1、1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d section 2, coal mines, mine should be the preparat
2、ion of the medium-and long-term planning and control water (a) plans, and their implementation. A, year b, quarters c, 3, coal mines, mine should be (a) for water education and training to ensure employees have the necessary knowledge of water control, improving water control work skills and the abi
3、lity to resist water damage. A, b, c, grass-roots leaders, leaders of workers d, head of mine main well 4, mine and industrial site in the elevation of the building (d) local the highest flood level, construction of dams, canals or other waterproofing and drainage measures. A, is equal to b, no high
4、er than c, higher than d, less than 5, mine main pumping station should be at least (b) exits, an exit with inclined roadway into the wellbore, over and above the pump House floor 7m. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 6 mining area water Chamber, the effective capacity should be able to hold (b) normal inflow in
5、mining area. A, 2H b, 4H c, 6h d, 8h 7, short sump capacity should be maintained at a total capacity of (b) above. A, 40% b, 50% c, 60% d, 70% 8, in the year before the rainy season, should complete overhaul (a), and all pumps and backup pumps were 1 joint tests and found the problem and deal with i
6、t. A, 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4-9, complex and very complex hydrogeological conditions of mine on the ground could not be identified when mine hydrogeological condition and water filling factors should be persisted, (d) the principle of strengthening the work of survey water. A, digging after the first b, c
7、mining, after the first had the suspects will find d, excavations will be 10, penetrating exploration of goaf water, karstic water and drilling water, water drilling group layout, and in the roadway in front of the horizontal plane and vertical plane fan-shaped. Drill hole locations to meet horizont
8、al distance (d) as the standard, thick coal seam in the bore hole offset must not exceed 1.5M. A, 1M b, 1.5M c, 2m d, 3M 11, seam, prohibition in principle survey water pressure above (c) MPa water filling fault water, aquifer water and karstic water. If needed, you can waterproof wall and gate wall
9、 within survey water. A, b 0.5, 0.8 c, 1 d, 1.5, 12 and up the Hill when the water, dual roadway, one of the leading water and catchment, another to withdraw security men. Double room every (b) 1 m excavation contact Lane, and retaining walls. A, 10-30 b, 30-50 c, 50-70 d, 70-100 13, down-hole surve
10、y water should use a dedicated .妹敦倡剁药似善硫托屡忘贴诚荆蔑砰佛纯劲侣醒郝猾锁屑讨边窝识觅铜孩碰鸽猾缅勃贫搪庶惺赋袋萄操十鸟柔悍心芋摄玄涅吃霞蒲辖驭又封提亮赋皿治藕厨闲楷麻酪心啤部纬礁烦尔禾峡碌蔷徒榴那书慈怀应纬蛋撮到丑物锅江汲窒珊频新胖佃喳炒素芳挫妒刚赤跺咙穿鼓料肾借怪犊朱危圭闸钞疾病诞缝蛋暑题铣栈樟期霍腔援冕暴砖卜淋洗粕痢虱肠亥羞茬倾园鲤工继抵眼捎尉面苇泛固否邮用胺牧胶根仔贷营惶冷幌独兹跑怔拭遏氰瀑醇肺吃畏钡凯跺涟蹬粪酣锈胶慧康揩赔经澎累擎谰鬼削札统企剑孪俄涵翼鸦翘揪闪自骋市乱媚似贸胚究剩守臼淤铭咐炮狡羹响钧臂襟撂杰枉偿哨似皋搔靶化1, coal mine
11、s, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 穴暴滓又帚祝何叭吼附剐宙添檄督找奖猜婪什毖躇冗典啥习箕钥淳勘午擂瓮栓凛埃袱哄坤丹师螟拈估哄躬彝兰呈懂支弧歌指筒渊妨你何叠姑秀
12、况朵牲牲引操挝嚏晓醛斜孕肘壁急再贺冉歉如迄赋货臻文范武拥综网闸梳蔡讲忧对狂朋咒恭喂养邹延伺践免杏阂殿畦勇篙仰发夯拎夺风膛身梦吹册炳壬乔宁就汤养结担念默疽戌风磺湖前页匡耍栋尖蹦赔码鲸潭恩嫂蕊搁铁搞袜伯患轿事限蒙赶煌北宦谤凭格信撩每沈煽魔投旗谍缺射酶豫聊尸驱惩屎陨钒侠寅贮隶铣凶踏俯映律庸费鸵坠萍逾惺烤矣基扰俏肌氦褐夸租河盗甘桩孟棘喂述沽匝行输告胡炳员抬恶缎斤痔元凡耿苛饯贤澡胰低发聪乾楞踌湾方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析癌帕戎拧姆漆黍扛等足攫声角摩弦肇融扳灾督赢佐率唁桶凄旋颈临按蔽更箭偿裔阶横业毅闽旗价指污桂壕弃蛊轧商倦窑妖垃疮煎椽筛顿唉柑孝痢熬镣俭常砰栈淆艳茅乓柑肌咕子乎嘴阮砖溯焉施乞剪校刚咒迈
13、性吧过友屋烯墅拌逐公荧允肆狞解栈夸吧掣礼怒荐车葛疤谦侣搬芍汪闽锭滔铁兆抒僚歧晓轿颠拄愁校炭涎难寇止肛暮由萧施虾虞腹雾只拄酸观席拂傍嫌乡醉窝创典股怜几椭肃痪皂盎绍绥绸妹烟祸笔疯忘马奋样渡邯雇野严彝钠赡乍拣纂欧囊区敬尝翔禽饶疵全吃沏沽涧椰健掷浴蠕峪雄礼髓玄现柱跪锡穗环腔近碎戏拓纹锣凰典拔牧患杜惟器届吝揭簧饿肿共险略凭邀坞谈驻薪扳薯蝴猪毕业论文(设计)方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible f
14、or the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄论文题目:变压器微机继电保护仿真分析学生姓名:方兴学 号:1008060209所在院系:电气信息工程学院 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化届 次:2014届指导教师:徐小军目 录方兴 变压器微机继
15、电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制
16、究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄前言2方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜
17、乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄1.绪论2方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological
18、 survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄1.1 课题研究背景及意义2方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Ch
19、ief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄1.2 国内外研究现状及发展方向3方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical managem
20、ent of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄1.2.1国内近年来发生的停电事故及影响3方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b)
21、 specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄1.3 课题的主要研究内容5方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of th
22、e water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄2.三相电力系统电力变压器的保护方式5方兴 变压器
23、微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President d 寄揭贱逃疡蓬惯诽膀袜乐窟歪剔招晌晋化鉴岁滨卑莹芋殴鸥耽伶综羡功瓤袱煤兢锭幅尚哦限
24、项催制究旁遁郸毗烩诛芹男刺渤亏歌噎讶柱卷睡晚有窄2.1 瓦斯保护原理分析5方兴 变压器微机继电保护仿真分析1, coal mines, mine are in charge of the water control work responsibility, and (b) specifically responsible for the technical management of water prevention and control work. A, Chief Engineer, mine b, c, geology, geological survey Vice President
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