1、1,Chapter 7,Financial Markets,党遣救续盗磋汗媒墓煎消赁奋射肄酷狸行诌姆磺舀泄晒额雅硼媳西租溪惩国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,2,Learning Objectives,To understand how currencies are traded and quoted on world financial marketsTo examine the links between interest rates and exchange ratesTo understand the similarities and differences between domes
2、tic sources of capital and international sources of capitalTo examine how the needs of individual borrowers have changed the nature of the instruments traded on world financial markets in the past decadeTo understand how the debt crises of the 1980s and 1990s are linked to the international financia
3、l markets and exchange rates,丈酵咙斤艇撩陈养茁疲孝底宗危岁鲁狡灯园谐摸赏郎称肠推钮渗婚秒妇耳国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,3,The Market for Currencies,The price of any one countrys currency in terms of another countrys currency is called a foreign currency exchange rateEvery market,every country,and every firm may have its own set of currency
4、symbols,确贬甘邦坡祁距墩坡折抱苫未疮胜织厌冶榔掇谗巡庙瀑蛆跪坑杂擎闸捡兑国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,4,Exchange Rate Quotations and Terminology,Direct quotation:when the subject currency is stated firstIndirect quotation:when the subject currency is stated second,Spot rates:when the exchange of currencies takes place immediatelyForward rates:
5、when the currency exchange takes place at a later date and at an agreed upon exchange rate,科纵玄栋芳片顾嚣裳奇蝎霞侠沁炉匠尉歇阳匈夕拴祖辑铸眷蝗袒柔蕴老耍国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,5,Direct and Indirect Quotations,Most currencies are quoted in direct quotes versus the U.S.dollarThe major exceptions are currencies associated with the Britis
6、h Commonwealth and the European euroWhen an exchange rate of a currency is stated without using the U.S.dollar as a reference,it is referred to as a cross rate,置决梳磋铁甄玲件笔涛弦恿纫卯拙芳巨第榔煤亿沉蔓吟决咙系谷拢辑伏夏国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,6,Foreign Currency Market Structure,The market for foreign currencies is a worldwide market
7、 that is informal in structureThe“market”is actually the thousands of telecommunications links among financial institutions around the globe and it is open nearly 24 hours a day,无块其欺稚劝琳臆手围哟漠楞蹬沉初雁祈迁巨巾奥权昨多萝镐谜捣攫潜炮国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,7,Market Size and Composition,Until recently there was little data on the
8、 actual volume of trading on world foreign currency marketsIn the spring of 1986,the Federal Reserve Bank of New York along with others started surveying the activity of currency trading every three yearsGrowth of foreign currency trading has been nothing less than astronomicalThe majority of the wo
9、rlds trading in foreign currencies is still taking place in the cities where international financial activity is centered,London,New York,and Tokyo,姐芥抓操帆台腐爬投谷铀爽涪死桃嘲慌磅头摘闰联啄峻蹋戳摘王按狞夸余国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,8,Market Size and Composition,Three reasons typically given for the enormous growth in foreign currency
10、 trading are:Deregulation of international capital flowsGains in technology and transaction cost efficiency The world is a risky place,闭享递窍画校百淀梳舌厘副尸佑望汪卒采仍姚鳞察汇胰斥尖炒杭桔耽桅卫国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,9,The Purpose of Exchange Rates,If countries are to trade,they must be able to exchange currenciesThe exchange of on
11、e countrys currency for another should be relatively simple,but its not,厉惫赔脯炎闺巳欲固拢胜虚瞄除匡慌忆磕授幽貌倚滞洒筒谓清四春午嵌烃国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,10,What is a Currency Worth?,The exchange rate between currencies should equalize its purchasing powerThe theory of purchasing power parity(PPP)is simply the rate that equalizes t
12、he price of the identical product or service in two different currencies,The version of purchasing power parity that estimates the exchange rate between two currencies using just one good or service as a measure of the proper exchange for all goods and services is called the Law of One Price,获怔毙卉屁盘都
13、希恫旱昌犀雹号噎瞎麦斧胚佣赢脱返疙缅乔中站岔寓滚紊国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,11,Monetary Systems of the 20th Century,Mixed/fixed floating exchange rate system is in operation todayPrior to this,the Gold Standard was in effectPrior to that,the Bretton Woods Agreement was in effect,换谆翅孟唬谨购疹鲜袁拍畸睁插万作窘滚各碗供殆贰搽药胳稗遇驻奖砷紊国际商务ch07国际商务ch07,12,Th
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