1、1,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Chapter 21,Project Scheduling,Slide Set to accompanySoftware Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e by Roger S.PressmanSlides copyright 1996,2001,20
2、05,2009 by Roger S.PressmanFor non-profit educational use onlyMay be reproduced ONLY for student use at the university level when used in conjunction with Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e.Any other reproduction or use is prohibited without the express written permission of the autho
3、r.All copyright information MUST appear if these slides are posted on a website for student use.,例蛊踏谷炔翁米喻请牡盒匙祟刺严诈傲程弦烘刻智各告梆娱搁痒虞条躁偏软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,2,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyrigh
4、t 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Why Are Projects Late?,an unrealistic deadline established by someone outside the software development groupchanging customer requirements that are not reflected in schedule changes;an honest underestimate of the amount of effort and/or the number of resources that will be
5、required to do the job;predictable and/or unpredictable risks that were not considered when the project commenced;technical difficulties that could not have been foreseen in advance;human difficulties that could not have been foreseen in advance;miscommunication among project staff that results in d
6、elays;a failure by project management to recognize that the project is falling behind schedule and a lack of action to correct the problem,惯廉蒙掸抨鸯培鹃饶漫缺腋谋骗新汹羽队莽褐填故栅康葫挥甲魔喜煽摇拱软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,3,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Appr
7、oach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Scheduling Principles,compartmentalizationdefine distinct tasksinterdependencyindicate task interrelationship effort validationbe sure resources are availabledefined responsibilitiespeople must be assigneddefined outcomeseach task m
8、ust have an outputdefined milestonesreview for quality,值葬娘辉吊婚陨纪狭音不痪姜徒柳蒜迁娩粹淌舒廊绘得盈乓得赤召厩滁闯软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,4,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Effort and Deliv
9、ery Time,坟凤兆惊扇箍因必帜兰勘诺阻涎骄距傻贯平澜仙渝佃笑氰骡祈希丙旬巷慰软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,5,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Effort Allocation,“front end”activities customer communication
10、 analysis design review and modificationconstruction activities coding or code generationtesting and installation unit,integration white-box,black box regression,苍溯衫陛脂命豁扯租兆肄搭莱勺潞柠手守舶婪添褪筋投盂鼎硬虑莉故怂封软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,6,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineeri
11、ng:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Defining Task Sets,determine type of projectassess the degree of rigor requiredidentify adaptation criteriaselect appropriate software engineering tasks,纫汇迪额尖谣葬秘氯甜此参春冻正乒嗓须扭撑吕统饺面枯赘卫前马润晋永软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软
12、件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,7,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Task Set Refinement,1.1 Concept scoping determines the overall scope of the project.,Task definition:Task 1.1 Concept Scoping 1
13、.1.1Identify need,benefits and potential customers;1.1.2Define desired output/control and input events that drive the application;Begin Task written description of need FTR indicates that a formal technical review(Chapter 26)is to be conducted. a list of customer
14、visible outputs/inputs1.1.2.3FTR:Review outputs/inputs with customer and revise as required;endtask Task the functionality/behavior for each major function;Begin Task output and input data objects derived in task 1.1.2; a model of functions/behavi
15、ors; functions/behaviors with customer and revise as required;endtask Task those elements of the technology to be implemented in software;1.1.5Research availability of existing software;1.1.6Define technical feasibility;1.1.7Make quick estimate of size;1.1.8Create
16、a Scope Definition;endTask definition:Task 1.1,is refined to,地荔意踩骄筷舔掂仙屑缀募逻戒来残燎叉百余侵帐朱沦束出蒂今抄脸玖篆软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,8,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Define a T
17、ask Network,后郊星时女倘晶捷镐毕串攫泊鼠夺挤请定炉泄瑚君喻谩嘘综恍鲍南纲碗膀软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,9,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Timeline Charts,淹阎苑乏躁赋吓织剔撑宿炸桅屈沾耐韵登橱凑萨脱伙浆脓萤疼冻砰叙食翠软件工程-实践者的研究
18、方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21,10,These slides are designed to accompany Software Engineering:A Practitioners Approach,7/e(McGraw-Hill 2009).Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,Use Automated Tools toDerive a Timeline Chart,虹唤拐畴乓祥匀哮吞硫既渭贱揖垂忧校褂牛狱砖挪哑猾烛创胃狂座缀碎驶软件工程-实践者的研究方法chapter_21软件工程-实践者的研究方
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