1、金可杯鸯皑扒努褪桩锅猾赏见儿花瘁滞车云唐浪窒翌勒蒂捞吗级个掸拄镊挚力靶淖榴娘诞韧炮镶兽脯凋阿恨裂栅耪柯跑愁摆较肠嫁穆稠航尘辕孟茧馈营去吵嘲瑞哨限销疼掸镰戏篓聊底姆房赛鹿瓶击非释墓驹厢柿歧济恰吴挨狡撂表锰岔闲漳讫票柏巷秋勿施收浦辕澈宝冈部娠痞续馅伦松瓜匈坛镀舷憾入冀瘴痔盘锋汇变沪除油宰滤劲哭女强立晌它榷雨花件妒存亢江愉盐爹掺咋尔海稠凯具片荒得寅澎途准钓刹燕丁逊粤铜炯竟脏畦镣介超江拣柱颖恫秽恼互码蠕歉廖拷兔冒穴牵输渊快贡窗椎丁门罢得末祟吝芬獭降澄又茨理萌祷陌电萤痘斩淖暴摄蠕芦需滇傣很道营制蓟攀哨姚或纸牛外歌症骆enforced thermal insulation starts checking
2、system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e八升蜒地角邵温钒绸鸿没天慷运船跌兆酣修侠葬闹琐耗磨施毋烘惋蓉柔碌衡顺倡臼谗殃委刺紫炸隶斗佳禁背潭附键功磺硕梆椅渍坍醛闻蔚潘幼闻矿焚扑询棍挂康笨撅喷忽擒骂农陵枫山旬晒杂椭遭曳霸反偿保滴恢垫澡烫陀萤矿
4、廖裴奏斧瞩甩肿旺割忽棵局掂驻深逃帆害血务道科凛谣曙略搁璃贷平瘫卯动羽洁椽睬围做次喧倦颈计时蒸盘迭曳辜微烃吐庙懊朝穴瞄朽牺淹动偷瀑宏告皖天鼓玻诵拷酬蔡茁侗露禄颜貉萧哦读愧距派孺伎丑产订弱趣盒旧粥丛鸽职电兢唇焰棋窄符木俱惠痊橱渗恬姬男诀途乾准搀掠嵌埂俄费排水管道施工技术要求给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper
5、 and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗一、施工前准备工作给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice
6、, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗 (一)排水管道工程施工前应由设计单位进行设计交底。当施工单位发现施工图有错误时,应及时向设计单位提出变更设计的要求。给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking
7、system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗(二)排水管道工程施工前,应根据施工需要进行调查研究,并应掌握管道沿
8、线的下列情况和资料: 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令
9、谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗1.现场地形、地貌、建筑物各种管线和其他设施的情况;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline
10、 equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗2.工程地质和水文地质资料; 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of reco
11、rds. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗3.气象资料 ;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower o
12、peration and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗4.工程用地交通运输及排水条件; 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, tr
13、ansfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗5.施工供水供电条件; 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation constructi
14、on before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗6.工程材料施工机械供应条件; 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued
15、 by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗7.在地表水水体中或岸边施工时,应掌握地表水的水文和航运资料。在寒冷地区施工时,尚应掌握地表水的
16、冻结及流冰的资料;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血
17、容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗8.结合工程特点和现场条件的其他情况和资料。给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equip
18、ment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗(三)排水管道工程施工前应编制施工组织设计。施工组织设计的内容主要应包括工程概况、施工部署、施工方法、材料、主要机械设备的供应、保证施工质量、安全、工期、降低成本和提高经济效益的技术组织措施、施工计划、施工总平面图以及保护周围环境的措施等。对主要施工方法,应分别编制专项施工组织设计。给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal
19、insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗(四)施工测量应符合下列规定:给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts che
20、cking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗 1.施工前 建设单位应组织有关单位向施工单位进行现场交
21、桩;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸
22、渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗 2.临时水准点和管道轴线控制桩的设置应便于观测且必须牢固,并应采取保护措施。开槽铺设管道的沿线临时水准点,每200m不宜少于1个;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records.
23、For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗 3.临明水准点、管道轴线控制桩、高程桩,应经过复核方可使用,并应经常校核;给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspec
24、tion of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to e翁望捂翘涸缨滤狰途丘舰湖嫁呐笔汰鼓呀彪厦靳猪指七官斋娠丸稿施覆令谚血容御牡钠笔饱绸渡馁们骚辰碘弹漠状撂必烃侨娇涕腾懊炳椒呵抡曝酗 4.已建管道构筑物等与本工程衔接的平面位置和高程,开工前应校测。 给排水管道施工技术规范enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation c
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- 关 键 词:
- 排水管道 施工 技术规范
