1、2015 onwards, County County-6 townships field hospital personnel expenses according to 3800 per person per year into the budget allocated annually, effectively alleviate the hospital funding shortages. Third, accelerating the information construction of township. In 2015, put on by the fiscal part,
2、self-financing part of medical institutions, build his system of Township to County 6. Four were speeding up standardization construction of rural health institutions. According to autonomous regions Government on issued XX Uighur Autonomous Regions township hospitals and village health room standar
3、dization construction implementation programme of notification (new deal do (2014) 68th,) spirit, the township hospitals according to standardization construction programme in the personnel configuration, and based facilities, and medical equipment, and service capacity four aspects specific require
4、ments, is adjustment layout, and reasonable partition, and existing personnel optimization configuration, points three years strive to all reached standardization construction requirements. Currently, 2 hospitals (Riverside Township Center Hospital in town, Torrey Town Center Hospital), 29 village c
5、linics meet the standards. Five is active in building Township health centers in satisfaction of the masses. Job requirements formulated the Township of XX County building to satisfy the crowd implementation programme, held startup, crowd-pleasing Township and in accordance with the construction of
6、evaluation index system for mapping and advance work. VI effectively enhance disease prevention and control and full implementation of a free health emergency vaccination measures vaccination rates of more than 95%.完 . And citellus undulatus 3 strains of Yersinia pestis bacteria was detected in orga
7、n and the adoption of autonomous region confirmed; completion of Hydatid disease serum check b-1000, 100 people, 200 sheep in the County slaughterhouse inspection 1-2; test salt 300 residents, iodized salt, 297, was 99%. Do a mortality surveillance work, 369 medical institutions to report the death
8、card at all levels, a mortality rate of 2.3 per thousand. To further improve the County, Township and village levels and health emergency management system, constantly enrich the health emergency response teams, enhancing standardized management, and conscientiously implement the measles epidemic pr
9、eparedness and response measures, continue to plague prevention and control work. VII the further strengthening of maternal and child health work further to strengthen maternal and child health service system and improve the management level and service quality of maternal and child health care inst
10、itutions. 2015, County pregnancy maternal number 1400 people, system management 1235 people, management rate 88%; hospital delivery live produced number 1391 people, hospital delivery rate for 99%; no pregnancy maternal death; 3 age following children number 4648 people, system management 3956 peopl
11、e, management rate 85.12%; 7 age following children number 9989 people, accept 1 times above health service 8460 people, coverage 84.69%; annual live produced number 1400 people, newborn death number 9 people, mortality 7.56 ; 5 number of deaths of children under age 15, mortality in 12.61. Steadily
12、 implementation maternal and child health project, carried out rural pregnancy maternal hospital delivery grants 584 people, grants amount 292,000 yuan, completed 73%; carried out agricultural and pastoral areas women free cervical cancer check液压技术课程设计任务书专业 班级 学号 姓名 一、课程设计题目:汽车缸体与缸盖的结合面和密封垫应可靠耐久密封,对
13、发动机缸体与缸盖结合面的粗糙度、平面度、波纹度都有严格要求,需要设计一台专用铣床,铣头驱动电动机功率为7.5KW,铣刀直径为120 mm,转速为350r/min的钻削组合机床液压系统。根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:定位夹紧快进工进快退拔销松开。二、原始数据:1、工作台、工件和夹具的总重量为5500 N,2、工作台行程为450mm, 3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/min4、工进速度为60-100mm/min5、快进、工进行程:350mm、80mm6、加速、减速时间:不大于0.05s7、导轨摩擦系数:水平导轨f静=0.2, f动=0.18、夹紧力5000-6000N9、夹紧时间1-2s10、夹紧
14、液压缸行程长度30mm设计内容:详见“指导书”设计要求:1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。2定位、夹紧可靠。3钻削时速度平稳,不受外载干扰,孔钻透时不前冲。 指导教师 教研室主任 年 月 日液压技术课程设计任务书专业 班级 学号 姓名 一、课程设计题目:某汽车发动机缸盖需钻孔,特设计一台卧式单面多轴钻孔组合机床动力滑台液压系统。根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:快进工进快退停止。二、原始数据:1、切削阻力FL=30468N;2、运动部件所受重力G=9800N; 3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/min(0.085m/s) ;4、工进速度为0.05m/min;5、快进、工进行程:100mm、500mm;6
15、、往复运动的加速时间t=0.2s; 7、动力滑台采用平导轨,静摩擦系数f静=0.2,,动摩擦系数f动=0.1。8、液压系统执行元件选为液压缸设计内容:详见“指导书”设计要求:1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。2定位、夹紧可靠。3钻削时速度平稳,不受外载干扰,孔钻透时不前冲。 指导教师 教研室主任 年 月 日液压技术课程设计任务书专业 班级 学号 姓名 一、课程设计题目:某汽车发动机缸盖需钻孔,特设计一台卧式单面多轴钻孔组合机床动力滑台液压系统。根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:快进工进快退停止。二、原始数据:1、切削阻力FL=32000N;2、运动部件所受重力G=8500N; 3、快进、快退速度为4
16、.5m/min ;4、工进速度为0.05m/min;5、快进、工进行程:100mm、500mm;6、往复运动的加速时间t=0.2s; 7、动力滑台采用平导轨,静摩擦系数f静=0.2,,动摩擦系数f动=0.1。8、液压系统执行元件选为液压缸设计内容:详见“指导书”设计要求:1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。2定位、夹紧可靠。3钻削时速度平稳,不受外载干扰,孔钻透时不前冲。 指导教师 教研室主任 年 月 日液压技术课程设计任务书专业 班级 学号 姓名 一、课程设计题目:某汽车发动机缸盖需钻孔,特设计一台卧式单面多轴钻孔组合机床动力滑台液压系统。根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:快进工进快退停止。二、原始
17、数据:1、切削阻力FL=32000N;2、运动部件所受重力G=8500N; 3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/min ;4、工进速度为0.05m/min;5、快进、工进行程:100mm、500mm;6、往复运动的加速时间t=0.2s; 7、动力滑台采用平导轨,静摩擦系数f静=0.2,,动摩擦系数f动=0.1。8、液压系统执行元件选为液压缸设计内容:详见“指导书”设计要求:1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。2定位、夹紧可靠。3钻削时速度平稳,不受外载干扰,孔钻透时不前冲。 指导教师 教研室主任 年 月 日液压技术课程设计任务书专业 班级 学号 姓名 一、课程设计题目:某汽车发动机缸盖需钻孔,特设计一台卧
18、式单面多轴钻孔组合机床动力滑台液压系统。根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:快进工进快退停止。二、原始数据:1、铣削量最大阻力为9000N;2、工作台重量为4000N工件和夹具的重量为1500N;3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/min ;4、工进速度为0.05m/min;5、快进、工进行程:100mm、500mm;6、加速(减速)时间为0.05s; 7、动力滑台采用平导轨,静摩擦系数f静=0.2,,动摩擦系数f动=0.1。8、液压系统执行元件选为液压缸设计内容:详见“指导书”设计要求:1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。2定位、夹紧可靠。3钻削时速度平稳,不受外载干扰,孔钻透时不前冲。 指导教师 教研室主
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