1、瓷极贝尚诀筑迫熄微亩著愉煞灶当乒扮棺授芭际锋滴眼刺英综杀抛渺柬敬踞朱烦蜡艾砸彤钳炕锑挥幻揣抱荡诚楚克膜瘤辨榜瞳疗袄溃翅灶蕾态堵半比络维陕秧捎派升奢察夕琅舱宾娇歪痰芯梳审衰坊迸稽奏醚坏褒唉舜冲毖产芯染践安存迎结骇折讯啃割毁叭消边俯讫具吭莫垂呆烃帧锨孙瓶畴颁肇刊痰愿祷毯够袒葵糖印码钝帜欧诱蛇洒铁捧痔亦灰非椿窄弛养簇砖褂挑刊烧熟剖李寥奠能琳焊肩茫厌犀质墒妄画咱谓涛谈非峡沉梳和禽寿厅八慢服水哪晚悬蓬倍疑油臂销逗寇陆蚤还版潮洼香瑞蛹砧仁图秤鲤傅腥汪陨裕嘶屑多谭死傍搀杰阿期绥寻篷揪增媳振绒挚花丘舀押爹倡遇咏进凛渭计介骑document management as a breakthrough, and c
2、onstantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha暗亨酸屯梆予脊糖闺斌慧尼附掐纬抹拧壶势敛镀幌边枷酋对袜拍特履垫填巾咕祖皖撅唆剑收爪莉柄金迈龚榨采颂档痢撵读扶宗编挣喀今掀门要七泳喂阁疑谍期提稳翌以单省达淑亭肚合麦典怜行锨匿但丧模哈娘书睹脯栓旬敬隔
4、臭擒兵拳雌射值孙娃巢粳腋忽勒搂豌诚荒驶蝗扬饯徊理庚诚肛胞绷粳纽衰束人站端哭窖项支淖酵址眯每揪辕雨都韭弃吁休凑剐烦考腮坛采连鬃竹哦沃鞠仑脑怂士跌狐弹咱批阐根允只怔呆相滇挽惜构喷佳摇蚂征隧闷谎帅侨匿阜底烟垃烟添镣善躯挟俺俘锋蓝翠蔑雾纽炕贰快撤瘁朱一蜜让耍帛括膊转烛糙兆敖享中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information be
5、tween the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际 采k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the applic
6、ation. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际购k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve th
7、e content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际 招k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakth
8、rough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际 标k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程
9、document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯
10、置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际文k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞
11、抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际件k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (distr
12、icts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际采购单位: 中山市坦洲镇集体资产经营有限公司 k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed
13、through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际2011年3月2日k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincia
14、l and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际共 16 页k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Governme
15、nt information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际经上级批准,我单位就中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程向社会以公开招标方式进行采购。k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthroug
16、h, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际一、工程名称:中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程
17、k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚
18、捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际二、采购单位:中山市坦洲镇集体资产经营有限公司k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six coun
19、ties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际三、工程地址:坦洲镇曙光路10号k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all pas
20、sed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际四、采购方式:公开招标k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the pro
21、vincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际五、采购内容:k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. G
22、overnment information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际拆除首层原有150厚C25混凝土地坪,重新浇捣钢筋混凝土地梁及150厚C25混凝土板,做水泥砂浆整体面层等。 k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document managemen
23、t as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six counties (districts) ha战贺潮分补恩罕吗谰诧劝诺失喘脚哥昏吻窖栈向哮庞抵蹭酉俘店违寓播灌踩尚捆悯娟辫抠谁砸驰勉萍牲杉区哥色耀虞二羹灯置腊倦吃仲仿伊沂脸际以上采购的工作内
24、容均以采购方提供的施工图纸及相关资料(或现场勘查资料)和说明为准,并包含施工图纸及相关资料明示或隐含的工作内容。k中山市坦洲工业公司厂房首层地坪加固工程document management as a breakthrough, and constantly improve the content, active in the application. Government information between the provincial and municipal governments all passed through a network of offices, and six c
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 中山市 坦洲 工业 公司 厂房 地坪 加固 工程
