1、rehabilitation training, because at that time the city has not specifically for deaf children of professional rehabilitation agencies, she will accept rehabilitation training must go to Suzhou, due to her age is too small must take care of their parents, her mother had to resign to Suzhou to take ca
2、re of her, thus to their family brought two problems, one is the economic pressure, second, children are in the most need caring parents feel Term age and father separated, unable to feel the happy family to grow. In order to avoid more and more families appear this kind of circumstance, actively co
3、ordinating the city FIMITIC established rehabilitation center, operation center for the XX membership received rehabilitation training of special children and parents brought great convenience, to enable them to the nearest and handy to get high-quality rehabilitation services, Huimin policy of the
4、Communist Party of China has been fully reflected.Regular organization of the fast forward, three special children into society. Due to the special childrens own disability, they rarely and social contact, we hope that in their rehabilitation training can have more opportunities to integrate into so
5、ciety, by the municipal CDPF coordination has been relevant departments of the strong support, promote the special children into social work: one is the municipal CDPF and City Bureau of education in training children rehabilitation assessment, 2015 years 3 hearing-impaired children get a rehabilita
6、tion of the good results, enter the ordinary kindergarten and primary school; the second is the city library volunteer monthly to center on childrens stories, playing games and other entertainment activities, into a Step broaden their way of thinking; the third is under the support of the City Board
7、 of education, the center will and Yanshan Mountain kindergarten cooperation, fusion education project weekly by the special education teacher lead 1-2 hearing-impaired children into Yanshan Mountain kindergarten accept half a day of kindergarten education, let children with special filling feeling
8、kindergarten learning atmosphere, for their future access to kindergarten and primary school lay a solid foundation., handicap love, care for children with special. Caring for children with special needs to let them with healthy children as happy growth but also our work direction: one is actively c
9、ontact the society from all walks of life of the difficulties children with special care and support this year in coordination with the city FIMITIC, Ningbo Bank Co., Ltd. XX branch president assistant Zhao Yi for a row represents dandelion love fund to in the center received rehabilitation training
10、 of Xu Yang and Xu Miao brother and sister to send two of the loving enterprises special care; the second is actively contact the love team and community volunteers to the children in the center to all kinds of theatrical performances and interactive games, let them enjoy the happiness in the activi
11、ties, and further enrich the Their spiritual and cultural life.Five, increase the propaganda of rehabilitation services, and further enhance the sense of rehabilitation. In the suburbs especially in rural areas, to disabled技 术 标工程编号:CEET-GC2010-005工程名称:迁安市九江200万吨/年焦化污水处理机电及工艺管道安装工程批准人:审核人:崔景宽编制人:刘晓宇
12、三冶管道公司2010年6月18日目录一. 工程概况-3二. 施工方案-4三. 人员配置-12四. 施工机具配置-12五. 施工计划-12六. 安全措施-13七. 施工技术标准选用-14八. 施工质量保证措施-14九. 施工平面图-15一. 工程概括:本次招标工程项目的招标范围主要包括焦化污水处理(吸附池、隔油池、酚水井)及泵房;调节池、事故池、生化反应池、后处理(污泥浓缩池、二沉池、混凝沉底池)及后处理泵房、综合处理泵房、布水器泵房、风机房等的机械设备和工艺管道安装调试项目。主要设备一览表序号名 称型 号 及 性 能单位数量1刮油刮渣机12MP-2台42编缆式撇油机SY-120 Q=2000L
13、/h套43双吸离心泵600S75A Q=3400m3/h H=60m台84配套电机Y560-6 N=800Kw n=970r/min V=10Kv台85潜污泵WQ20-9-1.5A Q=20m3/h H=9m台2配套电机Y型电机 N=1.5Kw N=1470r/min v=380v台26渣浆泵40PV-SP Q=26.64m3/h H=22.5m台2配套电机Y132S1-2 N=5.5Kw n=2100r/min V=380v台27电动桥式吊车G=10t Lk=10m 起升高度10m台18电动抓斗式吊车G=10t Lk=21m 起升高度15m台19立式泵600LT-1100X2 Q=3000m
14、3/h H=39m台910泵配电机YL500-6 N=500Kw V=10Kv台911立式泵200LT-400X3 Q=300m3/h H=37.5m台112泵配电机YL250M-4 N=55Kw V=380v台113膜片式水泵控制阀 DN600 P=1.0MPa台914膜片式水泵控制阀 DN250 P=1.0MPa台115电动组合(三片)式矿浆阀 DN600 P=1.0MPa台916双偏心金属硬密封电动蝶阀 DN600 P=1.0MPa台117桥式起重机 Lk=28.5m Qt=16t台118铁皮抓斗 V=2.5m3 台119SG手动单轨小车 Qt=5t台1二.施工方案1.基础验收 在接到工
15、序交接单后,应对接到具备安装条件的基础进行复测,主要复测内容:1)基础不得发生倾斜,表面应无孔洞,麻面,不漏筋.2)基础表面及地脚螺栓孔内的模板必须拆净,螺栓预留孔内无异物、碎石等,孔内如有积水、油污必须清除.3)根据蓝图所给的尺寸,对基础的几何尺寸、螺栓孔距、预埋件数量、预埋件位置、标高、表面不平度进行复测.4)所有的基础必须有明确的标高点,坐标位置的纵横轴线,复测结果必须符合下表规范的规定.序号项 目极限偏差1基础各不同平面的标高+0-202基础坐标位置(纵横轴线)203基础上平面外形尺寸凸台上平面外形尺寸凹穴尺寸20-20+204基础上平面的水平度(包括地平上需要安装设备的部分)5/10
16、0010(全长)5竖向偏差5/100010(全高)6预留孔地脚螺栓:中心位置 深度 空壁垂直10+20102.垫板的选择经计算后垫板规格选用16090mm每根螺栓各垫两组垫板,满足要求.3.设备的吊装搬运由于平流池的水泵房土建已全部施工完毕,泵房已全部封闭,设备运进室内比较困难,由其室内的10t桥式吊车必须先安装,因为室内所有设备都靠它吊运安装.泵房上盖已全部封闭,大部分防雨层已做完, 但是受现场实际位置所限,只能在M N跨揭开盖板,利用30t汽车吊站在草图所示位置,将天车吊装到泵房内的天车轨道上. 由于泵房已封盖,电机、双吸泵只能从大门口水平移进,因为室内天车只能到大门口4m处,双吸水泵单重
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- kc 施工组织设计 旋流井
