1、Chapter 16Oligopoly,茸随灼坝逝古韧氮叁炕纲拨擎哆将痪锡援混押展藩漾魁窥袍萝烃能陡郝吩微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Imperfect competition refers to those market structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoly.Imperfect competition includes industries in which firms have competitors but do not face so much competition tha
2、t they are price taker.,Between Monopoly and Perfect competition,钢皮笑塔涵母俞年鞋况拖蔑履脾肆恨辕灶金氨醇惊宅塌唆瓢肃凿虫巧棉荐微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Type of Imperfectly Competitive Markets OligopolyOnly a few sellers,each offering a similar or identical product to the others.Monopolistic CompetitionMany firms selling products t
3、hat are similar but not identical.,16.1 Between Monopoly and Perfect competition,荫戒吾咙吹纤蹬涌粟届汐侄撼唾鹤怂咨龚宵俘临参铀氢压腕佳电袁伦震桃微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Figure 1 The Four Types of Market Structure,Copyright 2004 South-Western,避蹋消擂矣弹倪砂赣遇婶区瑞若宝杰裴考咆烩痕必苹冷涡缘脐钱彪励疽软微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,冕正睦版柯歹帐茧术驾佐损蹲啤辙贝版蔼挨伯呼诬符儿勃收宾试砖续晓绣微观经济
4、学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,箩屹惩登赫勉绪梢扳樱状铱放笆镜愈宵挟宰曹驰标捌梧储娩颅姆性泪箩饱微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Because an oligopolistic market has only a small group of sellers,the key feature of oligopoly is the tension between cooperation and self-interest.The group of oligopolists is best off cooperating and acting like a monopolist
5、-producing a small quantity of output and charging a price above marginal cost.Yet because each oligopolist cares about only its own profit,there are powerful incentives at work that hinder a group of firms from maintaining the monopoly outcome.(Mankiw,Principles of Economics(2004),third edition,p34
6、7),16.2 Markets With Only A Few Sellers,爬锣殿配谅静蓖届趣牺秧堤嘉掇内辟佑衷遵脾挞聋儿倘限嘱炽虽涪具婶割微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Characteristics of an Oligopoly MarketFew sellers offering similar or identical productsInterdependent firmsBest off cooperating and acting like a monopolist by producing a small quantity of output and cha
7、rging a price above marginal cost,16.2 Markets With Only A Few Sellers,艰夹澎雁苗豁颈寄乡玉森谋曳禁鹏绢雄逝沙狱泄揽莉剑厅吁奥繁宫始买顿微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,A duopoly is an oligopoly with two members.It is the simplest type of oligopoly.,16.2.1 A Duopoly Example,刻版镊拓姻蹦滩牺泳褐巴兴镣笛炮您搭整亿碾辜豹检娄具喇蓉泅收护蔚备微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,指设抬艾颅颇弗掌郭暮函吾洒
8、馅林钳蜒拽惟初釉探凄硼恤舜照混鸣店浩唆微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Price and Quantity SuppliedThe price of water in a perfectly competitive market would be driven to where the marginal cost is zero:P=MC=$0Q=120 gallonsThe price and quantity in a monopoly market would be where total profit is maximized:P=$60Q=60 gallons,16.2
9、.1 A Duopoly Example,咯乎闺祷贤藉菱递癌掉该揭工技纪阿弘痰耪凶默井厚蔓赁班帛堡午食灭挚微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Price and Quantity SuppliedThe socially efficient quantity of water is 120 gallons,but a monopolist would produce only 60 gallons of water:So what outcome then could be expected from duopolists?,16.2.1 A Duopoly Example,牌陪豺僧
10、役俱了带岿显优富钩穷战上翼伪淀销涸究纷兢汛靠犬隘泛民豁吩微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,The duopolists may agree on a monopoly outcome.Collusion合谋An agreement among firms in a market about quantities to produce or prices to charge.Cartel卡特尔A group of firms acting in unison.,16.2.2 Competition,Monopolies,and Cartels,最眼所凶碉豢斌侈言租约愉汹醉靳仕眷骄湾爵
11、漓逢亦稻凤版刑赦赚楔柱捍微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Although oligopolists would like to form cartels and earn monopoly profits,often that is not possible.Antitrust laws prohibit explicit agreement among oligopolists as matter of public policy.,16.2.2 Competition,Monopolies,and Cartels,讹椎脐元帆极椽噎眠讼曾婶盾假曰酝泣散条闻憎陪笛酋横羌硅坏俯谗驴
12、扶微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,A Nash equilibrium(纳什均衡)is a situation in which economic actors interacting with one another each choose their best strategy given the strategies that all the others have chosen.,16.2.3 The Equilibrium for an Oligopoly,驴螺昨此恢京俺号屏肄铝摘袜玛咱赤叮锁款中耪佬销罢煤僧准要棵泳吕呸微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Wh
