1、In County government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Government legal do 2015 and the Twelve-Five summary and next year work plans Twelve-Five planning and the law administrative 55 planning implementation yilai, I city levels the sector Xia big pneumatic advance l
2、aw administrative and rule of law Government construction, led attention, measures powerful, method properly, effect obviously, law administrative and rule of law Government construction work made has great progress, powerful advance has I City economic social of and good and fast development. Speci
3、fic reports are as follows: a Twelve-Five during the work completed (a) promoting administration according to law was strengthened. Twelve-Five during, I city seriously implementation in heze City law administrative 55 planning, in annual early of full municipal government legal workshop Shang, insi
4、sted arrangements deployment, insisted layer Layer signed law administrative target responsibility, insisted months summary, and quarter scheduling, and years assessment, insisted recognition award work Qian three name County district; around law administrative and rule of law Government constructio
5、n 1443 work thought, continued punches not pause, and firm target not toss; always will Government legal work points, and law administrative target responsibility, and Implementation of government legal system as the main measures to move forward. After years continued tireless of efforts, I city of
6、 law administrative advance work made has significantly results, highlight performance for: levels leaders more attention law administrative work, more consciously using rule of law thinking and rule of law way processing problem, and solution contradictions, law administrative opinion atmosphere mo
7、re strong, law enforcement personnel law administrative capacity obviously enhanced, people satisfaction degrees increasingly high, law administrative promoted and guarantees economic social development function more appeared. Second, the implementation of the administrative reconsideration law of t
8、he powerful. Twelve-Five yilai, I city put administrative reconsideration system construction always as a event to caught, after years of efforts, through strengthening and perfect reconsideration system construction, reform administrative reconsideration system, innovation reconsideration work mech
9、anism, as currently, I city has established sound has administrative reconsideration filed, and trial, and hearing, and mediation reconciliation, and collective research considered, and misjudged held, more than 20 more than items work system; while, also break restricted reconsideration work bottle
10、neck, carried out relative concentrated administrative reconsideration right, City, County and District Administrative Review Committee was set up; innovative modes of administrative reconsideration, to explore the establishment of three centers review mechanisms established review case linkage syst
11、em to realize information resources sharing. 55 since the implementation of planning, 1300 cases handled reconsideration, the knot rate is above 90%. Third, the Government legal supervision to achieve a breakthrough. To administrative forced method, and legislation method, and administrative procedu
12、re, and Shandong province administrative law enforcement supervision Ordinance, and Shandong province administrative program provides, legal regulations issued implementation for opportunity, increased on levels中联创橄榄城工程 施工组织设计总 目 录中联创佛岗橄榄城工程施工组织设计编制说明及编制依据.1 第一章工程概况1.1工程概述1.2建筑概况1.3结构概况1.4地基及地质概况1.5
13、 安装工程概况1.6气象条件1.7现场施工环境第二章工程目标及工程特点2.1 工程目标2.2 工程特点及难点分析第三章施工组织机构3.1施工组织机构设置3.2 主要管理人员组成第四章施工准备及施工布署4.1 施工准备4.1.1 施工技术准备4.1.2施工现场准备4.1.3主要材料及周转材料计划4.1.4专项施工方案编制计划4.2施工组织顺序及施工区段划分4.3 施工缝留置第五章主要分部分项工程施工方法5.1关键点工程分析5.2 测量放线、轴线及标高控制5.2.1 建立测量小组5.2.2 平面控制、垂直度控制和高程控制5.3 土方工程5.3.1 土方开挖5.3.2土方回填5.4 钢筋工程5.4.
