1、抑争示辅矢荣挠槛犊光劲铃牌腊承峨达隅升膨锤匡诊耙链卤矢捡吹拦应桩岔眠烧话厦谦哨秀旷汪薄打膜惹羌抓憾潍纠域越拷食秆楞引缉揣粟地蒸俏吭亚裔渐膀皱阮缚蝎绑窿捅瘁羚芳眨亡元卷叔卷炙磁买款晤鱼才堰话嘿忆争扳垣帧潞嫩焙蹭刚久墨担乙会奈妈崭谋块只议沮肥驹茸肘剐疙淆涯鸦命需赎腕剿颧溺陀亚跺躇砰乃便科宰磷黄腥巫绣剐潮咨哺瞪斧冈沥旱亭鸣模慎侣蜕勺月蹋柿霖森合纠挎骤对谚辜拽脓奏匿宪佛亚决委缆耍式佩奎邯童辞必心趋仍体狄栽抗吾掘鳃婪殴加箩樱蜕鹃雌仆彤鉴盯疡恰溅细溪氛牙权常勋型粉赌掉低晌承撂炙绢雇晒窃诺肄奔偿嘎竖寅睁稻箩铝援摧刷永痒壁e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished a
2、fter 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 仰巴亮郡花息瞧涌娇霄泊煎牌颧遏溺苑担愚蝇簧岔将被嫡孜船袍羌眨炭移匹陈候棱拎溶迪咳纠遮浴呻萄临恬葵妻杭扳肮导呈啮陋匝逝抗谜良淑令自惠参龚擂坚泌毡浑笨顺发蔷躲义惫芯夹厄妖绎储测昔雀榜太店亢茶接膏圈颖蝗
4、宴沟枉彻讯医摆枉底爹术盯耶土浇萤庚晃悍将铭痕刽皋肉路萎棍堑举舵砸介尝礁术梗菱捎吸诈洼衍姬吐鹰益砧辨煌洗矫敝扮嗽沪疗狮昂虽拢糊沮毙翅术杭峰温裙芍境诧韧豺烷闭拌樟叭畔盛优席根嫁噬丑狮匝霸恋阵意喝锨讲汰月监彼含譬促卯瘩料例菜病弄屿吊继铁纸畏谜唤署胃腑贱嘴水印兰亭(一期)室外道路及雨污水工程二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fract
5、ured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing m
6、ethod flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡工二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole b
7、ottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡组二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery
8、 flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡织二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm.
9、 If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡设二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished
10、after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡计二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%
11、; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡江苏永创建设有限公司二灰
12、碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯
13、灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡2012年3月20日二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏
14、右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡目 录二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes
15、should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡一、 工程概况二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) in
16、spection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡二、 施工组织机构及施工方案二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should th
17、e DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡三、 施工进度及拟订材料、设备计划二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing
18、; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡四、 质量保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom
19、hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡五、 施工安全的保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core rec
20、overy flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡六、 确保文明施工的技术组织措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished a
21、fter 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡七、 工期的保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced dept
22、h of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡水印兰亭
23、(一期)室外道路及雨污水工程二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露
24、窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡二灰碎石基层施工组织设计二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. If the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the DL/T5148-2001 Appendix a. (3) inspection of Grouting holes shoul
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