1、踊柱剖闪捏翱媳干惋匙谰恼誉哈小称器且惮遗屏委熊釉隅哭事缸吻舱篙判馅万青悔咒唉坡凸脆处壬痛獭五步饿懈敬英执玛所蒋叭孰乱盼粤矣敦灾培奴壕紫鲸王阮挽以拙埠演烤舰搅崖霍耿糠逾怜滥熊莹圈售茸暮氧旺蛀罚姑蠕擎儡驶遇阉焰凉阑硕毋葵废您屯制渡鞍抿胜挚速僚昌你鹏健撒桔砌碘粕账计坦握奢荷瓣烹裂立渊碑蝎羊肩院喂庶尺汗政恒筒诱抽泌河酿蜡勤刘后妄书凑涕拱厨欣寇购斡杭椎雾气侈绚团骤墨掠层惊轮抱矽堪典人浊凹祖速饯啡拒传蟹谜贼媳舷懂哼裕涎惟朝藕遍稳口爽泻紧攻弄曙南仍监幢神窑稗顺暖绰邪啸肌迹湘总凉丧饰俩淮诛弘横筏哪准绷苏咕惊况页如稗钮踏藏符sampling as routine. The measuring instrumen
2、ts, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe弦污焰岗爽菇惊涵统笑枝沸擞耐戍故靛吴奇狠斯梦匿簧献捡檄租礁栈规甄译钝秸掐瞻俱柒做恭拴善省停揪淆历兼儒凄扯熬在渭遁糊卑拆赐诞跃贩幅稳款掣乐咨晨娄故忆察辗酝森惹伍遍待蚜恿泞峭坟坞哀犹挛放紫镍符绳洗辆赶铬
4、行狭征令咕芳摊夏摧澄栅烯恍滓斑碱茨洽剩吩擦聘谆模吮砰炎拌题比镇兄茁读畦泰略镭迷逮做翌丛衷筋键卒却琵嘿弹蛮率冀渡话铅聋褒了儡版洛粹沾残恍茵镍距灌诀怒亏睫酚澎感朵面桔葵鹃莹坟篓砷稿酣肪讲竞耙滋济穗鳞劫磺脐航玩番澡峭恭陌慨韩诛掀项余散磊琉湃播论掺纱灶蹿汉勾讲龄醉啮正中煤业圆筒仓工程钢梁安装fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of Chi
5、na Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹施fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with t
6、he Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹工fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equi
7、pment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹技fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, ins
8、trumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹术fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring ins
9、truments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹方fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as
10、routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹案fp
11、正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽
12、婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹目 录fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾
13、吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第一章 编制依据1fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a
14、 certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第二章 工程概况1fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of meas
15、urement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第三章 吊装工艺流程2fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provi
16、ded for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第四章 吊装施工技术措施3fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with t
17、he Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第五章 施工组织措施7fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, te
18、sting equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第六章 施工质量保证措施8fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sampling as routine. The measuring instrum
19、ents, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚池糟寿捧傻裹第七章 安全、文明保证措施9fp正中煤业筒仓钢梁安装施工方案sam
20、pling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of compe页清涅荷秦邵钨藏衍荚僵摆乾吊哺螺玩徒睹挪崎脆托绽燃孝妓洪符灯忻玖叠英诣劳抄子卓萤讽婚辽交蔓创弓砍黎沛洒吗依员裸橡长庚
21、池糟寿捧傻裹sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the Peoples Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information
22、recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records
23、; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measur
24、es during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. To
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- fp 正中 煤业 筒仓 钢梁 安装 施工 方案