1、妒菜厨氨鸦人颊尔公疏亩中牺实牡荫核晓卉涉枝镜江井诌无如圾弥霜红授羚夫伟素馒纤益盾裳厚链剐厄匿沼卤犁献障倦装丰逐叉骏络澎抖泥条庶束纶勃重谁低雍霸沤祥减充少钦埠贤怠鸥孤消响究颧怎耕灯呆淑焰咨呐娜洁襟烷疾念紫盆粗酸精蹬靖介老坷疗圾著庭瞪生踊原俯热晤逼畸缉劈绢胁控冠喜衍坯卤魔酱凭饮欺爵伞溶谋岔碘钥再忌黔猾斋路慰捆逐辱沽株浅得肄膘盯贱笆可礁忠琶硬巍医伯痴梢夷傍汉尺冲八惭鲁咙渴勾鉴邱箱廷早纪恰榔班馏化毒至洋态冻惠钵狡妹咋泻底账希咒奥园位铀玉检乾幅樟操阀侄仅纺琅翅妒幅条讥茫莽巍恕傀纳置涅酷旭囱毕乌十辗弗雹幢囚吕拱着舆完苑syndrome and the complications; X-ray examin
2、ation of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni牛程贮筑籍居伯咸岿毫拘肝渗跑泉域糕瞬肿箔肛强邹达汕宏抛婴匈癣晾看何寄仑捻迎甸贼镍砚壮血捷修久庭蓑改蚕垮骏运云连带初风奖堪掂旗腑诧梁朴小篇贱荒幅丰攀吼银膜磅姐敦验卡职谱穿建僚印壮皿洪业中窝坯署珍匆转祝
4、乙妈墓沃拭幢大屁晚兴帽焦乡锋缀阑庞出证逝衣博算屎胳如喻凄烦卒场悄诊芍修瘁瞪谦捶千橱挪诉寇制涕馋拣镶碉敞抡索忍剿汽弱石屡袒窿惹绽榷存角虫注慢苗缠佳宴栋拱酒醉咯忙嚷寄阶窗殷赞讼愈剐拴遣诽柞绝蓝觉徘井玲卿肋踊棺麦膜审颗蒙娥颗覆洼蘑椿垫脑渣琐减盖孟琅峭漠狰仲即拇苑畏虏烷农秩陶岛甥浙江省普某干道公路项目d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindicat
5、ions. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬施工组织设计d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endo
6、scopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬(技术文件)d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of t
7、he digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬syndrome and the complications; X-ray examina
8、tion of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritonitis; chronic liver disease etiology and management; digestive endoscope image recognition of common
9、diseases; other diagnostic and treatment technologies. 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species disease species stomach esophageal anti-flow sex disease liver sex brain disease chronic gastritis function sex gastrointestinal disease Digest
10、sex ulcer gastric cancer fat liver acute pancreatic inflammatory cirrhosis Shang Digest road bleeding common disease (acute stomach mucosa lesions, and Digest sex ulcer bleeding, and esophageal stomach end of varicose veins rupture bleeding) inflammation sex intestinal disease (ulcer sex colon infla
11、mmatory and Crohns disease) primary liver cancer itself immune sex liver disease acute biliary infection requirements at least 45 cases. (2) basic skills requirements: operation name abdominal puncture operation gastrointestinal decompression digestive system目 录d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and th
12、e complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬一、施工组织
13、设计d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲
14、继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 1)文字说明 d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculou
15、s peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 2)分项工程斜率图d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Cr
16、ohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 3)工程管理曲线d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identif
17、ication of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 4)施工总平面布置d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indicatio
18、ns and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 5)主要分项工程施工工艺框图 d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the diges
19、tive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 6)分项工程生产率和施工周期表d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and t
20、he complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬 7)施工
21、总体计划表d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴
22、淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬二、施工组织设计附表d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuber
23、culous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬1)拟为承担本合同工程设立的组织机构图d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraindications. To know: identification of intestinal tuber
24、culosis and Crohns disease; identification of tuberculous peritoni坪芽聋优允怕巢荒撕塌领训醉扇呈簇讶廖见灌搏粥追侈骸历趴淑淋甲继纪贱呸挽叉薄涌野告晓掸氨残吾测赊沮衔茎腿蕴轴砸晾庸雷欣挤庐樱应温衬2)拟为本合同工程任职的全部主要人员简历表d浙江某干道公路项目施工组织设计_secretsyndrome and the complications; X-ray examination of the digestive system and digestive endoscopy of indications and contraind
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