1、Gay is now a provincial key construction project of aluminum Ltd-province with an annual output of 50,000 tons of technical innovation project of environmental protection and energy saving of electrolytic aluminum project manager. In this technological transformation projects, he has overall respons
2、ibility for the day-to-day affairs of the project. In order to ensure that southern companys control the scale of investment, strengthen field management, pay special attention to project progress, and ensure a successful operation, the overall goal. He and Engineering Department under the leadershi
3、p of all the staff in the companys technical command, on the difficulties and to overcome technical difficulties in the process, work hard, have made outstanding achievements, mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, careful organization and management achieved remarkable results. Technical
4、 innovation project of the year, started and completed a series of bids and completed to date, from production engineering to put into production after nearly a year, has achieved very significant results. A project first 56 slots from dismantling the old slot just 168 days, civil engineering, insta
5、llation, commissioning, guarantee engineering quality under the premise, on the production side transformation under difficult conditions, created the national industrys fastest speeds. II 32 large prebaked electrolytic cell on November 7 has been installed, marks has an annual production capacity o
6、f 50,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum production capacity of aluminum. Entire project almost 8 months earlier than planned, achieved the goal of production transformation benefits that year, created favorable conditions for aluminum through South. Second, effectively control the investment. Project
7、 is subject to a scientific approach to bidding, bidding to make savings of 20 million Yuan, in the implementation process of the project, every domestic prices of steel, cement and other building materials, the old buildings on the base encountered great difficulties in dealing with significant inc
8、rease in the volume of civil engineering, but through rationalization and optimization, project control in fixed investment of 350 million Yuan. Third, environmental energy-saving effect of the project. Project investment of nearly 30 million Yuan, using large prebake technology and aluminum oxide d
9、ense phase and hyper dense phase conveying technology, fluoride and other harmful gases purification efficiency of up to 98%. Compared with Soderberg cell before the modification, power consumption can be reduced by 1500 tons of electrolytic aluminum, and project environmental protection and energy
10、saving effect is obvious. Four are in a relatively short period of time to the normal production. After four months of efforts, a project has put into operation all the 54 240KA large cell into regular production, stable current channel conditions and all the economic indicators are good, current ef
11、ficiency in October had reached 93%, is close to and reach the domestic advanced level. In the case of production half of the cell, this effect can be achieved and better level in the industry. 50,000 tons of electrolytic modification process, from preliminary study to equipment selection, cost cont
12、rol, project progress, quality control and coordination among the various sub-projects and various professional, technical command under the correct leadership, both from an overall perspective, emphasis on integrity, and earnestly implement the relevant laws and regulations, strictly act according
13、to the contract. He tried to learn relevant knowledge, good style of business, operational and organizational coordination ability, project efficiency, quality and safety assurance system in place, with all units involved with the coordination and good .目 录一、 工程概况2二、 施工部署5三、进度计划6四、施工总平面布置7五、 施工准备工作(
14、略)7六、主要项目施工方法和技术措施7七、工具、机械、设备计划15八、劳动力安排计划16九、质量、安全和节约措施17十、冬、雨期施工措施19十一、 经济分析19【简介】整体预应力板柱建筑是以预应力为手段,将预制的板、柱等构件拼装成整体的建筑结构体系。它的特点是无梁无柱帽,以预制板和柱为基本构件,两构件接触面间灌高强砂浆,形成平接接头,然后对楼层施加预应力,具有良好的抗震性能。本结构建筑布置灵活,目前柱网尺寸能达到7.27.2、6.39.0、9.012.0、11.711.7,选用多种拼板形式(三拼、九拼板),适用于办公楼、商店、食堂、厂房、体育馆等多种公共建筑。近年来,成功地建成建设部新技术楼、
15、国务院事务管理局办公楼、北工大食堂、丰台环宇商场、中印纸库工程等四万多2板柱建筑工程,本结构关健施工工序是支撑设置、预应力张拉(压折)、柱与板(梁)、板与垫块间高强砂浆配制、浇筑、养护和预制构件制作。一、 工程概况某办公楼为整体预应力板柱结构,平面为工字型,结构平面布置见图2121。共分A、B、C三段。A、C两段均有一层地下室,各段均为五层,总建筑面积151602。A、C两段为全现浇箱型基础,基底落在-5.345m的轻亚粘土层上。B段为扩底墩现浇桩基,桩底落在中细砂层上,深-9.5m。各段的上部结构全部采用整体预应力板柱结构。其中段两跨9开间,东西长65.65,南北宽14.65,C段2跨10开
18、漆和白瓷砖墙裙,预制水磨石,塑料和水泥踢脚板,顶棚为珍珠岩,大白喷顶,局部房间、走廊为矿棉吸音板吊顶,贵宾室为发光顶棚,楼地面有预制水磨石、塑料、马赛克和水泥楼地面,窗台板、楼梯踏步板、厕所隔断板均为预制水磨石。建筑防水采用三道设防,即10抗渗防水混凝土刚性防水和硫化型橡胶卷材防水。室外回填3:7灰土。厕所楼地面采用聚氨脂涂膜防水。屋面防水为二毡三油一砂,上铺不上人架空隔离层。本工程主要工程量如表1121所示。主要工程量一览表 表2121序号分项工程名称工程量序号分项工程名称工程量单位A段B段C段单位A段B段C段一土方工程四0以上现浇混凝土工程1机械挖土方m33700159075001柱 接
19、头m32013222人工挖土方m32003872252板 缝m35031563土方回填m3227096925603剪 力 墙m312684140二0以下基础工程4电梯井壁m32516281垫 层m3213442405叠 合 层m32531612832桩 身m32386楼 梯m32720333承 台m3917填缝微膨砂浆m35364地 梁m31058零星现浇结构m35031575底 板m3755850五砌筑工程6墙 体m31952201地下室护毡墙m31912157顶 板m32452762首层各层厕所砖墙m3320204350三0以上板柱预制构件预应力张拉3加气块墙m34562905121预 制
20、 柱m3101631124暖气沟砌砖m3282边 梁m3432650六层面及其它m33密 肋 板m34512841二毡三油屋面防水m2129072514054垫块及压折块m3117122地下室外墙橡胶防水m2200422605楼梯支撑板m315517七内外檐及楼地面工程6组 合 柱m3108141外墙水刷石m24833586267加气混凝土组合外墙板m32151352372干 粘 石m22248157527808挑 檐 板m31913243内墙乳胶漆m2697225341038896S5预应力钢丝束束104壁 纸m215181437108S5束5040905预制水磨石地面m2817616453
21、2851112S5束2602043606塑料地面m210151198111812S5预应力筋t14.39.116.07顶棚喷涂珍珠岩m2889914974518二、 施工部署1原则(1)本工程土方开挖,结构预应力张拉及地下室硫化型橡胶卷材防水施工由专业施工单位分包协作。钢窗及铝合金门窗由建设单位订货,加气混凝土组合外挂板及各种规格加气块由建设单位协助施工单位订货。(2)本工程自本年度月初破土动工,要求在第二年度11月30日竣工。施工顺序为先A段,后C段,再B段,分段交付使用。(3)施工顺序坚持先地下后地上的原则。段工期紧,为确保按期于第一年度年底竣工,室外管线应与地下室同时破土施工。(4)因施
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- 关 键 词:
- fh 整体 预应力 结构 多层 办公楼 施工组织设计