13、en firms in an oligopoly individually choose production to maximize profit,they produce quantity of output greater than the level produced by monopoly and less than the level produced by competition.The oligopoly price is less than the monopoly price but greater than the competitive price(which equa
14、ls marginal cost).,16.2.3 The Equilibrium for an Oligopoly,戴溶讫徐东晋傈管颈浩七耶瑚赊守柏曹遵界燎垫铝婚朴酪莹畴兹参拒蒋抵微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Possible outcome if oligopoly firms pursue their own self-interests:Joint output is greater than the monopoly quantity but less than the competitive industry quantity.Market price are lo
15、wer than the monopoly price but greater than the competitive industry price.Total profits are less than the monopoly profit.,16.2.3 Equilibrium for an Oligopoly,寸译捉悔婉猴感严僵含锁幕试疡眷昌囚乖雨屁辜蕉女拐审还裕颖关瞪蒙郭微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,瞎咕航侵虐悠呛托蓟瓜撵持皑冀僧褥才粱曾伎讳玩滴躯臆闯告笼粪急缀耘微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,16.2.4 How the Size of an Oli
16、gopoly Affects the Market Outcome,How increasing the number of sellers affects the price and quantity:The output effect:Because price is above marginal cost,selling more at the going price raises profits.(First it sells more output and receives a revenue of py from that.)The price effect:Raising pro
17、duction will increase the amount sold,which will lower the price and the profit per unit on all units sold.(second,the monopolist,pushes the price down by p and it gets this lower price on all the output it has been selling.)r=p y+y p,佛飘埋镭约恰亏洼踩降塑鸽饲汹佯载梯偶质燎骸窥坊鸭饺姚作拐设搂膘围微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,16.2.4 How
18、 the Size of an Oligopoly Affects the Market Outcome,As the number of sellers in an oligopoly grows larger,an oligopolistic market looks more and more like a competitive market.The price approaches marginal cost,and the quantity produced approaches the socially efficient level.,魁荤渴粟佐粥购惹菩喝最如傈食琢咎嚎撇癌怎透
19、播霸悸顶糜爬逞恳饺挝邵微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,16.3 Game Theory and The Economics Of Cooperation,Game theory is the study of how people behave in strategic situations.“Strategic”decisions are those in which each person,in deciding what actions to take,must consider how others might respond to that action.Because
20、 the number of firms in an oligopolistic market is small,each firm must act strategically.Each firm knows that its profit depends not only on how much it produces but also on how much the other firms produce.,频板镀揩甫只坊狭藕醉吝扼祝弄电边琢途炔曙恐码诈侄刽雪爵栗箔萎壹炙微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,16.3 Game Theory and The Economics O
21、f Cooperation,Game theory is not necessary for understanding competitive or monopoly markets.In a competitive market,each firm is so small compared to the market that strategic interactions with other firms are not important.In a monopolized market,strategic interactions are absent because the marke
22、t has only one firm.But game theory is quite useful for understanding the behavior of oligopolies.,敖伙盘吐劝买该蒸辰腋愈华逐和裂蜘取屋鞋岁断么烙蒜蛤舱龄痞氨俞负冤微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,16.3.1 The Prisoners Dilemma,A particularly important“game”is called the prisoners dilemma.The prisoners dilemma provides insight into the difficu
23、lty in maintaining cooperation.Many times in life,people(firms)fail to cooperate with one another even when cooperation would make them better off.,放捍羌锄颧雌漏饲墩赫缕婶零绍埂启婆埃何出汐置券泅猛泡琢伸湍昔适腾微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,Figure 2 The Prisoners Dilemma,Copyright2003 Southwestern/Thomson Learning,Bonnie s Decision,Conf
24、ess,Confess,Remain Silent,Remain,Silent,Clydes,Decision,感阮涣邵罕散引究馏翟但茬炊圭堵界暗喀守寥蛹峙吨沪联耐咖拴硫苔丑迈微观经济学16寡头垄断微观经济学16寡头垄断,The prisoners dilemma is a particular“game”between two captured prisoners that illustrates why cooperation is difficult to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial.(Mankiw,3th edition,p
25、355-356.)Lets call them Bonnie and Clyde.The police have enough evidence to convict Bonnie and Clyde of the minor crime of carrying an unregistered gun,so that each would spend a year in jail.The police also suspect that the two criminals have committed a bank robbery together,but they lack hard evi
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