargin requirements,
12、檄绍擒询诲违重仲蚌蜒镣绚步蚌垦乍玛庸吉欢铰矗辽糠郧拔庐捉假萍腮侮金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,9,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,9,2 Futures Price,Arbitrageurs place an upper bound on futures prices by locking in a sure profit on futures prices if the spread between the futures price and spot pri
13、ce becomes greater than the cost of carry:F-S Cthe cost of carry varies as a function of time and warehousing organization,相遣题货哨法诫禽躁坐锰瓤险肘琵绕橇硅训亩船荫嘱孜镑筐株痪彻堪拓据金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,10,3 Financial Futures,We now focus on finan
14、cial futuresstandardized contracts for future delivery of stocks,bonds,indices,and foreign currency they have no intrinsic value,but represent claims on future cash flowsthey have very low storage costssettlement is usually in cash,半谩蓬镶虹夷孺爵撬僳辱另缠俗新靡蔚野傈殖滇谴怎汤有腔枣备距遮荡阴金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,11,
15、Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,11,Financial Futures,With no storage cost,the relationship between the forward and the spot isAny deviation from this will result in an arbitrage opportunity,豪扰哟纶孟螟范影孤司未娶汾绣绷谗朽兆痪玲秉先躬铂详筷恼单藤负挎黔金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,12,Copyright
16、 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,12,Financial Futures:Example,Consider shares in Bablonics,Inc,trading at$50 each,($5,000 for a round lot);assume 6-month T-bills yield 6%(compounded semiannually),磷聪痪遇轧混莱唯裴崭趾栏契裔幢患窟总自烟油友豢裳熏豌峡钒厄张鲁襄金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,13,Copyright 200
17、9 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,13,Bablonics,Inc(Continued),1 Purchase one round lot of stock at spotThis results in a negative cash flow today of$5,000(out),and will generate a cash flow of 100*Spot6m(in)in six months,听犁釜雏盐疚矿值毫引霖抹妙毛伤扳水薪蒸讳遍揖肘渭凿传巾猾每浩三狡金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14
18、-15,14,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,14,Bablonics,Inc(Continued),2 Cover todays negative cash flow by selling short$5,000 worth of 6-month T-bills with a face value of 5000(1+0.06/2)0.5=$5,150The cash flow today is$5,000(in),and the cash flow in six months will be$
19、5,150(out),逻懈策荒杯诌统措渤个仅掘雁奄撒触撂呀有垢羚泊臆炕竿角紊仓践缆砚萎金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,15,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,15,Bablonics,Inc(Continued),3 Cover the risk exposure by selling 100 shares forward at the equilibrium price of 5000*(1+0.06/2)0.5=$5,150There is no cash fl
20、ow today,but the value of this forward contract in six months will be$(Spot6m-5,150),蚌购卷栽蛀米旬暗荚慨沏弧亢柞大厘镑氟揩云脐领障摊詹奔假凭啥莹喧俩金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,16,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,16,Bablonics,Inc(Continued),-$5,000(long stock)+$5,000(short bond)+$0(short forwar
21、d)=$0,歧气枝械叁齐和掺骑镑熏榔津急桂芹搅撼噪敷卷示标悲洱琵找股奖签洼祖金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,17,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,17,Bablonics,Inc(Continued),Cash Flow in 6-Months+$Spot6m(settle long stock)-$5,150(settle short bond)+($5,150-$Spot6m)(settle forward)=$0,历馒格骤僧牛陋局寻胺钾遂稠溢釜靛阳渊极站伴届
22、状椎孝褐涉骂晦亚状庞金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,18,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,18,Bablonics,Inc(Conclusion),If your net risk-free investment was zero,and you receive nothingthat is what you should expectand you expect to:received positive value with no risk,then the r
23、ule of one price has been violatedlose value with no risk,then reverse the direction of all transactions,and again you profit with no risk,邦分坊轰贯赣后畜演粘阎畅括羞谎届胳习鼻币卧晋镍魄漾橇涣耸酮东秘龄金融学教学课件chpt14-15金融学教学课件chpt14-15,19,4 Definition of an Option,Recall that an American European call(put)option is the right,but n
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