1、actions using rules, and in the process of the concentration of disciplinary ruling, not convergence, not pull back as heavy or heavier punishment. Discipline focused discipline process at least 18 since the five-year, five years is to pay close attention to the Central implementation eight provisio
2、ns and anti-four winds. Fourth chapter to suspected illegal party disciplinary actions and distinguish between five different circumstances, provides for specific provisions respectively, effective cohesion to achieve party discipline and State Law 9. One is the 27th article of the Ordinance provide
3、s that party members found in the disciplinary review of corruption bribery, dereliction of duty and other alleged offences under criminal law, should be given to withdraw party posts, expelled from or placed on probation within the party disciplinary action. Second, article 28th of the regulations
4、in the discipline of the party organization . Disciplinary punishment against life , Chapter 6. 3, annex Annex part of supplementary provisions, such as the permission, interpretation of the regulations, as well as the timing and retroactive, and so on. 11 (three) learning understanding Ordinance ne
5、ed grasp of several focus problem first a problem-on violation political discipline behavior new Ordinance sixth chapter put political discipline as six big discipline of first, is main on opposition of led and opposition of basic theory, and line, and basic programme of, and basic experience, and b
6、asic requirements of disciplinary behavior made disposition provides, especially will 18 big yilai Central proposed strict political discipline and political rules of requirements and practice results into for discipline provisions, Added jump on the central policy, clique, fight reviews, without pr
7、inciples and disregard the disciplinary provisions. These are the partys 18 since the comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party in the process of combining the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy violate the partys centralized and unified this issue is made under provisions
8、 of the party Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated in master uphold democratic centralism is the party building must adhere to one of the four basic requirements. This items principles is party of fundamental Organization principles, is mass line in party of life in the of using, it requireme
9、nts must full develop party democratic, respect members of subject status, guarantees members of democratic right, full play levels party and members of enthusiasm and creative, while, also must implemented right of concentrated, guarantee party of solidarity unified and action consistent, guarantee
10、 party of decided get quickly and effective of implementation. Central in developed major approach policy Shi, through different of channel and way, full heard about party and members of views recommends, but 12 is some people face to face not said, and behind blather will Shang not said, and will H
11、ou blather stage not said, and Taiwan Xia blather, actually not only disrupt has people thought, some caused serious consequences, damage has party of concentrated unified, hamper has central approach policy of implement implementation, also serious violation has democratic centralism of principles.
