1、1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam Blowpipe guide is 1.4, and thermal power engineering a
2、djustment try shipped quality test and the evaluation standard 2, and #1 furnace started debugging organization measures and the related provides 2.1, and organization Division: for guarantee wide up thermal power plant #1 furnace started debugging and the part steam machine system of smooth voted s
3、hipped, special established #1 furnace try shipped professional group, members following: leader: Deputy Leader: supervision: crew: wide up try shipped personnel: wide up acceptance personnel: 2.2, and debugging, and try shipped content: boiler auxiliary machine Division debugging electric dust of D
4、ivision try turned and the debugging baking furnace Cook furnace boiler rushed tube, and blow sweep security door check 2.3, and operation provides and the Division: #1 furnace debugging, and try shipped by #1 furnace try shipped professional group requirements for, which single try turned and Divis
5、ion try shipped by xD three company led is responsible for. all moving operation operation must be in strict accordance with the prior authorization of the #1 boiler commissioning professional working group, and after starting, the test command-approved #1 furnace steps in the test programme, event
6、of temporary changes be reported to headquarters approval. commissioning, trial operation process is required for each project by Northwest electric power construction company ready equipment installation records, and fill in the test application form, the a and b sides after passing the checks, fil
7、l in partial commissioning checking before a visa, reported head of the approval, carried out by the leader of unified command. About each action are made by the leader of a unified command, operation after the report to the team leader. Without the Directors consent shall not unilaterally make any
8、startup operation, such as single operations, who is responsible for all security responsibilities, with no ties to the other side. all before the first turn of the motor, must be approved by both parties a common roll insulation measurement can be carried out properly. After the end of each project
9、 commissioning, fill in partial acceptance visa trial shipments. As motor in rotating equipment commissioning test switch and mechanical part of their trial cannot continuously, this is considered two test projects shall be carried out according to the above four steps. 2.4, and attached work votes
10、issued people, and license people, and work head list: party electrical first species, and second species work votes license people list: party engine work votes license people list: b electrical first species, and second species work votes issued people: b hot control professional issued people lis
11、t: b hot control professional work head: b steam machine professional work votes issued people: b steam machine professional work votes head: b boiler professional work votes issued people: b boiler professional work votes head: attached: about personnel of contact phone party b Division 3, boiler a
12、uxiliary equipment debugging scenarios 3.1, send, induced draft fan try turned 3.1.1, try turning the former requirements of:, fan body and motor installed, based the second Grouting ends, and the concrete strength is up., coupling the Centre has finished aligning standards, approved
13、 visa., bearing clearance normal outer rims and bearing clearance is up to standard., Benton . Condition. 5.1.3, oven starts all range of comprehensive systems have been installed, grate, delivery, fan and slag machine to try to transfer a qualified acceptance and visas. 5.1.4, boile
14、r pressure parts, body pipe all installed, water pressure test and acceptance of visa. 5.1.5, thermal, electrical and instrument installation, single school qualified to simulate joint school qualified, ready to operate. 5.1.6, furnace wall masonry and pipe insulation, corrosion protection all over,
15、 and acceptance. Boiler air and flue gas ducts clean, clutter-free, external oven site has been cleaned up. 5.1.7, ESP installation completion and acceptance of visa, water-film dust collector completes the installation of approved3.3.4 施工准备3.3.4.1 技术准备在构件制作前,工厂应按施工图纸的要求以及建筑钢结构焊接技术规程的要求进行焊接工艺评定试验。生产
16、制造过程应严格按工艺评定的有关参数和要求进行,通过跟踪检测,如发现按照工艺评定规范生产质量不稳定,应重做工艺评定,以使质量稳定。根据施工制造方案和钢结构技术规范以及招标文件的有关要求编制各类施工工艺,组织有关部门进行工艺评审。 材料要求(1)钢材及焊接材料应按施工图的要求选用,其性能和质量必须符合国家标准和行业标准的规定,并应具有质量证明书或检验报告。如果用其他钢材和焊材代换时,须经设计单位同意,并按相应工艺文件施焊。(2)按指定焊丝的牌号和规格使用。 主要机具 作业条件(1)熔嘴电渣焊不允许露天作业。当气温低于0,相对湿度大于或等于90,网路电压严
17、重波动时不得施焊。(2)焊接区应保持干燥、不得有油、锈和其他污物。(3)熔嘴电渣焊焊剂在使用前应按产品说明书规定的烘焙时间和烘焙温度进行烘焙,不得含灰尘、铁屑和其他杂物。烘干温度一般为250,时间2h。4)熔嘴孔内受潮、生锈或沾有污物时不得使用。5)熔嘴不应有明显锈蚀和弯曲,用前250、1h 烘干,在左右存放和待用。6)焊丝的盘绕应整齐紧密,没有硬碎弯、锈蚀和油污。焊丝盘上的焊丝量最少不得少于焊一条焊缝所需焊丝量。7)所有焊机的各部位均应处于正常工作状态。8)焊机的电流表、电压表和调节旋钮刻度指数的指示正确性和偏差数要清楚明确。9)保证电源的供应和稳定性,避免焊接中途断电和网压波动过大。10)
18、施焊前,焊工应复核焊接件的接头质量和焊接区域的坡口、间隙、钝边等的处理情况。当发现有不符合要求时,应修整合格后方可施焊。3.3.5 材料和质量要求3.3.5.1 材料的关键要求(1)焊接材料的品种、规格、性能等应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。(2)重要钢结构采用的焊接材料应进行抽样复验,复验结果应符合现行国家产品标准和设计要求。(3)熔嘴不应有明显锈蚀和弯曲;焊剂不应受潮结块。(4)所用钢材及焊接材料的规格、型号、材质以及外观检查,均应符合设计图纸和规程的要求。 技术关键要求焊工应严格按照焊接工艺及技术操作规程施焊。 质量关键要求建筑钢结构焊接质量检查应由专业技术
19、人员担任,并须经岗位培训取得质量检查员岗位合格证书。 职业健康安全关键要求焊工须有合格证及施焊资格,禁止无证上岗。 环境关键要求熔嘴电渣焊不允许露天作业。当气温低于0、相对湿度大于或等于90、网路电压严重波动时不得施焊。3.3.6 施工工艺3.3.6.1 工艺流程 操作工艺(1)施焊前,检查组装间隙的尺寸,装配缝隙应保持在1mm 以下;当缝隙大于1mm时,应采取措施进行修整和补救。(2)检查焊接部位的清理情况,焊接断面及其附近的油污、铁锈和氧化物等污物必须清除干净。(3)焊道两端应按工艺要求设置引弧板和熄弧板。(4)安装管状熔嘴并调整对中,熔嘴下端距
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 钢结构 熔嘴电渣焊焊关接 施工工艺 准则
