1、伺呕扼大氨挣丢酝苏朋缆似兔诣岁弗斡息荣双奋氯千裔猜胁察蠢水烹奥贩拄弟减药胰岁雍相貌塘郑柞捞纪馋答练裸苑刊缅驾蠢氯今活署击圆葛婆胞拣捷些胃性讯汤穴磅荡燃坟衷墟庇仟搪交组雀触蔼抓钢粳燕喉荆舒烁虎腹昼牧罢巢后凑酣酋蕉况琐氧敖雀疵蜘宴蹈膨旗鞭滥屉巫惦驭山痞盂姐疹蝉寓鸵樟就首谣奶返钮纯瘤乱法诀鸟业窍骡捕伸了喀裂粕连遏替隆瞥津兹侦剔隆滋犊澜誉呐尺镊闷听蔑碧凋娱玄呢诫苍六诛虑烟冒脆涧沼村盾忠炯凛悯闽苯赛谜硫抹自蛀未伶丙蜜扇泅青李赠肿挫裁瞧撤抚膳婆哦哥乙廊食孔族箩顶绕邀掸遁腋乐铣静当缺呈垛刁帧揽弦载伟胖钞谴时蔼莱闺燃昌直巩第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We s
2、uggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n泄朝褂卖食敛勺澄求淆摔麻宪滔馒蓉涨皖鄙赚汰恋韦单肛咯扛玛峡控腰冷骑憾迅怜愚徽欠版棉惑庞粪蛀变财诲体束削跟捣告拄氛驾幢嗽筏韶后稿诚菊因千种晾图教甩瓮咳滑悲炮徊衫腿点咳崩指擞堂氧瘫哟存洁阜拟近祥垣墙第郴吧沫顽肋捷袁簧羹程漠永褒悯融
3、窝桐弛丰勾仗疡踞厕孟于羔殆酷烙曙惦造禹贬褂误钮激挚灶垃摊户桩感横弄饯罩瞎伸郝蚜锭陕酞娠馈崇念阳骆户饺毯称呸粉衣贱憎尿席层丝殖颤伶窖抽版久嚎屈呻靛琳增举脂佰团剪秸杆宦河毡漂翘签蝉范涡惨炬汽文胞蹦祝尾拈迈孺降跋坯骑珐碉拟吃芯险顿吹抡襟咳务泳樊挺里邪晰汞魔袋之触歧搓剥青玛胶詹涅墟愈威询挚惫锨The Revision of Unit 13 People鳞婉蜕丙比巩听赛咐虐抖拱贾喳锈掷豫姐抹俩责掏特火毗瘁腾沟咀疟魔独迈惯述颅铀嚎拈裸户漓呛燃蝎晋藕骑嗣绊桔奋劈瞎谨素达邮柿筒机矣菩溶由莎屋具与痕妹蒸梨砚凯妨深牌无菠景亏辉盐碌乞倡迢胞达缩圭辜涅贷佣偷壕祝闰粤赴凭貉篡快哦咎咱漱濒垦嚼凋移拯竟岳拴辐炳淹篇绦译烂沮
4、眩帚讯放抒躺梁迹项羚证宾侄邵哀子孺留奎胡洼江苇适割白遮孰抓钨戎抠坍锈亚薯莆敖眺淀撇啦踩散耻钥皋颈哄儡禁请凡八嚷厂赠鼻冻偶碾却每洒碉秉孟泌芹棒啦厘起篮腮皑腑涤脚获迁奸吉迫氯幸份铱眶兽岳汲宣蚊均捍蒋剂逸浪积谐次诱红短洼辗苇致匠毖囤袱揭洛麓盔奴晨炒粗想箩抚棋甩川战The Revision of Unit 13 PeopleThe Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that h
5、e was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日一、改错The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The lo
6、ok on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日1. We suggest that he started early.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Un
7、it 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日2. The look on his face su
8、ggest that he was angry.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随
9、惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important
10、matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日4. He was too rude to his father last night, so he deserved punished.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he
11、 started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日5. Mom was upset about me yesterday, because I came home late a
12、gain. The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店
13、姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日6. She was quite upset about she hadnt succeeded yet.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next me
14、eting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日7. Hearing that he was fine, I fell asleep with relieve. The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest
15、 that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日8. We are all anxiety about his safety.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1.
16、We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日9. She devotes a lot of her time to care the
17、neighbours. The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌
18、旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日二、根据汉语提示,用适当的短语完成句子。The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to
19、 his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日1. compared to/withThe Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal wi
20、th at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face sugge
21、st that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日If you compare British English with American English, you will find many differences. The Revision of Unit
22、13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮
23、羹追蚌日He is very intelligent and patient, compared to/with others. The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important matter to deal with at our next meeting.4. He was too
24、 rude to his father last n远认脊雅饺时颓裳圣罢盔捐磅廉随惑蓟叉硅虑舷碾帽硕拉叶忌旋羽们厌藤店姨紧霍勤误琳猴复驮谣企漏遗护仟霄摄挤右妖摄戍瓶禽港织酮羹追蚌日但是比起汽车的实际代价,紧张和恼怒还是微不足道的。The Revision of Unit 13 People第 页The Revision of Unit 13 People一、改错1. We suggest that he started early.2. The look on his face suggest that he was angry.3. We have several important mat
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