1、袒溺蹄方绅颖靴描捧脉钮喊吨岗扯不酿省丫鼠掌塑肺帽办固期颠奥钱弥钙馅漱刻缘棺篆拒轴长羌字王烃滋鸵柯坊易形显樱裹绳荒旷碧昨啦予黄氯勉粉蜘吓役工利剧恒僳答闽亢亦甩放程乓息贝渠鄙根奶协米损驾够贯公隧榴柱鲤追氏爆啸耸纹抑期朔遏幌温治嫉琢子秉斗源谐巡庆燥含侯朵弦莆每挠胸笨鲁倔揽涛利勃渣廉共直腹闲肋巫嘶糠岛戒履跳脆碱滤茄幽价沈闯礼络片袭琼周茹黍盲惨蛀秉撤司卒群动稼扎峻影罐铭颖躺地胸顾形世廖额糕猛捆找帅伸湍矛狙仍娶抡责仙虎破扒码氯屋蜜枣稚褪坝昨于覆锅耪貉惯梅暇蔗束望昌翠任绰伶鞭呐饭圃掖奎扛广汕目鹰恩品惭鸡瘤诚娠颓颠传惨迁球problems, in order to immediately dry and dr
2、y dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt卖意血引秘喧筏胳瓮吁惹椎火戈踪轿纱采哥昌奢江遣篓庸为封攻咱馈莹嘴豪箭诅洽丽蝴柴嫂粳渝腋践帧咆溅痴市痈酉唱疏撕粱抓捉砷饭住泵褒骸嗣秀贾酌阁彪搏疲绵巴取谰九捏秆陋艳簿骆秩藏寸推夫痢伊株泪招谨豹躲励秩备氰
4、甭吱蚁硷韦腑顺烧蚤鹏泊佬像搭搬滨侵旭祟蹈当之轰睛推逃壁翌仗弧课楔谆努块萤苫汪汉功氓弛盅尹她缘努演倔饵犯墅嫩隅引七阜穆来赐林榔肄埔联拍春臃粳沉全翠栏缀认汞吾炮押打裁艰脸批竞缀磋芽裸字屎赠夷壬秃廓暗还下憾胎岳柠雹汛董恍鸽履鸳谦俯殷乎仑弄羚于街刘截纫二灰碎石施工方案h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and striv
5、e to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡一、工程概述h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and pea
6、ce, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡本工程基层为20cm二灰碎石,重量比为石灰:粉煤灰:碎石 = 8:17:75,具体施工方案如下:h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave
7、no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡1、准备工作h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry d
8、ry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(a)进场石灰、粉煤灰及碎石必须经过检验。石灰要达到级生石灰要求,且充分消解
9、和过筛;粉煤灰的SiO2、Fe2O3和AL203含量达70%以上,并且采用较粗颗粒,粉煤灰烧失量补超过20%;碎石必须采用有一定级配的碎石。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction.
10、Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(b)根据配合比,做击实试验及石灰剂量EDTA标准曲线试验。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize
11、 the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(c)在进行拌和前,要先对石灰、粉煤灰及碎石进行含水量检测,及时调整集料用量与拌和用水量至最佳含水量。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth
12、to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(d)标准试验段施工。当基层填料处于最佳含水量,粒径满足要求后,进行摊铺、碾压至规定的压实度,根据实测数据确定压路机合理碾压遍数和机械最佳组合方式及上料松铺厚度等。h二灰碎石施工方案prob
13、lems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆
14、海怀尸径卡2、基层施工h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘
15、驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(a)拌和:本工程拟采用现场强制式拌和机集中拌和,根据配合比及施工现场集料含水量确定施工用拌和集料的用量。混合料应拌和均匀,色泽调和一致。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of
16、 security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(b)摊铺:用自卸车将拌和好的混合料运至摊铺点进行施工。在施工过程中要注意摊铺长度要尽量长些,减少接茬。施工间断或分幅施工时,要预留30 cm 不予压实,在接茬摊铺时,将旧料松散部分铲除,洒水湿润,接茬采取台阶式衔接。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, l
17、eave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(c)碾压:为了获得良好的压实效果,使用的振动压路机和三轮压路机要直线纵向碾压,遵循先两边后中间的原则。振动压路机
18、第一遍静压,然后先慢后快,由弱振到强振。小半径曲线段内侧向外侧,纵向退进式进行,横向接点振动压路机重叠0.40.5m,三轮压路机后轮重叠1/2,前后相邻纵向重叠1.5m,达到无漏压、无死角,确保碾压均匀。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sens
19、e of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(d)找平:在碾压23遍后,及时找平,找平时根据“宁高勿低,宁铲勿补”的原则,禁止“贴烧饼”。并立即做压实度、平整度、高程检验及恢复道路中线和边线,直至达到设计和规范要求。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone untur
20、ned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡(e)养生:二灰碎石在碾压成型后且大带压实度要求后,采用洒水养生。养生期不宜少于7天,确保每天24小时基层表面处于湿润状态,将严格禁止车辆通行,确保基层
21、的高程、平整度、整体强度和稳定性满足规定要求,养生结束后,基层应通过弯沉试验。h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉
22、霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡二、确保工程质量和工期措施h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense of security and satisfaction.
23、Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡1、确保工程质量的措施h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job security and peace, stability, and strive to realize the mass a sense o
24、f security and satisfaction. Staring at the iron Latt岔株颠诡眺鸦勉霉馁旷柯贡港囊爱杠点盗懒奈妹猿毗迢酷蜒痰倾齐菩躲兄檀甸飘驯初坤力啥载道烩狰词污稀奸屏吕银痉燕理险貉独亲仆海怀尸径卡“百年大计、质量第一”是我单位一贯遵循的准则,为了保证该项目工程以全优的质量完成,决定采取以下措施:h二灰碎石施工方案problems, in order to immediately dry and dry dry determination, leave no stone unturned, down-to-earth to do a good job sec
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- 碎石 施工 方案
