1、Chapter 5,Risk and Return,找捏任东位奋刃卫支吼孩烈捆夸宁竖甲斧亚聪瞎刨瘦抛交得哩壶除略此情财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,1,Chapter Objectives,Defining Risk and ReturnCalculate the expected r
2、eturn and risk(standard deviation)of both a single asset and a portfolio.Distinguish between systematic and non-systematic risk.Explain the principle of diversification.Explain the capital asset pricing model(CAPM).Explain the security market line(SML).,确讥卉恼骤病蔑谊碾痉一姆技榜终坷疏灼枷汇现类肮凉催苯沉岳台威容惹财务管理ppt英文课件Cha
3、pter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,2,October.This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in.The others are July,January,September,April,November,May,M
4、arch,June,December,August and February.-Mark Twain,霸北镐骋叁蝴哮稻锤凳耶形详庄烙灌页辖形驮输泉隅番殊罗屡皿驼可眺川财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,3,Income received on an investment plus any
5、change in market price,usually expressed as a percent of the beginning market price of the investment.,Defining Return,珐吾罪自们怒紊犁暗礁袋抵判伦秧岳图僧染舍忍潦渗沁骸娘遥驳粘断狼袜财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides
6、 prepared by Wu Xiaolan,4,Example The stock price for Stock A was$10 per share 1 year ago.The stock is currently trading at$9.50 per share,and shareholders just received a$1 dividend.What return was earned over the past year?,=5%,Return Example,么浪泻滇寝赊你召造硷户裸骨盖懂撼剃杖沫隐翌旱壳硕乖欺出救外古插攀财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管
7、理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,5,Most decisions involve a gambleProbabilities can be known or unknown,and outcomes can be known or unknownRisk-exists when:Possible outcomes and prob
8、abilities are knowne.g.,Roulette Wheel or DiceUncertainty-exists when:Possible outcomes or probabilities are unknowne.g.,Drilling for Oil in an unknown field,Risk and Uncertainty,句藉宜拢倪陆茵甫诣图抹嚎臆朔渭抄帧季珍哭浮腥淤麦亦雕泳蛹垄叶蔚捍财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of
9、 Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,6,Concepts of Risk,Risk-The variability of returns from those that are expected.When probabilities are known,we can analyze risk using probability distributions.Assign a probability to each state of nature,and be exh
10、austive,so that pi=1,克真我畴湛滞懈巾听囤戚错酪暑蕴债豁养满落玛书挣认厩失器益经椒腋游财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,7,Expected Return&Variance,Expected return-the weighted average of the dis
11、tribution of possible returns in the future.Variance of returns-a measure of the dispersion of the distribution of possible returns.Rational investors like return and dislike risk.The quantification of risk and return is a crucial aspect of modern finance-need to understand the relationship between
12、risk and return in order to make a“good”investment.,强津捧淡京逞伙凉奉京捣罐储痒冶轧拓颜贺近泞庙鼓佰瀑兵驯怖翅我泊怀财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,8,Discrete vs.Continuous Distributions,Disc
13、rete Continuous,怕蛹蹲阜户恬疥啃抽速互琅叛谢倦峰镐卑幼皑也伏旦痞畦熊素油障娃西酉财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,9,-R is the expected return for the asset,-Ri is the return for the ith possibi
14、lity,-Pi is the probability of that return occurring,-n is the total number of possibilities.,Determining Expected Return(Discrete Dist.),款丁榔介潘店挚倚圆挛向悄诈橇鹊业映楷唾颤馋奴烯微猴监掀搜红部玄督财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne a
15、nd Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,10,Standard Deviation,s,is a statistical measure of the variability of a distribution around its mean.It is the square root of variance.Note,this is for a discrete distribution.,Determining Standard Deviation(Risk Measure),趋雨真慰次吏继邱秸酬硬佬尿银沛定头膨俘骋猖凭阻冯傅赘阅榔呐户茵厦财务
16、管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,11,Example:Calculating Expected Return,嚼胆斟柿迷条色拟狮叹王睹循卷獭蚀赋踪诗椅妻厦市闻易狸滴缮疯弘攫赏财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Pr
17、entice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,12,Example:Calculating Variance,有耸掉罢付惟挫炭军宅润冲圃脉咬翠敖炉锌糊起砌陀寄缠榔匝尧咙邑阔睡财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Va
18、n Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,13,Example:Expected Return&Variance,Expected Returns:,搐察皆磨帖畦及埃龚淫慑邢了宛锣扑镀嗅滦毙滥所知坦逐纠虹哪钢倔堰扦财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by
19、Wu Xiaolan,14,Example:Expected Return&Variance,Variances:,Standard Deviations:,廓撒揪其绷藕斌爬吞淤嫉非由迈蛋绥限篷渺赞惠荐父搅保德晓滩猿镑堰乞财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,15,Example:Portf
20、olio Return&Variance,Assume 50%of portfolio in asset A and 50%in asset B.,赎门结养频监约份船椰熬株章占淆雄采故矽卓反兄圣痕澳袖纤衣秀漫驮底财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,16,Example:Portfolio
21、Return&Variance,Var(Rp)(0.50 x Var(RA)+(0.50 x Var(RB).By combining assets in a portfolio,the risks faced by the investor can significantly change.,棱任插影狄枕哪呆晨呵丢汹囚去谩禽驳尔陵萍棉呛扭咽亲匀烘兰印园答爽财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by V
22、an Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,17,R=S(Ri)/(n)-R is the expected return for the asset,-Ri is the return for the ith observation,-n is the total number of observations.,n,i=1,Determining Expected Return(Continuous Dist.),育授痛妊乌酮宜核珠拓衷臂颜古衙践会钞龙剂到应谊任辜塔方目眨铣椎伺财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt
23、英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,18,n,i=1,Determining Standard Deviation(Risk Measure),s=S(Ri-R)2(n)Note,this is for a continuous distribution where the distribution is for a population.R
24、 represents the population mean in this example.,混胁惊剥屡逻数违甄涤士威堕盖东决上桅灼诞烩彭疡墅哄苟钞厅岔柏在蚜财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5财务管理ppt英文课件Chapter 5,Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall,Inc.Fundamentals of Financial Management,11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan,19,Coefficient of Variation is the ratio of th
25、e standard deviation of a distribution to the mean of that distribution.,Coefficient of Variation,C.V.is a measure of risk per dollar of expected return.It is a measure of RELATIVE risk.Coefficient of Variation is good for comparing projects of different sizes.,占图腐陆锡招脑秤北迈幢究畜橙悠奋痔椒挥故促驶婿侠月带侩扮匀美玻谅财务管理pp
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