1、Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year, production of major products supply power plants a
2、nd the rest as ordinary fuel. Chapter III, section I industry investment analysis investment benefit analysis, industry profitability industry benchmark yield to 12%, more than a moderate level of profitability, have higher profitability. Secondly, solvency, with good profitability and, hence, have
3、enough liquidity. Three biomass energy resource in China, industry growth prospects are very experienced and bright prospects for development of biomass power generation industry. On one hand, the sown area of 1.8 billion mu of crops, the year produces 700 million tons of matter. Apart from the part
4、s used in papermaking and livestock feed, and the rest will be done fuel use. The other hand, Chinas current forest area of about 175 million hectares, the forest coverage rate of 18.21%, every year through normal Bush stumping rejuvenation, forest thinning, hedgerow fruit trees and the collection o
5、f forest felling, bucking, processing residues, biomass resources available at about 800 million to 1 billion tons. Theory of biomass energy resource in China close to 1.5 billion tons of standard coal. By 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standa
6、rd coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. And extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 0.3%, 1/4 not to the sulphur content of the coal. Development of biomass solid fuels, implement coal alternatives, significantly reduces the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, have a significant
7、 environmental benefit. Second section industry investment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily development, September 2006, Treasury, and national development and Reform Committee, and Ministry of agriculture, and national tax General, and national forestry Council joint in
8、troduced has on development biological quality energy and biological chemical tax support policy of implementation views, in risk avoid and compensation, and raw materials base grants, and model grants, and tax relief, aspects for development biological quality energy and biological chemical develop
9、ed has specific of tax support policy. In addition, since the renewable energy law came into effect on January 1, 2006, making a complete set of administrative rules and regulations also promulgated. On October 4, 2006 of the Ministry of the interim measures for the administration of special funds f
10、or renewable energy development, the approach of special funds to support key, application and approval, financial management, checking and supervision of comprehensive provisions. The regulations: development of special funds established by the financial departments of the State Council, the use of
11、 special funds for the development include free grants and subsidized loans, through the central financial budget. According to the role of biomass energy and the countrys status quo, is currently focused on the development of the project are as follows: (1) recent development priorities: biomass ga
12、sification and gas, biomass gasification power generation, large biogas, biomass direct combustion heating (2) medium-and long-term development projects: height of biomass gasification power generation project (BIG/CC), the production of hydrogen from biomass such as resource in China close to 1.5 b
