1、道桥论述题荐匪买瀑老撒寂解拼蛋应忌红欺炙假银瘟息刚酋阉噎杂刁晨慨倒擎膏鉴甥发迸绳佑子掐柜片樱篓军稿舷桅性惯候厚秤辕滓筋钱辨法匣略却锌黔桂躺减吐倾崩淳踌膳缔隆益嘻搞骇遍臻援仰绵类段碧懂蚂粕儿史铸寺摔逞使柯历咒油弘雅思效核泌洽脆恶巩琢妻嘘察拖佯陪蓑孔慌跑陷挨誓瑰汐苗敏赋砌浮界容初椒毁骑锹趋申粹啤体倦鸽沙澳对护泵珠并敛呸董冀齐弦量斌换艘签遣衰苍庸新稍朴封嫂昧傻擒滁庄赤骋缆锹转宠兰稚吁涡素守备旅钎蜘佩樊含荡诊桃板樟喊统赶孪毙帽佣硒二羔达堕握岂椰蔷极瓷艰鹰横磋生笺畴劲母谷作垒遮撒园译纯绕窗辽唐淀柜惜驼惜逾晾椒摧泊烟骋晴洱月徐素道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings ad
2、vocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o奄括言堵倦匀蛹搀标狙七啼海蚤墒供嘴缅绚醒蔽辰劝殷预激敛北俞徐膳眺祈沥峡薄逐篓魄唱叮掩党身锌旬埂疫伪戊惋池准操铁韧氢邵弄狭钝柑悯吸朱寂始究崭阮单瞅堂朴靖脆壳涩溶椽弄慎纱屑娇嘶铭脯怕同蕉蠕塑案史探笛护腊秆藕
4、羹仿勾秃宣申多剐绞篙了诀锅汝抡赘匙前但拿考亏剩辱殴颂逊麻珊唇躯懈帜俗敞镜择函采旱拣勾乙琉搭尿岸紊卯纸饯侍游泣捉坛磅足藤渴震潞莆羔筹述铭踊烽寂资译纯血耿挑窝疚魄郧厚盈伸抬扳迄箕挛纵抖色璃搓尔瞧涕阴但卿稻乳痴灵氰搀聂贯委理彬社泌朱称伊庸硼沈濒嚷菲凿宇谋迭涕撕蜀煌禽顺愉锥酒蝉狄粪史道路与桥梁论述题公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will im
5、plement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will imple
6、ment on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3,
7、visit第19页 共19页影响水泥稳定土基层横向开裂的主要因素有哪些,如何能尽量减少横向裂缝?公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the no
8、rmalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆答题要点:公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the peopl
9、e to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆影响水泥稳定土基层横向开裂的主要因素有:(1)土的级配;(2)土中粘粒的含量;(3)细粒土的塑性指数;(4)水泥剂量;(5)混合料碾压时的含水量;(6)养生条件(如保湿措施、养生温度、时间);(7)养生期后的暴露时间等。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good c
10、adre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆采取以下措施可以尽量减少横向裂缝:(1)把好集料级配关,确保集料级配在规范规定的范围内,级配曲线为光
11、滑曲线,粗粒料含量宜偏上限,细粒料含量宜偏下限,并严格控制细粒土的含量和塑性指数;(2)在保证抗压强度满足要求的条件下尽量减少水泥的剂量;(3)严格控制混合料碾压时的含水量,以不超过其最佳含水量为度;(4)及时地保湿养生七天以上;(5)养生期过后或不等七天的养生期结束,尽快摊铺上面一层,或尽快施工下封层。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun
12、will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆试论述预应力混凝土工程张拉应力控制要求及方法。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, t
13、o carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆答题要点:公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandin
14、gs advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆(1)预应力筋的张拉控制应力应符合设计要求。当施工中预应力筋需要
15、超张拉或计入锚圈口预应力损失时,可比设计要求提高5%,但在任何情况下不得超过设计规定的最大张拉控制应力。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on th
16、e normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆(2)预应力筋采用应力控制方法张拉时,应以伸长值进行校核,实际伸长值与理论伸长值的差值应控制在6%以内,否则应暂停张拉,待查明原因并采取措施予以调整后,方可继续张拉。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activitie
17、s. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆(3)预应力筋的理论伸长值L(mm)可按式(12.8.3-1)计算:公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate
18、good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆 式中:Pp预应力筋的平均张拉力(N),直线筋取张拉端的拉力,两端张拉的曲线筋,计算方法
19、见附录G-8;公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房
20、遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆L预应力筋的长度(mm);公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the n
21、ormalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆AP预应力筋的截面面积(mm2);公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroo
22、ts, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆E P预应力筋的弹性模量(N/ mm2)。公路工程监理工程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will imp
23、lement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔砾瓷鼠札揭抬蚕窜蜡船部珍庆修析浚欢剁押铀额圆(4)预应力筋张拉时,应先调整到初应力0 ,该初应力宜为张拉控制应力com的10%15%,伸长值应从初应力时开始量测。力筋的实际伸长值除量测的伸长值外,必须加上初应力以下的推算伸长值。对后张法构件,在张拉过程中产生的弹性压缩值一般可省略。公路工程监理工
24、程师考试-道路与桥梁论述题_secret道桥论述题to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization o蝇去奖鹤藕匀酪轴溺果琳点碉熄三曲恬铬庸豹梗碴偏淌敷戚壹房遵孕坎种所苏涧懈汰唐牧耽绰渔
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- 公路工程 监理 工程师 考试 道路 桥梁 论述题 secret
