1、3-1,Introduction to Cost Accounting,Maryanne M.Mowen and Don R.Hansen,荫筐讽择苫联古靡换能栋闲囊皮曝攘孽铣眺甜咏舵肚箍书本喘楞掺洁后讥cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Cost Behavior,CHAPTER,3,3-2,湿抢羌忻七万哎将欢娟啪古抹碉扦恰蔼厂阳兔轴退坑耍频浚难穆也蜒饵嫌cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Cost
2、 ObjectsAn item for which managers want cost informationFor manufacturing or merchandising firms,it is usually the tangible productFor service firms,it is usually the service provided,Basics of Cost Behavior,OBJECTIVE,1,3-3,叉姻趾黄谩序崎做开宦手奈清份驳羹源哭岁不拯判溯溪夫揣巳有鼓挤齿交cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accoun
3、ting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Fixed Costs,Fixed costs are costs that in total are constant within the relevant range as the level of the activity driver varies.,Basics of Cost Behavior,JCM Audio Systems,Inc.produces speakers for home audio systems.One department produces voice coils.There are two productio
4、n lines that can each make up to 100,000 voice coils per year.The production-line manager is paid$60,000 per year.For production up to 100,000 units only one manager is needed;above that(to 200,000 units)two are needed.,3-4,项置苛悔炳类薄销诈敛串晃俭澜骂附筛腆巳甜切便俺露锹积矾忿盼毖渣荡cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accoun
5、ting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,The total cost of supervision remains the same within the relevant range,but the unit cost decreases as production increases.,Fixed Costs,3-5,汐彪祸阂抠琴簇矛莱态诺赐播酱境遮卷贼哆锗抽秦谱霹左村孩苏爸透僻冻cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Co
6、st Behavior,The total cost of supervision remains the same within the relevant range,but the unit cost decreases as production increases.,Fixed Costs,3-6,她菇速昼亥遍纫韵那杆吵玖德幼蔗储惹灾椒浩致碌昨胀史桶意次婶犊棠凶cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,3-7,Fixed Costs,闸档攘岛奠缅彤
7、径狼浙争恩忌仗躇俗企稽武医惩唉该拖涅越联绳叶猿类反cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Variable costs are costs that in total vary in direct proportion to changes in an activity driver.,Basics of Cost Behavior,The cost of direct materials for each voice coil is$3 The total cost of direct materi
8、als for each level of production varies,but the unit cost stays the same.,Variable Costs,3-8,戴否遗骡欺忍诈跳怂窄蹦邓够匆羞郧混占敷森碌晤貌查凝您挺峰襄芍圾郁cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,Variable Costs,3-9,坛冬肚挽徐薯山芝咐绊耳硕却奶害延捡醇谤全光跌磕次巫菌炸丸涅涅曰畦cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03
9、cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,Variable Costs,3-10,脂瞄粪被挑铺焰逊矗锑挑雀戳围拎耕得趾涌花脓工幕贞垂洋企波姆蜀渣遥cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,Variable Costs,3-11,粟继沃娟哇递芍宛例职芽抗剪无松吨傅紧滞坝豫爹颓六庙流搬访弗刁锈淳cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accountin
10、g hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,3-12,Nonlinearity of Variable Costs,抡寥柜峪浊弘肥啮马厄锥蒲饼述浆檀疹貌症誊昭兆僚烽欧痢欧降昨糠符邱cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,3-13,Nonlinearity of Variable Costs,胎崖挚帐从仗件侈絮开蹄算煤乏赏蔓渊遗蓬写箭轧俭浴彦粱窍丁经裔刁熊cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_
11、ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Mixed costs are costs that has both a fixed and a variable component.,Basics of Cost Behavior,Y=Fixed cost+Total variable costY=F+VXwhereY=Total cost(Usually a mixed cost),Mixed Costs,3-14,滁诺滇袋嘲箱嗅磊境铬北救震鼻汁成泛钥解耶韧啡耸膏谈靳术撒乾换抒苞cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost acc
12、ounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Basics of Cost Behavior,JCMs sales costs are mixed.There are 10 sales representatives who each earn$30,000 plus receive a commission of$5 per speaker sold.This function can be represented by the following equation:,Y=$300,000+$5X,Fixed-salaries,Mixed Costs,3-15,Variable-com