12、 No doubt, shall, in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the 46th of appropriate sanctions. Without serious consequences, the criticism should be given education or the appropriate organization. (2) violate the partys solidarity and unity to the new section 48th新建铁路武汉至广州客运专线乌龙泉至花都段第IV标段 隧道
16、程:中埋式止水带施工包括钻钢筋孔、固定钢筋卡、固定止水带等环节其施工工艺流程如下所示。 挡头模板钻钢筋孔固定钢筋卡固定止水带拆挡头板灌注混凝土下一环止水带定位(2)施工方法及步骤沿衬砌环向每隔0.51.0m在端着模板上钻一12的钢筋孔。将制成的钢筋卡穿过挡头模板,内侧卡紧止水带一半,另一半止水带平靠在挡头板上,待混凝土凝固后拆除挡头板,将止水带拉直,然后弯钢筋卡紧止水带,如图所示: 中埋式水带施工方法示意图(3)止水带施工控制要点1、衬砌施工缝和沉降缝采用的遇水膨胀的橡胶止水条、止水带符合设计要求。因预埋式橡胶止水带构造简单,施工简便,质量可靠,故采用预埋式橡胶止水带。2、加强混凝土振捣,排除
17、止水带底部气泡和空隙,使止水带和混凝土紧密结合。3、止水带埋设位置应准确,其中心应与变形缝重合。 4、中埋式止水带应固定在挡头模板上,先安装一端,浇筑混凝土时另一端应用箱型模板保护固定时只能在止水带的允许部位上穿孔打洞,不得损坏止水带本体部分; 5、固定止水带时,应防止止水带偏移,以免单侧缩短,影响止水效果。 6、止水带定位时,应使其在界面部位保持平展,不得使橡胶止水带翻滚、扭结,如发现有扭结不展现象应及时进行调正。 7、止水带的长度应根据施工要求事先向生产厂家定制(一环长),尽量避免接头。如确需接头,应满足以下要求(如图): 止水带常用接头形式 8、橡胶止水带接头必须粘接良好,不应采用不加处
18、理的”搭接”。 9、止水带粘接前应做好接头表面的清刷与打毛,接头处选在衬砌结构应力较小的部位,粘接可采用热硫化连接的方法,搭接长度不得小于10cm,焊接缝宽不小于50cm。冷接法应采用专用粘结剂,冷接法搭接长度不得小于20cm。 10、设置止水带接头时,应尽量避开容易形成壁后积水的部位,宜留设在起拱线上下。 11、在浇捣靠近止水带附近的混凝土时,应严格控制浇捣的冲击力,避免力量过大而刺破橡胶止水带,同时还必须充分震捣,保证混凝土与橡胶止水带的紧密结合,施工中如发现有破裂现象应及时修补。 12、衬砌脱模后,若检查发现施工中有走模现象发生,致使止水带过分偏离中心,则应适当凿除或填补部分混凝土,对止
19、水带进行纠偏。(4)止水带安装检查: 1、止水带安装的横向位置,用钢卷尺量测内模到止水带的距离,与设计位置相比,偏差不应超过5cm。 2、止水带安装的纵向位置,通常止水带以施工缝或伸缩缝为中心两边对称,用钢卷尺检查,要求止水带偏离中心不能超过3cm。 3、用角尺检查止水带与衬砌端头模板是否正交,否则会降低止水带的有效长度。 4、止水带接头的检查: 1)检查接头处上下止水带的压茬方向,此方向应以排水畅通、将水外引为正确方向,即上部止水带靠近围岩,下部止水带靠近隧道衬砌。 2)接头强度检查:用手轻撕接头。 3)观察接头强度和表面打毛情况,接头外观应平整光洁。抗拉伸强度不低于母材的80%;不合格时重
22、持湿润,可铺上一层厚2530mm的11水泥砂浆或涂刷混凝土界面处理剂并及时浇筑混凝土;5 、施工缝内采用中埋式止水带时,应确保位置准确、固定牢靠;6、施工中应采取措施保证待贴止水条的混凝土界面洁净。(六)变形缝施工变形缝缝隙较宽,选择变形缝防水材料时,除了选用橡胶止水带止水外,还考虑到橡胶止水带有限的压缩变形能力和弹性变形能力以及与混凝土之间的密封还存在一定的缺陷,不能完全填充和密封其变形范围以外的孔隙,为此,又选用了一种具有“双重止水功能”的遇水膨胀止水条作补充,它可以通过自身的弹性和遇水时体积膨胀来进一步填充和密封橡胶弹性变形以外的橡胶和混凝土之间的界面缝隙,以此来达到可靠的止水效果。1、
23、变形缝的设置与应符合下列规定:1)变形缝的位置、宽度、构造型式应符合设计要求;2.)缝内两侧应平整、清洁、无渗水;3)缝底应先设置与嵌缝材料无粘结力的背衬材料或遇水膨胀止水条;4)嵌缝应密实。2、变形缝嵌缝材料及嵌填施工应符合系列要求:1)嵌缝材料要求最大拉伸强度不应小于0.2MPa,最大伸长率应大于300,且拉、压循环性能为80时拉伸压缩率不小于20。2)缝内两侧平整、清洁、无渗水,涂刷的基层处理剂符合设计要求。3)背衬材料的设置应符合设计要求。4)嵌填密实,与两侧粘接牢固。四、止水带材质要求(一) 止水带宜选用橡胶止水带或钢边橡胶止水带(二)对水压力大、变形大的施工缝、变形缝应选用钢边止水
24、带,当地下水有腐蚀性介质的应选用氯丁橡胶、三元乙丙胶材质的止水带。当设计选用其它新型、成熟、可靠的材料时,其物理性能应符合国家相关标准的要求。(三)橡胶止水带的材质、形状、尺寸、物理机械性能应符合设计及现行橡胶止水带(HG/T2288)的规定1、止水带的宽度宜控制在300350mm,并视水压力大小调整宽窄;止水带的截面尺寸用精度为0.05mm的卡尺,其它尺寸用精度为1mm的卷尺检查测量。两种典型止水带断面结构见图:两种典型止水带断面结构示意图注:W-止水带宽度;T-止水带厚度A此部分外观质量要求较严;B此部分外观质量要求较宽; 2 、橡胶止水带产品外观质量应符合下表规定:序号缺陷名称A部分B部
25、分1气泡直径不大于1mm的气泡,每米不允许超过3处直径不大于2mm的气泡,每米不允许超过4处2杂质面积不大于4mm2的杂质,每米不允许超过3处面积不大于8mm的杂质,每米不允许超过3处3接缝缺陷不允许有裂口及“海绵”现象。高度不大于1.5mm的凸起每米不超过2处不允许有裂口及“海绵”现象。高度不大于1.5mm的凸起每米不超过2处4凹痕不允许允许有深度不超过0.5mm,面积不大于10mm2每米不超4处5中孔偏心中心孔周边对称部位厚度差不超过1mm橡胶止水带产品外观质量要求3 、橡胶止水带物理机械性能及检验标准见下表胶止水带物理机械性能及检验标橡序号项目指标试验标准B型S型J型1硬度(昭尔A)(度
28、边橡胶止水带的物理力学性能五五、止水带的固定方法止水带常用的固定方法有以下三种。止水带常用的固定形式六、止水条施工及要求(一)止水条宜选用制品型遇水膨胀止水条。其物理力学性能应符合下表的规定制品型遇水膨胀橡胶止水条物理力学性能序号项 目指 标1硬度(邵尔A),度4272拉伸强度(MP)3.53扯断伸长率()4504体积膨胀倍率()2005反复浸水试验拉伸强度(MP)3扯断伸长率()350体积膨胀倍率()2006低温弯折202无裂纹7防霉等级优于2级注:硬度为推荐项目,其余均为强制项目;成品切片测试应达到标准的80;接头部位的拉伸强度不得低于上表标准性能的50;体积膨胀倍率是浸泡后的试样质量与浸
29、泡前的试样质量的比率。(二)遇水膨胀止水条的施工应符合以下规定1、 拆除混凝土模板后,凿毛施工缝,用钢丝刷清除界面上的浮碴,并涂25mm厚的水泥浆,待其表面干燥后,用配套的胶粘剂或水泥钉固定止水条,再浇注下一环混凝土。2、遇水膨胀止水条接头处应重叠搭接后再粘接固定,沿施工缝形成闭合环路,其间不得留断点(见下图)遇水膨胀止水条安装示意图3 、止水条定位后至浇注下一环混凝土前,尽量避免被水浸泡,必要时加涂缓膨剂,防止其提前膨胀。4、振捣混凝土时,振捣棒不得接触止水条。5、档头板制作时应考虑预留安装止水条的浅槽。(三)带注浆孔遇水膨胀止水条施工应符合以下规定1、安装止水条界面的处理及止水条的固定方法
30、同上。2、将止水条上的预留注浆连接管套入搭接的另一条止水条上连接二通上(见下图)。带注浆孔遇水膨胀止水条安装示意图3、根据所安装止水条的长度,约在30m处安装三通一处,三通的直线两端有一头插入止水条内,另一头插入注浆连接管内。丁字端头插入备用注浆管内,以备缝隙渗漏水时注浆。4、注浆连接管与三通连接件应粘结牢固,保证注浆管通畅。安装在三通上的备用注浆管,应引入衬砌内侧。to 52nd of the Ordinance, to violate the partys solidarity and unity, such as punishment of violations of political
