1、Gay is now a provincial key construction project of aluminum Ltd-province with an annual output of 50,000 tons of technical innovation project of environmental protection and energy saving of electrolytic aluminum project manager. In this technological transformation projects, he has overall respons
2、ibility for the day-to-day affairs of the project. In order to ensure that southern companys control the scale of investment, strengthen field management, pay special attention to project progress, and ensure a successful operation, the overall goal. He and Engineering Department under the leadershi
3、p of all the staff in the companys technical command, on the difficulties and to overcome technical difficulties in the process, work hard, have made outstanding achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, careful organization and management achieved remarkable results. Technical
4、 innovation project of the year, started and completed a series of bids and completed to date, from production engineering to put into production after nearly a year, has achieved very significant results. A project first 56 slots from dismantling the old slot just 168 days, civil engineering, insta
5、llation, commissioning, guarantee engineering quality under the premise, on the production side transformation under difficult conditions, created the national industrys fastest speeds. II 32 large prebaked electrolytic cell on November 7 has been installed, marks has an annual production capacity o
6、f 50,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum production capacity of aluminum. Entire project almost 8 months earlier than planned, achieved the goal of production transformation benefits that year, created favorable conditions for aluminum through South. Second, effectively control the investment. Project
7、 is subject to a scientific approach to bidding, bidding to make savings of 20 million Yuan, in the implementation process of the project, every domestic prices of steel, cement and other building materials, the old buildings on the base encountered great difficulties in dealing with significant inc
8、rease in the volume of civil engineering, but through rationalization and optimization, project control in fixed investment of 350 million Yuan. Third, environmental energy-saving effect of the project. Project investment of nearly 30 million Yuan, using large prebake technology and aluminum oxide d
9、ense phase and hyper dense phase conveying technology, fluoride and other harmful gases purification efficiency of up to 98%. Compared with Soderberg cell before the modification, power consumption can be reduced by 1500 tons of electrolytic aluminum, and project environmental protection and energy
10、saving effect is obvious. Four are in a relatively short period of time to the normal production. After four months of efforts, a project has put into operation all the 54 240KA large cell into regular production, stable current channel conditions and all the economic indicators are good, current ef
11、ficiency in October had reached 93%, is close to and reach the domestic advanced level. In the case of production half of the cell, this effect can be achieved and better level in the industry. 50,000 tons of electrolytic modification process, from preliminary study to equipment selection, cost cont
