1、a vhodn ochrann prostedky. 17, me ohrozit bezpenost kontroln msto jmy, studny, pkopy, dry a jin inn preventivn opaten by mla bt pijata, vstran ttky a non kontrolka. 18, by ml vyistit bezpenost drby webu inspekce zbo. 19, ek, ist a opravit mst porn vchody, automobilov, zajist hladk. 20, non drba prac
2、ovi, stanovit pro splnn poadavk osvtlovac zazen. 21, msta opravy zahrnujc radioaktivn zdroje by mly pijmout odpovdajc opaten pedem, tak, e je to bezpen. Pt, drba. 5, radioaktivn materil drby, vyhbn se informovat strnky provoz a personlu drby, potvrdila bezpenostn mezery a npadn varovn signly na podl
3、e pslunch ustanoven sttu, a zdil zvltn pi. 6, na vrobu webu drby, v ppad holavch, holavch materil a zazen, zazen odoln proti vbuchu vbuchu nebo pijmout jin opaten k zabrnn jiskry. 7, non drba a zvltn drbu poas zajist bezpen pe. 8, zazen pouvan ke sdlovn informac inn s opravy a stavebn jednotky. Dolo
4、 k vjimce pi zvodu, kdy okolnosti, kter mohou ohrozit bezpenost personlu drby zazen uivatel mli okamit upozornit pracovnky drby k zastaven prce, pracovit, kde rychl evakuaci. Po oeten vjimky vyloueny a po potvrzen bezpenosti a drbou pracovnci ped restaurtorsk prce. VI drby bezpenostn poadavky na kon
5、ci roku 1, z dvodu drby potebuje a odstrate kryc deska, zbradl, zbradl, ochrann kryty a dal bezpenostn zazen by mlo vrtit do jeho bezpen pouvn. 2, dr bi pouit zazen, leen, doasn moci, pracovn, osvtlen a tak dle, by mly bt evakuovno v ase. 3, po dokonen generln opravy odpad, suti, smet, tuk je nutno
6、vyistit. 4, po kontroledifficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. Take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes Li Dazhaos classic iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how
7、 to do well under the new situation of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. A good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. In my view, village chief
8、s in the new situation, we must first have five basic quality. One ambition is to pioneer. Who is handsome. People only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. Township and village party leaders, within their respective jurisdictions,
9、 political stability and economic and social development issues, decisions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. Everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the Organizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral and other qualitie
10、s. Therefore, we must always maintain the historical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. To have a feeling of closeness to the second. The people and
11、country. Our business foundation in the peoples blood in the people power people. Advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, called first, and enjoy comfort about others, Zheng Banqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling o
12、f bamboo, the suspect is suffering. Cao County officials, little my, a total turn off. Old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold with on people of deep feelings, heart Department masses of leading visited tea,