13、mission,衬乓唯贿绩徽柞涛闪算袭位省痛雷明路娇脏攒诌茸去辙快删敖儿歉溢鲸烘cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Selling Cost Per Unit,JDM Audio Systems,Inc.,Fixed Cost of Selling,Variable Cost of Selling,Total Cost,Speakers Sold,$300,000$200,000$500,00040,000$12.50300,000400,000700,00080,0008.75300,00060
14、0,000900,000120,0007.50300,000800,0001,100,000160,0006.88300,0001,000,0001,300,000200,0006.50,Basics of Cost Behavior,Mixed Costs,3-16,敲存绕泣隶铜懦售敞匈毡盈撑瓦邪货荔赘詹薄惯狱疲榔欠驶恨先满实述逗cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Cost(in thousands),$1,500,Number of Speakers Sold,Variable Costs,5
15、00,300,700,900,1,100,1,300,40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000 200,000,Basics of Cost Behavior,Mixed Costs,3-17,勿剔钙缩膘竞击钎挚沧谩社痴晓念娇内镐奸烦崎顾灰翟沮沽炎翔更妻柔康cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,3-18,Resources,Activities,and Cost Behavior,ResourcesEconomic elements that enable one to perfo
16、rm activities.When a firm acquires the resources needed to perform an activity,it obtains activity capacity.Practical capacity is the activity level where the activity is performed efficiently,忙吾恬未凋变伪抡粮肾驱螟咽睦酚球浚椎问研窑更僻挨芒噶蔡上穷一救百cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,3-19,Res
17、ources,Activities,and Cost Behavior,Flexible ResourcesSupplied as needed and used.Quantity of resource supplied equals quantity demanded.No unused capacity.Committed ResourcesSupplied in advance of usage.A given quantity is obtained,whether or not that full amount is used.Unused capacity is therefor
18、e possible.,函煎犯晓连痹涡胯撂驯几续课束窃妒摆唐秃迅傅赠括抬联阳秋虎脚姐球荔cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Resources,Activities,and Cost Behavior,A step cost function displays a constant level of cost for a range of output and then jumps to a higher level of cost at some point.Step-variable cost
19、sMust be purchased in“chunks.”Step-fixed costsMany fixed costs are actually step-fixed costs.Exceed the relevant range,and the costs increase“one step.”,3-20,Step-Cost Behavior,众陌玄鞍茸知津木巫梦坦也结泵债事啸猪普核赤湖颖送遥闸亏躲卫熏蛰雇cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Resources,Activities,and
20、 Cost Behavior,3-21,Step-Cost Function,召换糟未激浚醉及子闽份拄夜捕彤氖蚂埠忧瓢烘肆女挑斑的毒夯汕儡梢卤cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Resources,Activities,and Cost Behavior,3-22,Step-Fixed Costs,柠瞥悉回拙商折句瓢抚碍画碾赏佐溺阂阎蒲待坑款薯健扁澄计杜适漱快圈cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Re
21、sources,Activities,and Cost Behavior,Activities and Mixed Cost BehaviorMany activities have characteristics of both flexible and committed resources.For example a power department acquires buildings and equipment in advance of actual usage an in excess of immediate demands.However,it also acquires f
22、uel to produce power on an as-needed basis.Need for cost separationSometimes it is easy to spot the variable and fixed portion of a cost.Other times it is not:thus the need for a method to separate costs into their fixed and variable components,3-23,恤啡须丹驳送瓮裸萝兰窑硫臼迎勋亲站瓣撒腹皮廓锑瘸蛀盆烤搁驴猜印氟cost accounting hm
23、cost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,The industrial engineering methodThe account analysis method,Methods of Determining Cost Behavior,3-24,瑟攀锣吃涟晚瓤滇锈扼祁奋捶冀茵居烟纶当图印降破董访懦丫宽增蕉娟俗cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03cost accounting hmcost1e_ppt_ch03,Quantitative Methods for Separating Mixed Costs,3
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