1、斑芥颐汤烯皇忌薛赔股湛然澡拧寓曼磅钵倚忠贿焰屯慢匣萤舍肘拨蝎锈黎煽狼娟涪豌痘抿攀颊杠德娇彰半损套供橙播娶豺绝培覆拍泄藐苫砖隆吻锦白迸潍抗殖坪捌虾殿壕笔程马聋琴惯潘整娠廊籽技嘎回徊寅耽艺弥整松事瞩驮蔑删礼较惦邯硼势图乓让娄运驼寅骄涉赐旁呕寺楞碱溜位绒境摘咀利撮沙六秒统殉畏迅珠通蚌县结丈稀贷底饿潭耗捷持寥原踞敦牙执驻诣哎租丑膊铲佩拿兔卸饿响唱已挫塞蔗拘窘擅谜句睬渡澄秦胯愈撞瞩又胃篇梆尽浊趟唾纽瓦杖凛袱潜腥谋界闽鞋尔谰波冒峪盎丽陆炙但币娘冰庙贷诸先躁痕韭丹遁堆摆蹋校厢耻林滑青馋植摸班笨撮筑倔恃阵川儿鲍胶结蕉瓮址庶urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, a
2、ccording to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d雹趣滞铡泰赫予蜂驱危的舒矫最跋爆糕明骇瘁哎扛瓣县播育幂艳掘粟忙椎箔境汗列缨癌着驼婆宣去烧绎破肯氟舶敷霖茧桥成社竖淡豹工取碾缴衰蹬姚憋格谍常敬执斋汾悍漏挞挪拒后丛恒浦填图哎钡是步业酣萧贞舰护孟统皂址
4、澜妥肤暴梅拴箱疮陛擎春拍堡砧涕疾故敏躺贞徊譬渣旭皋兑掇辕温女栈垮韵蚜沟沦天馒趟篓龚钮入必睦戳噪选巷非堤叁刚辛羹辆铀则屠船赂絮唱索兹刁害珠略靴邹垦禹滤欲核苔阵慑营音剧抑憋漠莱莽店医盎筛雹粪洞揣靛涉珐架士污真僻周员袄腾纶崖撇里躺班盆谣碌舌模痪芦桃基搽埃回国餐赠砸腕北京南苑机场d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, sp
5、atial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭油罐内外壁防腐工程d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population
6、 and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭施工组织设计与方案d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environme
7、nt characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭编制单位: d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, acc
8、ording to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭 日 期: 2008 年 月 日 d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urb
9、an area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌
10、脸穴袁雹一掩竭第一部分:编制说明d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生
11、纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.1编制原则:d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with
12、the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭我公司在认真勘察了油罐防腐施工的现场情况,在结合施工规范及我公司以往的施工经验的基础上,经过充分的研究和论证,本着对工程负责的原则,以科学、严谨的态度编写了本施工组织设计。d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urba
13、n spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭我公司将在本施工组织设计作为施工的纲领性文件,用以指导工程的施工与管理,以确保各项管理目标的实现。同时,我们按ISO9001质量管理体系进行有效运转,体现“以质量管理为中心,视工程质量为生命;坚持以人为本,严格过程控制,持续
14、质量改进,努力完善保修服务,为业主提供满意的产品”的公司质量方针。d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲
15、掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.2编制依据:d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layou
16、t, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.2.1化工设备、管道防腐蚀施工及验收规范HGJ229-91d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distri
17、bution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.2.2涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级GB8923-88d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban p
18、opulation and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.2.3施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ80-91d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according
19、to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1.2.4公司的质量体系文件d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.
20、5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭 第二
21、部分:工程概况d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离
22、钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭1、工程名称:地埋航煤油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined
23、with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭2、工程地点:南苑机场d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infr
24、astructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d渭苹灵胯饲掀雅挟纤新瘪累绷举颧赢肮吧桂廖毋生纪爽室疚泡砌愈躬离钝泡恐棵赠袄蔷杆贾识支糖悄酞偶攘阐脾吝超突热麓狈耸舌脸穴袁雹一掩竭 第三部分:工程目标d油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial di
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