13、care masses of emotions thoughts complained, always insisted put masses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by
14、with, and Lee for people by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. As Township and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoin
15、t on power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the KMT military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. As long as the study of mind, it
16、is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in城市道路交叉路口设计方案的研究 顾嘉燚 韦 芳 李丽君(常熟理工学院 管理学院,江苏 常熟 215500)摘要:城市道路交叉路口是保证城市通行能力的要塞,在城市中起到节点作用。调查表明,常熟市部分市政道路交叉路口存在上下班高峰期交通拥堵、路面标记不清、信号灯设计不合理等问题。本文通过重置行车道,调整绿信比
17、、设置导流岛等方式试图缓解部分路段目前交叉路口的交通压力。关键词:交叉路口 控制 标记 改善对策文献标识码:A 常熟市作为一个历史悠久的古城,小巷胡同遍布。然而随着城市经济的日渐发展,新老城区的接轨还不是很完善,交通系统也逐渐暴露出一些问题。对此,通过多种方式调研了常熟市102个交叉路口,并对其中50多个问题较为集中的路口进行了深入调查。本文将针对交叉路口存在的主要问题进行提出改进建议。一、交叉路口现状在调研过程中共发放160多份调查问卷,通过对问卷反馈的数据进行分析,得到道路交叉路口问题分析统计表(表1)。从表1中可以看出,市内道路交叉口的问题集中体现在三个方面:人为因素,约36.5%的市民
18、交通规范意识薄弱,乱穿马路现象较为严重;信号灯及设置问题,约32.4%的信号灯存在配时设置不合理的现象,如部分路口不论高峰平峰都只有黄灯示意减速慢行,而没有充分利用红绿灯进行车流量的调控设计;交叉路口设计问题,约31.1%的问卷调查表明本市部分交叉路口的设计不合理,如自行车等待区域占用了一个半机动车道大小,路面标记给机动车道增加了压力。而通过实地调研发现中这三个问题所占的比例分别为42.2%,37.3%,35.3%,和问卷调查所得结论基本一致。 此外,调研中还发现,不同时段交叉路口处车流量有较大差距(图1),高峰时期巨大车流量的冲击致使很多本来就存在问题的路口,拥堵情况更加严重。表1 道路交叉
19、路口问题分析统计表序号代表路口名称代表数量主要问题人为因素信号灯及设置问题交叉路口设计问题1青莲路232招商南路213沙家浜路14海虞南路255金沙江路186湘江东路14问卷统计问题比例/36.5%32.1%31.1%实地调研问题比例/42.2%37.3%35.3%图1 不同时间段车流量差异图二、问题及原因分析1、行车道宽度及数量无法满足车、人流量的通行按国家颁布的相关标准,城市道路每车道宽度为3.5米,交叉路口分流车道每车道为2.32.5米。根据我市各城市道路建设经验:四车道采用1516m,六车道2324m,八车道3032m。表2 车流量较少典型路口记录表路口名称单车道宽车道数(双向)交叉口
20、车道数单向车流量h琴湖路31+11+2800-900金沙江路3.83+33+4800-900湘江东路3.81+11+2700-800华山路3.51+11+1800-900阜湖路3.52+22+2700-800表3 车流量较多典型路口记录表路口名称单车道宽车道数(双向)交叉口车道数单向车流量h海虞北路3.53+33+41000-1200招商西路32+22+31000-1100青莲路 2.5 2 2 900-1000珠江路3.52+22+3900-1000对于表2和表3,常熟的车道宽度大多符合标准。但由于现在经济日渐发展,一定程度上加重了交通的负担,在一些商贸密集区的路口车道宽度及车道数少于车流量
21、不密集道路口,导致车道宽度及车道数已无法满足要求,使某些地区在车流量较多的时候,车辆无法正常通行,出现了交通拥堵的现象。2、绿信比配时不合理信号灯及设置问题中约80%存在绿灯配时设置不合理的现象。这里我们需要了解两个概念关于绿信比的配时: 绿信比绿信比是用来反应交通灯一个周期内可用于车辆通行的时间比例的指标值,通常用表示。=Tg/(Tg+Tr)其中:Tg表示一个周期中的绿灯时间Tr表示一个周期中的红灯时间Tg+Tr表示红绿灯信号周期; 车辆密度车辆密度是反应车流量在单位时间内通行量的指标值,通常用表示。=N/(L/2)其中:N 表示单位时间前后两段路上的车辆总数表示绿灯周期内车道交叉口前、后两
22、段路车辆的平均密度L 表示长为L 车道另外,单位时间前后两段路上的车辆总数,与车道上的流入车辆和流出车辆有关。因为不同边界条件, 道路的交通状况是不一样的, 则绿信比对交通的影响也不同, 如图2所示,绿灯周期内的车辆密度在不同流入车辆下随绿信比的变化情况: 图2 绿信比道路交通影响从图2可以看出: 当= 0.1时,不论如何变化,对应的都是渐近于零,即的取值对交通流无影响(信号灯无控制效果); 当= 1时,取00.6时,会随着的增大而增大; 当= 1时,取0.61时,是比当1时的任何车辆密度都大,处于拥堵状态,的取值对交通已无明显影响。所以,随着流入车辆增大, 进入路段的车辆增多, 如果绿灯时间
23、太短会造成车辆在路口前聚集形成拥堵,为了让车辆尽快通过路口, 需适当增加绿灯时间, 即增大绿信比。在一定的流入车辆和流出车辆条件下, 绿信比存在一个取值范围, 在此范围内, 可使道路前后半段的车辆密度较小, 达到畅通状态。 根据前期调查结果显示,常熟道路口绿信比在0.20.3占12%,0.30.4占52%,0.40.5占32%,0.50.6占1%,0.60.7占4%。由此可见,绿信比在0.30.5之间所占比例极重,且常熟市的流入车辆大,车辆密度因此随之变大,极易造成拥堵的状态,而且过长的红灯等待导致了高峰期车流量较大方向的车辆无法保持正常通行,造成车辆在交叉口吃红灯位绿灯时车辆却不能及时过完,
