1、alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and first project, formulated a series of policies now focus, d
2、evelopment measures have all been clear. We want to seize the opportunity, precision application strategy, focus punch, break support . , Supports the development of old revolutionary and a series of policy measures in areas such as infrastructure, public services, promoting high standards, support,
3、 and more opportunities for us to accelerate development, provide greater support. From provinces policy oriented see, 1236 poverty storming, and 6873 traffic breakthrough, and 6363 water guarantees, major action speed up implementation, ecological security barrier, and long East energy chemical bas
4、e construction, major strategy intensive introduced, and provincial eight a change, and eight a both and municipal six a into, and six big support of decision deployment, concentrated release has many policy good. In particular Gansu Silk Road economic belt of gold and heritage of Chinese civilizati
5、on construction of advancing the innovation zone, jingchuan based advantage, create node cities and provide a broader space in core areas. From I County project resources see, national ecological civilization pilot engineering model County and cycle economic model County two a national project landi
6、ng implementation, will in country province level won more support; Pingliang to jingchuan city inter fast channel, and xiping railway double track, major project into provinces plate, will further upgrade I County traffic hub and channel economic status; paper Brigade integrated body, and Zhu Jia J
7、ian reservoir, and agricultural PV power, and gas utilization, and commodity trading and the agricultural wholesale market, and Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project wor
8、k smoothly, these projects originated from the Twelve-Five continue to accumulate, to develop their potential in the Thirteen-Five concentrated during release. Orient, is to deepen the understanding of accurate. After years of the revision, development of jingchuan stand on a new historical starting
9、 point, features of economic and social development has changed significantly. Comprehensive construction of well-off society in entering the showdown to win stage, dual action and poor precision, driven by County poverty dropped from 37.5% to 11.2%. Full implementation of the 1+17, 2+19 programme,
10、ensure the timely realization of poverty, poor people to achieve well-off society, we must battle tasks. From the perspective of current income, poor village, the poor generally lack strong industrial support, most rely on service revenue, along with the deepening of structural reform, low skills, h
11、ard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more新型建筑外墙装饰材料及工艺 开缝式室陶土板幕墙施工技术 天元装饰公司 徐伟1前言陶土板幕墙是一种新型的墙体饰面材料,它将传统与现代有机结合在一起,更新了建筑语言,提高了建筑物的舒适度、与自然的融合能力,绿色环保。其创意起始于上世纪八十年代中期,现在美国、德国、荷兰、韩国、日本等国家已发展到较成熟的地步,例如陶士板百叶、双层陶板、保温陶土板、隔声陶土板幕墙等都已经出现,其浓厚的人文气息、极富古典的艺术风格赋予建筑庄重而强烈的艺术美感,用于高档写字
13、。陶土板是环保材料、无须维护、历久弥新,色彩随时间推移更加绚丽。开缝式干挂陶土板幕墙属呼吸幕墙,安装便捷可独立更换,通过她的独特之处低耗、环保、节能、耐久、自洁、色泽均匀以及华贵、自身的完美将装饰效果发挥至极至,创造了高科技与生态学之间的和谐,具有较高的品位,同玻璃、金属、石材等幕墙在经济上有较高的性价比。我公司在室内外开缝式陶土板幕墙施工上,同材料研制行业经销商多次交流取得了这一国内领先的新型幕墙施工成果,总结出这套环保节能降耗效果明显,技术先进有社会效益和经济效益的国内领先施工工法。2.特点2.1 工艺简单,更换容易(如图2.1),质量易控制;2.2 低耗能,施工成本低,具有较高的性价比;
14、 2.3 结构稳定,隐患少,无质量通病。图2.1 工艺简单易更换2.4 施工速度快、精度高,现场安装简便,加上板材自身可随意切割,转角等部位有专门异型板材收口,工作量轻,无重大吊装等重体力劳动,节约人力物力。2.5 本工法幕墙隔热节能功能显著,具备外墙保护功能(如图示2.1-1),施工后外墙系统产生通风空间,减少热量的传递,可以散湿散热,防止背腔结露,提高建筑物自身的舒适度,达到双重立体保温效果,满足GB50189-2005 公共建筑节能设计标准要求。 图2.1-1 外墙保护功能 图2.1-2 背通风节能功能2.6 施工成品刚度大,抗腐蚀性强、抗冲击力大,自重较轻,适合风压大及有抗震要求的建筑
15、物,抗震设防烈度可达到10度(设计基本地震加速度为0.2g,场地为类,见图2.6)。 图2.6 抗风压震动示意图 图2.7 幕墙导水示意图2.7 本工法解决了建筑物落成后的雨水冲刷问题,避免了世界建筑幕墙防水处理技术中采取完全封闭或收集储存排放形式存在的不足,采用等压原理有效的将雨水和雪融水从建筑物表面疏导出去,从而避免了雨雪对骨架结构的渗透侵蚀(如图示2.7)。 3. 适用范围适用于各类建筑室内外墙面,特别适用于污染环境恶劣场所。4工艺原理采用严格的工程测量为依据,根据专用构配件系统的动态观测数据,以金属型材为骨架,通过挂接式原理,对所受荷载数据进行研究、分析、计算(力学模型见图示4-1,图
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- oh 开缝式 陶土 幕墙 施工
