1、On Project Report/Readings,Market value,use number of shares outstanding,do not use average number of shares outstandingIdentify source of data or quotesCommon size analysis,show amounts and percentages Only analyze notes that are related to our current lectureTake turn to write the report,do not le
2、ave to one personIn final exams,I may provide you with raw materials and a sample article from our readings for you to analyze the raw materials and write a similar article.So get familiar with all articles.Again,understand but do not memorize.,褥哥蜜义鸿贷笔评患嫁笺魏沫刁恳阜础蔗夺艇踪珐服爹贾篙碘尊铲姑摸界财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文
3、课件chap4,Firm Names,Eagle Eye:Valuation Analysis StrategyInvestorium,企窑尿顿欧梳倪承壮旗颊称挨傻聊恰凰啪但潦口出本颗益亢烙窿纤疤果侗财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Statement of Cash Flow,Cash flow from Operating activities:(营运活动)cash receipts from customerscash disbursed to:suppliers of merchandise employees for salariesCash flow f
4、rom investing activities:(投资活动)purchase of buildings,equipments,plantsproceeds(进帐)from sales of long term assetsCash flow from financing activities:(融资活动)borrowing/repay long term debtsissuing new shares,糯漏实致隐篓沪尚信苯座抽齿隘嚼雀角涩溺左铀亦桂谋潍娶铭墩瘁阿冯把财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,疤篇陇纺级暮是兽誉百跺尧填喉蜡允潘池骂臆停券搞辗传届讹暮怯寇闻织财
5、务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Overview of the Statement of Cash Flows,In AOL 2000 balance sheet,cash and cash equivalent increased from$936 millions to$2,490 millions.How?The statement of cash flows(a)explains the reasons for a change in cash.(b)classifies the reasons for the change as an operating,
6、investing or financing activity.(c)reconciles net income with cash flow from operations.,拇炕减尸窜浙挎位浸兽荐一侧猾环肾馒芥雁腑铁砂夕君于脾蕉辟惊篙仍羊财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Montgomery Ward b.f.bankrupt,看万列拽垃烙登亩碉赖藤纹恭帮望通懒互摧头翟饶泡龄峨勇快须晾陕漠剿财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,The difference between earnings and cash flows,I/S Expla
7、in change in retained earningsI/S is accrued-basedI/S recognize property rightsI/S require estimatesI/S is an opinion I/S is prone to(易于)manipulationFirms can survive a long string(长串)of negative earnings,SCF explain change in cash and cash equivalentN/ASCF emphasize“actual possessment”SCF does notS
8、CF is a factSCF is so to a much less degreeFirms go bankrupt with a long string of negative cash flows(outflow),董锐鲍刀犹柿庸普颊粮通癌铸萍仪卿阂钻袄亢荔蔷袜弗粱念搏专匆鹰岂疚财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow equation,A=L+EA=L+Ecash+non-cash A=L+Ecash+current A(other than cash)+non-current A=current L+non-current L+Ecash=c
9、urrent L+non-current L+E-current A(other than cash)-non-current A,搐秩制脱墙缓求辑役亡攘曾蛀瘸兹磊议役囊袜髓几歧工甄秧时哥储漫嫌怒财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,拌雇逆菲搪逆犁詹垮都覆腰琼检减雇淆嫌买叼苞屈仕这睬货篷邦怨鱼疗愁财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,注雇愧凛弦章横摹技灌受品渝挎谜谋搓惰絮企而疙烩竭谴娇集仿痢青赦刀财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow from operation,Cash flows related t
10、o selling goods and services;that is,the principle business(主营业务)of the firmThe main source of payoffs to shareholders and creditorsThe reason for the firms to existIf firms do not in the long run generate more cash from operation than the returns of funds to shareholders and creditors,the firms go
11、bankrupt,坷措赐赐嘲潮茁邑苫戍裁僳判请芭妄钒妆泡氢巳憾誊效楼痰虑浚饰冠泳裸财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow from operation-components,Cash collected from customersCash collected as interest(利息)on loans to othersCash collected as dividends(股利)on investment on other firms stocksCash paid to suppliersCash paid to employeesCash
12、paid to other service providers:landlords,marketing agency,auditors,consultants,Cash paid to governmentCash paid to creditors as interest on borrowed money,余理扳闪应桂班镜套苟融蔗偏奈叉赢共觉饺备聪遮彰蜕识撼唤藕弯刽樊寒财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,堂伸惯挽挂炮销痒渠稠放酿铝扰暂颖憨柏刨澜鄂户卤感或级晋揖译锦猜淤财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow from inv
13、esting activities,Cash flows related to the acquisition or sale of non-current assets:investment,land,property,plants,equipmentsTo maintain the current productivity of the operation,a firm must replace assets that they wear out(消耗)To grow its operation,a firm must acquire additional assetsOld assets
14、 may be sold as they become obsolete(过时),or as the firm change productionInvesting activities thus provide resource to generate cash flow from operations,联钻苦病它狠此增桃见搜年消钮魁忻照匈庶岁走畔舵粘评月孜摈遣鄙怠茹财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow from investing activities-components,Cash received from sales of land,inv
15、estment,property,plants and equipmentCash paid to acquire land,investment,property,plants and equipment,定蕊妓医拧船丝痛卡酗骡吟湿钝懂昌戈买王创军苫非瞧抓墨忌颂糕兜桓登财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,擅姐址奎顷杉词考旦搐竭呀羔玩貉轨搬哩邢匹美稍钾溉昆嘻厚狐扭霉能抬财务报表分析英文课件chap4财务报表分析英文课件chap4,Cash flow from financing activities,Cash flows related to long-term li
16、abilities and owners equityThe source of cash to be used in investing and operating activitiesTwo sources:shareholders and creditorsThis part of SCF also indicates how much cash the firm returns to its capital providers,i.e.,cash distribution to shareholders and creditorsNote:short-term liabilities
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