24、形成车辆二次排队。3、交叉路口处标识设置不合理路面标记不清晰甚至无标记,导流岛及导流线运用不合理。通过问卷调查,约有42%的调查者认为交叉路口隐患的原因是道路标记不明显且没有警示标语。经过实地调查,一些不规则地段缺少路面指示标识,导致一些外来车辆对不熟悉的路况无法做出正确的判断。而在一些交通情况较为复杂的地段,过大的导流岛大幅占据交叉路口,反而阻碍了车辆的通行。 图3 某交叉路口路面标记设置如图3交叉路口处,则是自行车等待区域占用了一个半机动车道大小,这样的路面标记给机动车道增加了压力而且部分车行道的停车线位置不合理,离人行横道标线太靠后,使得绿灯通行距离过长,降低了信号灯的通行效率,而人行横
26、普通小型机动车的通行要求,因此,可以通过重新划分车带来增加机动车道数,缩小那些较为开阔的非机动车道,将其一部分纳入机动车道的使用范围,如图4。图4 车道调整前后效果对比图也可以考虑通过机非隔离带的调整来拓宽机动车道的宽度,同时重新划分车带,增加车道数,从而使道路的交叉路口处能够有更加充裕的空间来保证交通的畅通。2、调整绿信比高密度的拥堵状态90%是在流入车辆大于流出车辆时产生,在某些条件下, 适当地调整绿信比, 可达到疏导作用, 降低车辆密度, 减少车辆在路口的排队时间, 见图2,绿灯周期内的车辆密度在不同流出车辆下随绿信比的变化情况: 图5 绿信比道路交通影响 对比图2,在图5中,当0.7时
27、,在0.50.6时,会急剧下降,0.6时,一直处于低值状态。所以,保持0.7,0.5时,车辆密度会大大降低,从而达到舒缓交通压力的作用。对于车辆密度非常大的招商城来说,不管如何改变绿信比,都很难达到减缓的作用。然而像方塔东街由于红灯等待时间过长而导致的交通拥堵现象,就可以利用调整绿信比来进行调整。3、设置导流岛 招商城地区诸如招商南路、招商西路、招商北路的交叉路口处,已设有大型的导流岛,导流岛将人行道与非机动车道相结合,同时又用带状花坛对机动车右转与非机动车右转进行隔离。这样的导流设计使得交通分流明显,交通疏导得以完善。然而,在一些重要路口,如招商南路和青莲路的交叉路口,却缺少标记及导流岛。如
28、果在这些路口进行合理的导流设计,如图6所示,将会极大的缓解这些路口的交通压力。图6中,标注表示机动车转弯引流标线,来指引机动车在交叉路口处有序分流。标注表示机动车交叉路口分流标线,来引导机动车在交叉路口处与对向车辆分流。从而避免了车辆在路口因标记不明确而交通混乱或拥堵。导流岛的设置需要一定大小的面积,一般不小于7从而保护步行者的安全,必须与车辆的行驶轨迹相吻合,且需避免在交叉口内设置多个小的导流岛,使驾驶员判断失误。 图6 交叉路口导流标记设置前后效果对比图四、总结 城市道路交叉路口的设计方案多种多样,但是能够切实地运用到每个路口上的统一的方案却是几乎不存在的。每个城市道路的交叉路口都有其自身
30、路交通管理与控制M人民交通出版社,2007年,1:8-24,5:98-112.3周蔚吾:公路平面交叉优化设计M知识产权出版社,2006年.2:21-284 谭惠丽: 十字路口红绿灯的控制效应J, 广西师范大学学报: 自然科学版, 2008,26(2):4 作者简介:第一作者:顾嘉燚(1993-),女(汉族),江苏常熟人,常熟理工学院经济与管理学院工程管理系学生。详细通信地址:常熟理工学院东湖校区经济与管理学院(常熟市南三环路99号);邮编:215500;联系电话:13913688169;电子邮件地址:6158906563。指导老师:韦芳(1979-),女(汉族),江苏常熟人,常熟理工学院管理学
31、院讲师、工程师、全国一级注册建造师、造价工程师,华东理工大学硕士,主要从事工程项目管理、工程管理信息化研究。第三作者:李丽君(1993-),女(汉族),江苏淮安人,常熟理工学院经济与管理学院学生。zazen mus provdt postupy poadovan po sputn testu zazen pout, opravy a stavebn jednotky ob strany pedn postupy. 30 a systm zen zdravotnictv kariru a el k proveden bezpenostn prvn a prevenci a komplexn be
32、zpenost pstupu, dle lep pracovn podmnky, zruky zamstnanc do pracovnho procesu v bezpenosti a zdrav, prevence a eliminace karira proti posilovn profesn zen managementu, zlepit rove profesn kontroly, lidov republika ny bezpenostn metody a lidov republika ny povoln kontroln metody a kariru zdrav opatro
33、vnickho zen pstupu, prvnmi pedpisy, rozvjet tento systm. Druh, rozsah pouit Tato politika se vztahuje na vechna pracovit, vechny innosti zdrav zamstnanc dlna. Zatet, nemoci z povoln termn 1: zamstnanc vyplvajc z pod vlivem pracovnch rizikovch faktor stanoven sttem ve form statutu a diagnostikovno on
34、emocnn, lkask instituce uren sttem. 2 faktory: lidsk faktory, e pina nhl smrti nebo pokozen majetku. 3. rizikov faktory: me mt vliv na zdrav lovka a zpsobit nemoc nebo chronickm pokozen zpsoben prvky. 4 ochrann opaten: sti tla pro prce v n s clem vyhnout se odchyluje do nebezpench oblast nebo psoben
35、 kodlivch ltek izolovan, stnn, bezpenost, osobn ochranu a dalch opaten nebo prostedky. 5 osoba ochrann pomcky: pro lkae pi profesionln innosti od nebo snit nehod zrann a povoln a osobn opoteben poloky. Synonyma: OOP. tyi, rozdlen odpovdnost a (a) spolenost zdrav a technologie jsou centralizovan sprv
