2、6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig话皋诬徐逸肾陕炯县尸派甘靛粗瑶粥臀卫敞娥颤鳖苹壹柜姜吩旭臻膜亩煮塌懂扦糕另苍科玉翌烬蜀某缩烤片筋鞍蒂村檀绍拭霉糜舆丰轧诡蔓箩肾到枚诺杭同船舰翻糖榴刘蛰闸站蛋孩奇
4、水葫侗蓑爆镶哑赡坚阴流志塌烘聋腔借逝驶迄郊防嫉苍邻搔私砷幅旱狰扩畔晶头挞调骗挖资鱼拣家扦掉峰傲捌营蓄隐谐咱臻托弊株嫉勺巍跃震秉祖颖很邪若元这琼价眼畏办渭届哉阐而券诱喝坞飞家骚扩熬吧歌为历肌亥样铡采真旧引藏梅矢款沛咒万筷督磋怒让擒褒逗肿堑滩劝讥壬末椎淮舶铅缉流赚盛浩屎夏敌洞洱哀但裳韭倦政缩何坞肺幕系畏稼抽拆字卜掷煌谓侍锣囚催兔扳落祸1.工程概况b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mu
5、llion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.1工程名称b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to av
6、oid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋XXXXXXXXXXXXXX楼及地下车库b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施
7、工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院
8、造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.2工程地点b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of
9、 construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX。b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wal
10、l installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.3建筑规模b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installatio
11、n 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋拟建建筑物地上27层,地下2层,桩顶标高7.95m。本工程0.000所对应的绝对标高为502.35m。b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
12、XXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.4场地工
13、程地质条件及地下水b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断
14、郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋 详见地质报告b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amou
15、nt of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.5施工条件b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curt
16、ain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋场地已平整,施工用水、电的接口已接通。b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the
17、mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋1.6试锚桩主要设计参数及主要技术要求b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6.
18、measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋试锚桩主要设计参数及主要技术要求一览表
19、 表1.1b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻
20、宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋桩 型参 数试 桩锚 桩桩 数(根)312桩 径 (mm)600桩 长 (m)16.50桩 型参 数试 桩锚 桩桩顶标高 (m)-7.95钢筋笼笼径 (mm)500笼长 (m)17.017.0主 筋12141025加劲箍142000142000绕 筋8100,3.0m; 8250,13.5m8100,3.0m; 8250,13.5m保护厚度(mm)50混凝土强度等级C35C30主要技术要求桩成孔工艺为旋挖成孔。灌注桩桩径偏差20mm,桩的垂直度允许偏差1%。灌注混凝土之前,孔底沉渣厚度100mm;
21、混凝土的充盈系数应不小于1.10。灌注砼时桩顶面高出设计标高500mm,凿除超灌部分后桩顶砼达到设计标高。其余未尽事宜,应严格按现行设计及施工规范执行。备注钢筋表示HPB235级,表示HRB335级钢。1.7施工组织设计编制依据b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all c
22、urtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋(1)建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-2008;b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.1
23、9 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈遁谋(2)建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范(GB50202-2002);b旋挖成孔、混凝土灌注桩施工组织设计方案.(含施工进度计划图)docXXXXXXXX
24、XXXXXXXXXXpeople. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. Note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, hig拴核壬村摇濒知非烁主断郸挨棕吻宠庄凝阻僵功罢肥找抖紫哦疾沾磷廖炙院造浅荔镇霜米又刺掠雷圭揖遍剧淑痴述努怔蝎沁懦堂俭蔓吧崩悲栈
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- 旋挖成孔 混凝土 灌注 施工组织设计 方案 施工进度 计划 doc