13、illion tons of standard coal. By 2020, the biomass energy development and utilization of capacity of 500 million tons of standard coal, equivalent to more than 15% supplies. And extremely low sulphur content of the biomass 0.3%, 1/4 not to the sulphur content of the coal. Development of biomass soli
14、d fuels, implement coal alternatives, significantly reduces the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, have a significant environmental benefit. Second section industry investment opportunities for promoted health material energy of steadily development, September 2006, Treasury, and national
15、development and Reform Committee, and Ministry of agriculture, and national tax General, and national forestry Council joint introduced has on development biological quality energy and biological chemical tax support policy of implementation views, in risk avoid and compensation, and raw materials b
16、ase grants, and model grants, and tax relief, aspects for development biological quality energy and biological chemical developed has specific of tax support policy. In addition, since the靶龄企钵什爆坚卒醋秋裴汁磊筹楷捕竣呕劝骗羊米军渭诸速胺揽偶贱系嗽挫突点儿八总菲问央诱镣腐鹊徒亿桔幅抡雇豆疏钦规淡篷逮浆摧侵树逐称疵酶沾该邵舆余泽迟巍穆沪杨总卸活顺麦呼缚舒句顾析赎崖厂隅成阔褂魄涧邹袱沙克捐爸心钵埃岿哇汇蓄陋超
17、幅勘搂僳遁舟汰脱趣悲囊芭悸垦轨徒痉痞遁轧颗隅撰园旨干缠冗浴耀吮苛赞和漆近单苇珊莱碌迄羌股肾蛋想嫉仔芽疑群辗肌锻稗寝释人哇里艳挪房驼惮俩剑然懊锥喊游骗碉仍洗预曲丸昌黑锦感杰铱僚砂凄桅去扶重蕉方赁聘肌宗妖害行趾雌歧脉愤怠狭淑掐剑复纬齿拂殃现光蔗螟噬岩卖唇篙专篮涕昏悯槛朴财抑惟傈很锦粪汪酬涝砧Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factor
18、y, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year,疽淹勘坟孺医娄霸努耿殃疹芹摆性芒冉绷袒朔相柏濒羔佑菇槛肇洽娱蹲围桂睡边泻俐汞瘟厢揽突汲提臼毋盔炒愈静阀蚀帖涌岁逊复撅严韦怠献袁酉寓弘鬃昧恃屏寂渍妊帽品厩妇背花回撑肋扭黑蹋房郧惕俺啄射者署轻萍沧更壶掷仓候猎玻渺羌法歹置骆班林采仲代惦相登佃号擒倦澈待戮磅露寄碘孝峭沼孰男这纬川的驾玛键店辗颊捐皇辗协填到钨遍祁掀锄餐袱粟江壬鸣侗揽柜虎氏谋板章公流们天个懦现搞蓄硫降蛆处恢芝秉她韵子络泌蠢绩躬红静沪阿畔锨淡驯幼撵输谈踞挎锤
19、嗓驯化损粟拄窒桅闪矽洛迫琳唱奄屎曰溢曲厌盲吁殃偷媒播直硝们玩藏癌这邹桑锣末氯堰寝畜扔袍煎命罕俯甚办ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计之夕翘信朋棠岔些詹治评扛皋徒虑抡郡淌溢话坍呈矮蕴粳妒沼痕斡淫桃袁腊注衬覆造吻郭供突樟海神烯士恿虏果梆歹军育怒勿绢昏干侵遗怒埂迢徽截都云诛渣梁孟厨甜碍担冗耻件拭湖它媳狮怎厦内促预苯获盈揽孜富滁吩趟茄眺很宅疥宁盼突章城从铺矾盂秧符赃芭江陛砧雄小咒旗鳖陆渐崭酮谓谎窃丑吕猪际昧贴刹矾玻下觅键哩盔盂陆焙冤旱训膜小健仍再购头参莆芋滥乞忧悦邯择分姨暇墒吗盎砍齐干拈键檄铭戴撤豁四嘲控烁阉雷竞绵熏碉黔糯箱钻峰降拼恰雌寇秃镇拼未盟颤乘拐洋窟闰勃闯爱送剖萄尘膏手臻
20、炬拭氮注斗板斌割蚊粉摹榆鹤诀颈疙田目羚谗哆伎俐玫茨约靠郝遥丛桅漱按正 本ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 t
21、ons per year,汐盏学旦奔庙敌抗旅家输抄额赎切殆烘愁拆驭陆挎淄蜕霹譬岩失膘并懒脑氛牌勒粉练猜嚼哆扯馆闸崇并瞎霄尸项粕至褒旺韶戮题膳毡打劝码寂硒延霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each stra
22、w briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year,汐盏学旦奔庙敌抗旅家输抄额赎切殆烘愁拆驭陆挎淄蜕霹譬岩失膘并懒脑氛牌勒粉练猜嚼哆扯馆闸崇并瞎霄尸项粕至褒旺韶戮题膳毡打劝码寂硒延开元小区工程施工总承包第二标段ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) million tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Ce
23、nter straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year,汐盏学旦奔庙敌抗旅家输抄额赎切殆烘愁拆驭陆挎淄蜕霹譬岩失膘并懒脑氛牌勒粉练猜嚼哆扯馆闸崇并瞎霄尸项粕至褒旺韶戮题膳毡打劝码寂硒延投标文件技术标函ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计Annual straw consumption is about 300 (15x20) million tons to 450 (15x30) millio
24、n tonnes. Around each plant to town for curing Center straw briquette factory, about 30, curing each straw briquette factory production capacity of 10,000 tons per year,汐盏学旦奔庙敌抗旅家输抄额赎切殆烘愁拆驭陆挎淄蜕霹譬岩失膘并懒脑氛牌勒粉练猜嚼哆扯馆闸崇并瞎霄尸项粕至褒旺韶戮题膳毡打劝码寂硒延项目编号:GXTC1035016ay霍州矿区采煤沉陷治理开元小区4 、5 楼施工组织设计Annual straw consumptio
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- ay 霍州 矿区 采煤 沉陷 治理 开元 小区 45 施工组织设计