31、 discipline as specified. The 52nd new missions Gang gang, clique, cliques within the party, cultivating private power interests or by Exchange, creating a momentum for their activities, such as fishing for political capital, punishment imposed serious warnings or withdrawal of party posts in seriou
32、s cases, punishment imposed or placed on probation within the expelled. (3) on the rival groups review provisions of the party Constitution, must comply with the obligations of the party faithful are party members. Party members must obey decided shall not contravene the Organization decided to have
33、 problems to find organizations, relying on the Organization, a deception organization, against the organization. For example . Female country (territory) outside, such as employment, income, property and investment matters, for failing to report, not truthfully report, undeclared, and so on, depend
34、ing on the seriousness, give criticism and education, within a time limit, shall be ordered to make checks and commands his conversation, criticized or adjustment of status, removal and so on, constitutes a disciplinary offence, disciplinary action in accordance with the relevant provisions. But sin
35、ce the original was not appropriate in the specific provisions of the regulations, for violations of the provisions do not report, report the matters related to the personal behavior does not correspond to the discipline of sanction, in practice it is difficult to operate. On this, for solution not
36、report, and not truthfully report personal about matters 15 asked blamed of problem, new Ordinance increased has 67th article, on violation personal about matters report provides, not report, and not truthfully report of behavior proposed has clear of disposition according to, makes this class disci
37、plinary behavior no longer has empty can drill, for carried out personal about matters checks verified, and cadres supervision, and discipline review, work provides has powerful of discipline guarantees. (2) with regard to illegal organizations, will participate in the fellow and alumni, to comrades
38、 68th of the regulations provides that the party cadres violating relevant regulations, participation in spontaneous fellow, alumni, friends, etc, to be punished according to the seriousness of it. Of particular note here is three things: first, this article is merely cadres, reflects the high requi
39、rements for leading party cadres; the other is in violation of the 2002 Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central Organization Department and the general political Department jointly issued the circular on leading cadres should not participate in the voluntary establishment of villag
40、ers and alumni and ally organization notice of the relevant provisions. That is organized, villagers participating in the established clubs, alumni, comrades will constitute a disciplinary offence is contrary to the premise of this rule. Specified in the notice, leading cadres should not participate
41、 in the ups compatriot, alumni, various organizations such as the association between comrades, sponsors and organizers of the exclusion of such association shall in such association in corresponding positions; not the opportunity to weave network, Pro-close drain, Gang gang, but not the Alliance, Jin LAN sworn, and so on. Third, there no organization was established with the participation of fellow clubs, alumni, and friends. Breaking13中铁五局(集团)武广客运专线XXJTIV标项目经理部第七总队