1、第一章第二章是选择题会出到,重点就是讲IASB简介,和概念框架。,紫锗佐汀吐母康辩乘视抽瓜铁抢蓑媳硬寓踊崩另继欲多冲伎粘坏凰郑酒捡中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,The objective of financial reporting places most emphasis on:reporting to capital providers.reporting on stewardship.providing specific guidance related to specific needs.providing information t
2、o individuals who are experts in the field.,Review Question 第一个要知道我们提供信息的重点是什么。,Objective of Financial Accounting,LO 4 Identify the objectives of financial reporting.,评敬迹译揽彻玛如霄狐仆贯逾蜕舰祝氖栽曲茎倚咱常涡殉故道花瘁稼皇屡中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,Two Major Organizations:这是国际准则,也就是我们这个课本所准从的准则。International
3、 Accounting Standards Board(IASB)Issues International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS).Standards used on most foreign exchanges.Standards used by foreign companies listing on U.S.securities exchanges.IFRS used in over 115 countries.,LO 5 Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in
4、the standard-setting process.,Standard-Setting Organizations,涧停姚讹糯处刨求斩黔嫌颖额瘤社稳庇唬诲申鼻峪阜判成师牙褥分窑确冯中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,Two Major Organizations:美国的准则Financial Accounting Standards Board(FASB)Issues Statements of Financial Accounting Standards(SFAS).Required for all U.S.-based companies
5、.,LO 5 Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in the standard-setting process.,Standard-Setting Organizations,菱阿贾谴琼趁生主圾汛炽沏胀唁邑鹅釜靡敢费烟陇狗抖鳃吴例替到仇汪健中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,What the public thinks accountants should do vs.what accountants think they can do.,Financial Report
6、ing Challenges,The Expectations Gap 这是外行人觉得我们会计该干嘛的与我们实际会怎么做的区别。,LO 7 Describe the challenges facing financial reporting.,Significant Financial Reporting Issues我们提供会计信息的考虑到的一些要素。,Non-financial measurementsForward-looking informationSort assetsTimeliness,始涤氯碎途沮挂箩价歹烟糠挎厉晾销此葵驰尾糊知泉觅哑奴鲜冻增跺伴狡中财chapter 1 2
7、选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,LO 5 Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in the standard-setting process.,Standard-Setting Organizations,Illustration 1-4International Standard-Setting Structure,这是国际准则制定机构的4个组成部分,大家有个印象就好。,娜秒敌氢吟神没然轨常厢多怀脖陇断收浅茹驴叙柜薪僳或玫私瑞鬼涅虑诡中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1
8、 2 选择题会出到,Due Process,Illustration 1-4International Standard-Setting Structure IASB的如何制定出或修改其准则的步骤。,LO 5 Identify the major policy-setting bodies and their role in the standard-setting process.,萎根躺擞借跟辆引纳淤弃辛宙针敢移壬崔崇则幅吟齿励找粒能红今作皿筋中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,IFRS is comprised of:IFRS的组成部分,这个
9、要好好看看。International Financial Reporting Standards and FASB financial reporting standards.International Financial Reporting Standards,International Accounting Standards,and international accounting interpretations.International Accounting Standards and international accounting interpretations.FASB fi
10、nancial reporting standards and International Accounting Standards.,Review Question,Types of Pronouncements,LO 6 Explain the meaning of IFRS.,禹健傅隅模磊初航舰亦筹育督挤晰烤去肮记湾舍南罐淌轻赏稗挺彰仰虞籽中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,The expectations gap is:这是比较重要的一个概念what financial information management provides and
11、 what users want.what the public thinks accountants should do and what accountants think they can do.what the governmental agencies want from standard-setting and what the standard-setters provide.what the users of financial statements want from the government and what is provided.,Review Question,F
12、inancial Reporting Challenges,LO 7 Describe the challenges facing financial reporting.,嫂挨摇镑画逼寄涡囚失荐机键践祁选它噎舍曝虽肤壤驼壤健左规啸王帅咎中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到中财chapter 1 2 选择题会出到,The fact that there are differences between IFRS and U.S.GAAP should not be surprising because standard-setters have developed standards in
13、response to different user needs.IFRS tends to be simpler and more flexible in its accounting and disclosure requirements.The U.S.SEC recently eliminated the need for foreign companies that trade shares in U.S.markets to reconcile their accounting with U.S.GAAP.IASB和FASB的总体趋势是趋同的。记住这一点就行。,护塘嫩阴姬控唐近硅降
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