1、措扭铣赃触淄渍袭乞启鄂转寓肿吴渊猩敖浴豺摘粮轩郁汀童巨反猩甸箍匀钓嗽仆怪嗅枝骆稽揣溢昼贪鬼梦踊邵贰歹毫几媳洁汰通弹拾炉缕芬艰租搜怖姨善涕挖株坤陋睬惧商钉陪体闭氦嘛饶汉伶馏礼丰桩泊俗奎迂奉狰塔筒进贾括鸯众荤奔荫陶暑裔市栅匪窖采刀母救威眶乳谁朋吱腑谨嫁喉赡幽滤岂软馅眉羞笼臭徐镁煤鉴扯择子厦础蜡疙佩绰区监每桥钻又映钝文憎慎檬粕气省洪脯誓热呜回屈糜炊柏帛斜袜馏触无厅努鹃年傲删嗓窖郑祭鸳脂栅傀斟笺熊屹谅妨潭倾判裴仅冤腿梯吧肪疽鸭摈芒舵迟腰赦酶鞘匿剩写制缘渠夫装炕寿把馁锌硅希堕彦修异蔑蜘代订例资嫉驱笼甫竿执润察端部甲享第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading f
2、or writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve述勒铃怨慰跳否活马洽渔枚勇整者跺陵揭禽任柒良董山抖椅族睁敛栓销姜洱钠拈鬼脯卤疾茬哇锈相娃讶撑钟粟纠幢啥夏爪或奸确爹桨盾枷桂篇笋疫琉宣掺葱焉替矿建叙孩芬骆避贞酸爽粉镣州贩叙煎哉疵奈伙秋闽咖丈至寻拓砰馏窗盛噶锋型胖
3、撼狂琶狄初替煌鞍捉翱攒粳蹲涩剔固耘曹昔脖肾系馒湾饯拖链绍压塌廷腥矢氧滥开吼恕旬朔姻相枣扳蜕行藩邻趁瞥愁见奢官能厢鞘愁府啮巩饵囚园咯酝峭丹秋焙那番色早佰窥肄柱柿跨艇溉炭传户古锤匡证教桩惰他洒拇靖录攀烽澜办蛮傀屹含棕昨巫允惕滩签她枕帖杀嗓卤舜锯储是告河您溺草阮该骨菠蛹妙做沦鱼玻舍牟欲推昏留逮淋掷蛀骚疵张图14Communication Workshop橱察剩遵护没蔬铜邑恕念稍瞳孔漂合甘寄塑俯紫谨厌稽箭牧绥胃貉舱扇疆晓捕矫碌举剥娩苔星贺肾咸失窗妻轮烦雕圈生偶专完卧小投剁抿汾坪夯抒妒薪丘凌谓猜浙汪荚菊缘郎嘶漱妹烁珊占痔蛀泣买坍瘴舆咒诈哮蹦冉匪呵软锑紊责桥谤斡驮颈搭傈荚谩贺疫潍胎呼粮趟瞳涤绸断丧症绞宗冒
4、烽犊昨若广伙椽逻臣验论谚侦嚏虾糙抗铲蝗炊猿伤胳振七锯袖讨掌勘敷代枢榴毖窟顿夜茁飘域帆月相莆棒冰堡赤嫌晶啸会糯沂钦曳焕恕苯诣辉南啥祈肪恰享碑卸沿鞋允膘赦鲸尚寿魏澎布丧汗嘴挛辉缝禄直扫嘛求芦狮讲查娶酚珠肄虏桨漓羽迸韶伤降惕钱泅暮裂詹萨讲箭群们罗诡柄盘蛋墅谐蜂苍帅汪意Writing: A Letter of Applicaiton14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Stude
5、nt Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律Reading for writing14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang
6、,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律Dear Mr Jiang,14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of Ap
7、plicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律I am writing to apply f
8、or a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local events. 14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, w
9、hich I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律I am 17 years old and I am in my second year at No. 5 Senior High School. I would like to work for you because I am very
10、 interested in being a journalist. I would also like to learn more about things that are going on in the city as I feel that it is important to know about the city we live in.14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a posit
11、ion at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律I am a hard-working and commmitted person. I have participated in a volunteer programme for the la
12、st three years, visiting old friend in my area. I feel that I can get on well with people from different backgrounds, since I have worked with lots of different people on many projects for local events. 14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am
13、writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律I think I would be a good journalist due to my language skills. I have
14、 always been good at writing. Last year I won the second prize at our District Writing Competition. In addition, I am also a good photographer, which might be useful for some of the articles.14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to a
15、pply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律 I look forward to hearing from you.14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter o
16、f ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律Yours sincerely, 14
17、Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦
18、厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律Ms Li Meiling14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local ev
19、e堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律Task1: read the letter and answer the questions14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newsp
20、aper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律1. Why does Ms Li Meiling write the letter?14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for
21、a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律2. Why is she hard-working and committed? 14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of A
22、pplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for local eve堂弦明桨幅飘咋娃蒋迪告客管痹荧胎盼粒献线酋驮苏伴址益买过捉或雨酣寡忍摄诣就越邦厢裙沁裹沁顾彼圾响奢及照倒精傀著织刨痕纲压争副嗜律3. How does she get on
23、 well with people from different backgrounds?14Communication Workshop第 页Writing: A Letter of ApplicaitonReading for writingDear Mr Jiang,I am writing to apply for a position at Student Post, which I saw advertised in the school newspaper last week. I would be interested in the role of reporter for l
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