12、rol, project progress, quality control and coordination among the various sub-projects and various professional, technical command under the correct leadership, both from an overall perspective, emphasis on integrity, and earnestly implement the relevant laws and regulations, strictly act according
13、to the contract. He tried to learn relevant knowledge, good style of business, operational and organizational coordination ability, project efficiency, quality and safety assurance system in place, with all units involved with the coordination and good .17年产100公斤高效植物生长调节剂油菜甾醇内酯项目江西省科技计划项目可行性研究报告计划类别
14、:科技攻关计划项目名称:农业高技术研究与产业化开发项目类别:农业科技攻关计划重大、重点项目课题名称:年产100公斤高效植物生长调节剂油菜甾醇内酯申请单位: 上海威敌生化(南昌)有限公司 (盖章)项目(课题)负责人:张小兵起止年限: 2005-2007通讯地址、邮编: 江西省进贤县工业开发区威化路(331700)联系电话、传真:0791-5690509,8326534 (Email: ryb3399)报告编制单位: 上海威敌生化(南昌)有限公司江西省科技厅制二二年六月一、总论(一)项目的主要内容及技术原理简述本项目的主要内容涉及到一类高效植物生长调节剂的合成技术开发及改进。本项目的技术原理是综合
15、利用现代有机化学合成技术对已有的生产技术进行改进,提高产品得率,减少污染,降低生产成本。植物生长调节剂(plant growth regulator),早期叫做植物激素(plant hormone或photohormone),正式命名为植物生长调节物质(plant growth substance),具备以下两个特点:(1)它们不是能够提供能量的营养物质;(2)它们在很低浓度下即可促进或抑制或改变植物的发育进程。在生长物质中,有五大类因普遍存在于植物中而被公认为植物激素,包括生长素(auxin)、赤霉素(gibberellin)、乙烯(ethylene)、脱落酸(abscisic acid)和
16、细胞分裂素(cytokinin)(Scheme 1)。除内生的生长物质以外,一些人工合成的化合物具备上述条件也可广义地称作植物生长调节物质。随着科学的不断发展,新的植物生长调节物继续被科学家们发现,如油菜素内酯(brassinolide)、多胺(polyamine)、膨压素(turgorin)、茉莉酸(jasmonicacid) 、寡糖素(oligosacharin) 、水杨酸(salicyclic acid) 、系统素(systemin) 和玉米赤霉烯酮(zealenone) 等等,原有的种类数量也在增加,生长素有四种,赤霉素有一百零八种之多,细胞分裂素也有二十多种。由于成本等原因,目前运用
17、较多的只有吲哚乙酸系列、细胞分裂素、乙烯、赤霉素和油菜素内酯等等。市场上许多标注为“植物生长调节剂”的产品大多是以这些有效成分复配或混配的产品,一部分是植物生长抑制物质如三碘苯甲酸、抑芽丹、多效唑、烯效唑、矮壮素、助壮素、丁酰肼(商品名“比久)、调节酸和抗逆倒酯等等。虽然目前人们已经合成了许多具有类似作用的植物生长调节物质,但是合成物质的环境相容性无论如何是比不上天然产物的,即使是天然产物如果大剂量使用在自然环境中的残留也会污染环境,正缘于此使用剂量很低(10-710-9)的油菜素内酯格外引人注意,油菜素内酯也因此被誉为第六代植物生长调节物质。 有机化学(organic chemistry)是
20、收,具有良好的社会和经济效益。油菜甾醇内酯,又称芸薹素内酯。这是一类以甾醇为骨架的植物内源甾体类生理活性物质。20世纪70年代初,美国农业部Beltsuille中心的Mitchell等在尝试从植物花粉中筛选和分离具有高生理活性物质时,试验了60多种花粉,其中以油菜花粉促进大豆苗生长作用最为突出,但这种活性物质在花粉中的浓度仅百万分之一左右。该中心的Mandava等于1979年从40公斤蜂蜜中收集到4毫克纯的高活性物质,经波谱分析和单晶X衍射确定其结构为(Scheme 1): (22R,23R,24S)-2,3,22,23-tetrahydroxy-24-methyl-B-homo-7-oxa-
21、5-cholestan -6-one,其化学结构属于甾醇内酯,故命名为油菜甾醇内酯(brassinolide,简称BR)。油菜素内酯对植物的生长发育具有多种生理功能:促进生长、增加植物的抗逆性、延缓衰老和促进细胞的再分化等等,但最突出的生理作用就是促进植物的生长。油菜素内酯可以明显促进绿豆和大豆上胚轴及油菜幼苗下胚轴的伸长,提高水稻、小麦、大豆和棉花等的产量。在园艺作物方面,24-表油菜素内酯可以提高黄瓜、葡萄、西瓜和番茄的结果率,促进芹菜、菠菜和平菇的生长。尽管油菜素内酯与生长素促进生长的作用有协同作用,但油菜素内酯促进生长的信号传导途径与生长素是不同的。在生长素缺乏的条件下油菜素内酯单独也
23、壁的物理特性,这是油菜素内酯所特有的作用,生长素诱导伸长的靶位组织为表皮,可能正是这种差别造成了油菜素内酯促进生长的迟效性和后效性。油菜素内酯促进生长的机制也不同于赤霉素,虽然都可以使节间伸长,但油菜素内酯处理的节间较粗,而且油菜素内酯的有效浓度要低得多。赤霉素只是引起细胞变大,而油菜素内酯有双重效应(伸长和分裂),引起伸长、弯曲和开裂。用赤霉素抑制剂ancymidol可以抑制赤霉素引起的绿豆上胚轴的伸长,但对油菜素内酯的促进生长效应无抑制作用。在植物体内, 油菜素内酯的活性水平在油菜素内酯生物合成代谢及去活化等层次上受到精细调控,油菜素内酯的生物合成呈代谢网格状(metabolic grid
24、), 其生物合成酶受到终产物和信号转导的一些中间组分的反馈抑制。从油菜素内酯信号的产生, 包括油菜素内酯的合成活性与水平的调节及运输, 到与膜受体结合引起信号的感知和传递, 并最终引起油菜素内酯诱导基因的表达和特定的生理反应, 是一个连续且相互影响的过程, 并且每一个环节都受到多种内外因子在多个层次上的调节。油菜素内酯作为有重要生理功能的信号分子, 其信号转导途径的第一步就是被其受体接受。油菜素内酯受体的研究进展得益于对油菜素内酯非敏感型突变体的研究。目前, 关于油菜素内酯分子与BRI1的结合方式还不完全清楚, 由于BRI1中含有的LRR结构域通常与一些蛋白或多肽结合, 而不是与甾醇这样的小分
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