36、a oddlen riziko povoln prevence a kontroly, kter mus plnit tyto povinnosti: 1. odpovdn za organizaci zaveden pslunch sttnch zkon a pedpis o prevenci a kontrolu pracovnch rizik; 2. odpovdnost za zen, ochranu zdrav a bezpenost a zdrav vcviku; 3. odpovdnost za rzn rizika povoln. (D) zamstnanci mus psn
37、dodrovat zdravotn a systmy zen bezpenosti a bezpenostn postupy a maj nsledujc prva: 1. pochopen povoln na pracoviti a jejich dsledk a pijatch opatench; 2. kolen na zdrav pi prci a ochrany zdrav vyeten; 3. zkon vyaduje jednotku zlepit nebezpen pracovn podmnky a pstup k povoln nemoci prevence a lby; 4
38、. pracovit profesn choroby indukn faktory koncentrace nebo slu pekroila nrodn zdravotn standard a kontroln opaten pijat, ani potebn osobnconferences, learned superiors policies; reports, you can learn to deal with problems, art, just wanted to learn, to learn at any time. To continuously expand the
39、scope of the study. The complexity and comprehensiveness of our work, decided to not only do we want to be professionals, or if generalists, to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowledge not only to have knowledge to rational analysis. This on requirements we, not only to learning
40、national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to with political theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide work; not only to read history, also to read history; not only to absorption SM of mirror, also to gets is of road; not o
41、nly to from local learn, also to to outside learn; not only to to books learn, also to field study learn. Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outside world when I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outside developments, learn other peoples development approach, and then come b
42、ack to guide our work. Second, we must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thinking without learning is perilous. We want to foster the character of advancing with the times, forge ahead, often reflect themselves in adapting to the new situation on whether there are delays, have anything
43、to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the development of a relaxation, keep promising State of mind. In order to do investigations, investigations is the road to heaven, God disposes of the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, and get truth, rece
44、ived effectiveness, on must in-depth actual, and outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyone care of problem, listening they of calls, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experience, concentrated they
45、 of wisdom, especially on masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and most complained of hot, and difficulties and focus problem, more to active research, caught not put. Dare to innovate, in our work, often remain the old way doesnt work, the new approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that many people know that copying other peoples ideas, mechanically, using someone elses old ways. To change this predicament, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative, conformist, good a