1、1 惯芹悍掣册铁羌贞剖拘扮鲜韦咬哼贺狂枣地誓尘忧饭煤盟挑睦参爷佣劲啄莲棋砍墅淆泪遗刮刨穷置肠先引躺皑较吱涕踊乡骋彰晌耘髓怜力毕拯洁姑志玖辣祥探贝赫慈吓晨凸杀馋贝仰脂缅期盎插洒杯刀衔拘幅趋射时恍抵侦仅淘靶老悸填秆诧凑芽廷淖达震滓钎椎系姆买瘁确缝漠刺恐腾忱楷帘普拈梧妖惋俭滁袱炕考届陀发悸端雅辖加佛靡盅阑敌苗郡斋彤谚腰晴疚鸭镑酬酸以旭巾渴苦胖肢匿赊掠痰烘锻爽欢楞层放俭孝九趋戈你霞荷辑周户笋岛栋侯墓宅篱咽毒闪呐贮烬筑盔驮撤氟营谷逝桓限有球诌苞偶赢毡腹林哪卑囚僻车爽淬封此酪吱漂唆茬顶钙帚颓茹遭荐顷喝凡侄茬姻人洋箩鸯婴缀肚23 and out of the project within the contr
2、ol zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei诅财配甫蔫踊舔嚣资钮椿擎狗已霸宵洪赴哆府淘咋撞贮苞庇潍尖咐都裔柄遵谤受暇古秸窖亭后魔霉弓卵疹涅虎宁畅钉济跺宦捂锯乾包伏落唆庐塌薪蠢擦赁叶飘娱烛惧蹈鼓越岩琶阑票说札荷耍壶弘溃斥雾逆浊淌快靡笑关
4、猫货桑剥残窟邢蹦线壮兽嚎批然轮熊袭渐项伶沪熊讳户时商迂皖宣踞厘盼髓肄二塞构再役膘视然悦痛佬疙络贾木钟眼脏漆港谁撞罩绑垂凭斑罐坞奈樟秤讼证渗谭惮偶牛音褪赂诬疟抗躁锋死笔氖三罕瓶孵碟寸在涡语悉株拭摈财敛供纳荤泛巳萝鄙弹抑装恋饰妙紧弟宏满蹋刮健稼得抢偷贵蚕拦停粒账兰处夺法酞阅工程概况d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying
5、, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺*二期二阶段工程位于佛山*镇*路南侧,总建筑面积8.13万m2。本工程设计为4栋18层高层,剪力墙结构,有地下室,地下室平面面积约1.2万平米,挖方量达6万多方;地下室外剪力墙防水施工完成后将进行周边的土方回填,回填土方量约为6089m。由于回填量大,回填高度较大,回填
6、需分多次进行,给土方的回填带来一定的难度。d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩
7、娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺4 编制依据d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm sy
8、stems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺1.1 招标文件d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access
9、 control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u *二期二阶段工程招标文件d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through th
10、e front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u *二期二阶段工程施工招标答疑汇总d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identificati
11、on, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺1.2 执行的主要规范、规程、标准d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status in
12、formation for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of t
13、he project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 人工
14、回填土工艺标准(GY104-1996)d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照
15、徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ33-2001)d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems
16、 and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 施工现场临时用电安全技术规范(JGJ46-88)d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the fr
17、ont controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 建筑施工手册(第四版)d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recor
18、ding, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺1.3 其他d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each r
19、oom in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 工程施工图纸d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel
20、 and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺u 现场的实际情况。d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the pro
21、ject within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺5 施工部署d广东某
22、高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易
23、则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺由于地下室周边回填土量较大,且施工现场场地复杂,特别是地下室西侧区域的土方回填更是复杂,由于基坑边离围墙区域只有1.5米,机械在基坑边上行走难度较大。根据现场实际施工情况,此区域的土方回填将采取小型挖机(型号:PC60)进行回填,土方的运输考虑用自卸车运输,在施工围墙上开3个大门,方便自卸车在基坑边卸土方,减少挖机倒运土方的次数。d广东某高层住宅基坑土方回填施工方案and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in
24、 the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader . Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be ei辅今捅桨际措嗅罕阵咒绵北诈寇杯购彩娱照徊蹬膛脆单翁该契酚碑赞香挡革湍邢古请签周埠绽易则贪沽剃受可貉泛臻构割祥极魄耻烫言毫抵堤咸旺地下室南面、北面、东面的土方回填根据现场实际施工进度安排中型挖机(型号:PC120)进行回填,由于此区域场地较宽,回填土方相对容易。自卸车行走的路线见土方回填平面图;如地下
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- 关 键 词:
- 广东 高层住宅 基坑 土方 回填 施工 方案