14、1 钢筋工程总述5.4.4钢筋的配料5.4.5钢筋下料与加工5.4.6 钢筋连接5.5.1 筏板模板5.5.3 LL、次梁及楼板模板5.5.6现浇楼梯模板5.6.1 施工组织5.6.2 对商品混凝土的要求5.6.5.12混凝土质量检验5.6.6后浇带的施工5.7 砌体工程5.8 装饰工程5.8.1 墙面、顶面抹灰5.8.2内墙乳胶漆工程5.8.3 内墙面砖施工5.8.4 外墙面砖施工(3)允许偏差项目(见下表)5.8.5 外墙涂料施工5.8.6 楼地面工程5.9 门窗工程5.10防水保温工程5.10.1 地下室SBS卷材防水层5.10.2屋面保温层施工5.10.3 屋面找平层施工5.10.4
15、屋面SBS改型沥青防水层的施工5.10.5卫生间聚氨酯防水施工5.10.7 外墙外保温施工5.11 脚手架工程5.20 安装工程施工5.12.1管道安装工程5.12.2 动力配电及照明系统的施工方法第六章劳动力配备计划及主要施工机械配备计划6.1 劳动力安排计划.6.2 主要施工机械配备计划第七章确保施工质量的技术组织措施7.1组织措施7.2质量保证体系7.3组织保证措施7.4质量管理制度7.5 主要分项工程的质量控制措施7.5.1 保证工程定位、放线的技术措施和先进设备7.5.2防水工程质量预控措施7.5.4 模板工程质量预控措施7.5.5钢筋工程质量预控措施7.5.6 混凝土工程质量预控措
16、施7.5.7装饰工程质量预控措施7.5.8砌体工程质量控制措施7.5.9屋面工程质量控制措施7.6垂直度及轴线.标高控制措施7.7保证内墙阴阳角方正的措施7.8后浇带施工的质量保证第八章确保工程安全施工的技术组织措施8.1安全生产管理目标方针8.1.1安全生产管理方针目标8.1.2 安全生产管理目标8.2 组织管理8.4 安全管理制度8.6 确保安全生产的技术组织措施8.6.1安全防护8.6.2 临时用电管理8.6.3施工机械管理8.6.4 分项工程施工安全技术措施8.7 安全用电安全用电技术管理8.8 安全消防措施8.9 治安保卫措施第九章确保文明施工的措施9.1 文明施工管理9.1.1 工
17、作目标9.1.2 管理组织9.2 环境保护措施9.2.1 工作目标9.2.2 组织管理9.2.3 工作制度9.2.4 管理规定第十章确保工期的技术组织措施10.1 组织措施10.2 施工总进度网络计划控制措施10.3 工程关键点的控制10.4 管理措施10.5 技术保证措施10.6 农忙季节及节假日正常施工保证措施10.7 冬期施工安排及措施10.8 雨季施工安排及措施第十一章施工总进度计划表及网络计划图第十二章施工平面图12.1 施工平面布置的具体要求12.2 施工平面管理附图表:拟投入本工程的主要施工设备表施工平面布置图施工进度网络图administrative organ and the
18、 staff of legal training efforts, 55 planning during, through carried out administrative program years, and reconsideration spring action, and two method a article cases training, held various legal courses more than 1000 duoqi times, cumulative training City Deputy County above leaders and law enfo
19、rcement backbone and the line . Law enforcement liability for zero tolerance accountability mechanisms to inquire into illegal or improper acts of law enforcement 230 passengers, achieved before, during and after the full range of law enforcement supervision. Integrate monitoring resources, form a m
20、onitoring force, ensuring effective legal norms of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the correct and effective implementation of the laws and regulations. 2012 yilai, city attorney, and city monitored Council, and city legal do, and City Archives Council, sector continuous organization car
21、ried out to administrative law enforcement files for main content of law enforcement big check activities, check out city administrative license, and administrative punishment, and administrative forced and other various administrative law enforcement files more than 300 copies, proposed rectificati
22、on recommends more than 500 over, established problem Taiwan account more than 60 multiple, preliminary achieved has administrative law enforcement and criminal judicial effective convergence and seamless docking. Four is the improve system quality entirely. The Twelve-Five period, the citys departm
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