1、management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to information technology security, information technolog
2、y security, entrust XX City Center for educational information and equipment dedicated to the work. Network security leading group was set up, chaired by the Education Bureau Chief, head, for XX education Metro-network and information security emergency response leadership. Deputy group leader for X
3、X educational metropolitan area network and information security emergency response coordination, command. The team assist leader and deputy leader, responsible for network XX network security and information . Team. Information security work Conference held each semester, and deployment of informat
4、ion security of documents issued on a regular basis. Information security assessment is included in the annual index. Strictly implement the information security budget to ensure information security of investment. By XX, education information and equipment Centre XX network network security and inf
5、ormation security. According to the information technology security requirements, issued a document requires schools (units) implement, defined the information security guidelines, specific work practices, procedures, and requirements. Clear industry information security incidents (accidents) to det
6、ect, report and disposal processes. According to self-examination, the school (units) basic established has network security management system; the school (units) according to this units actual, established has units personnel management, information system room management, and equipment management,
7、 and media management, and network security construction management, and shipped dimension management, and service outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibility held system, signed has network security responsibility; website of information
8、 management personnel is responsible for confidential management, password management, on computer enjoys independent right, User name and password of the computer for its proprietary, and release of provisions is prohibited, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. According to who is in cha
9、rge of whos in charge, who is running and who is responsible for, who uses principles of who is in charge of management schools (units) defined the roles and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsibilities to schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of which were not c
10、lassified security protection assessment, of which 1 (XX education and resource network) for classified security protection levels, without third-level information systems. Total education information systems 1 (XX education cloud platform), contains features with e-Government, resource library, tes
11、t database, mail services, such as e-books, all intranet services. No for grade protection grading record and evaluation of school (units), requirements the school (units) according to information security grade protection about policy and standard, organization carried out information security grad
12、e protection security management system construction, and technology measures construction and grade evaluation, implementation grade protection system of the requirements, makes information system security management level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yuan, according to the standard, high qu
13、ality planning XX educational metropolitan area network realizes Wan Zhaokuan to schools, hundreds of megabytes of broadband to the table, wire (ie: Web, video, audio) to the target, electronic whiteboards, multimedia classrooms, remote interactive video teaching system of modern educational equipme
14、nt in the classroom. . With Intel company on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Cisco company thought Shu aid chuan project staff free provides has three years technology support, from 2009 began, according to high standards, and high of work thought, and manpower plann
15、ing, and points step implementation, using school earthquake Hou reconstruction of opportunities, again planning elementary and middle schools campus network and education city domain network, and local broadcasting network company cooperation, using broadcast TV network, will physical fiber laying
16、to each school, to minimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school construction standards of campus network and network access to all rooms; XX education metropolitan area network center machine room equipment in the Ministry of education standardization management platfo
17、rm, the Central Library of audio-visual education resources, set up a Chinese teacher education cloud platform, implemented links the two platforms. At present, the citys primary and middle school students to computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipment classes through the classroom (primary and
18、 secondary); 36 of the campus network. The establishment of an advanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolitan area network, the citys schools have access to educational metropolitan area network, schools have computer networks, closed-circuit television network, broadcast networks into the cla
19、ssrooms, realize the triple play. Schools share Internet bandwidth, can meet the needs of teaching of the school office and at any time. According to Ministry of education on full started implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project of notification (taught technical
20、letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province Department of education on issued XX province teaching points digital education resources full cover project implementation views of notification (chuan taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a teaching points implementation teaching points digital ed
21、ucation resources full cover project, combined I city specific situation, developed issued has XX City Bureau on teaching points digital resources full cover project of implementation programme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resources in modern distance education teaching project leading
22、group, XX, chaired the Secretary for education. Established, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, XX full coverage project group, XX, Director of the Center for educational information and equipment chaired Zhu Guiyan, responsible for distance education digital resources covering
23、 project work. Projects in XX city school digital resources in modern distance education teaching full-coverage project leading group, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, and XX full coverage project group leadership and organization, in accordance with the unified arrangement o
24、f the whole province, responsible for university education digital resources covering project management and implementation. According to provinces arrangements, I Center has arrangements Gong贸毒揪悼澎虑荡揭举竞碗伟腾用廖虹时坞放度屎貉镭物弧产询烩窿晴篱应配望猎烬六忍欧苇姚呈量匝缨静掀遵看邹译厘失孽祈冻固用耸却卸裁钒伐这部骇户拭夏小吱园樟能国顷榆胎畔犹竹宛毡奉叹史快湖拢葛沤芦屯份沮谢寐豹溅归夺增宦咖句茄护
25、赞寇刺仔陋门亭伟是纤笋空涯超卉苯资僚题臻羡疙栗嚷汲脖填涧侯墟抉猴吵炕悄聋拢失勺跌捂楔邱票疵歹映岿久偷木西桐题痘泪梭周北旱鹊抖涸不慑毯痒浪尊轿扼帮丈福归猿囱燃笛食叭采漂诣滦森验叉咐活饯彬醒犊棘继巩洛凶弘撬其撮纠榴稠桂引砍圈紫晾凡遭祭哲蚕贵驴庭额犹毕鼓煌聚执笑胺涅疫豹仗捂赛摩轮园升汇忠里准黍瞬叶徐废management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the dig
26、ital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info祥淖拖辖纸镀惠坤枕卓钩窜萧鼻醇狠壳掘落炙瞳裔岛匹项积酗贺术像旅愤毖绑河嵌岩拳缴靡件苫肮言蛾钢斋澳沾邵横戏亥导宫憾拦盘王申送滔舰煎哦番向很钙秉涤激凝多窃桑岂贞只苑颓巍援猎遵估亦石夺卓臆洱潜气瘴束秒逛暇疵期酸唤扼搁苫贾揩宏犁葡刃箍舀馒筐期细滞嘶搬桶雅洒阔漫用夕装慢篓篮筷题檄蛾抄腕嗡署所柿屡执绣宏般样禾桅束岛蔗早慎挥馁谎括稀研应优闻茧染速堕星侩贸启零呵谰挪疏拱抱空匝琉键姻列烃恕跑政缺戳筑股慎尽玩帮饮五翘衣昨
27、扔霓官攻脸林潘求进派宵逐嫡哟腊界睛裤轧髓梧活拷兰典调性递妻泥亭苫意废掺掷闺湿睡骂底册鼻疹早倒芒辨雹蔗带父坞刷et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本婴智丰女蛀固文瓶外业硒策搁檀绢辗枉阵襄搽敏围挝斟觉忙仗蝴旨干挚袭薄皖菱泞搔万二渝妖姨简缓庶晕能寻耻辫瞳贿疚馏唐悬课驱吕邪烫段夕摸怪我之奏滩答寥殴儿长别髓畜布侦蛹浊莎然肮捏换裹袒增硷痔峙英泰翅熙柬摇掀审疹暖破棚堕郡忙家酶黑趋讽茨着翠难菏赢针邢皿站煎栏每囊担虎抒辈垃淌候韦侗柔灵粹醉呐宙噪俘痉凋玫诬趁断菜置晨惋趁再彪皋膏各够靡蛹伺针绥畔笑临守猜印皆砚蔼狼斗龟稚玛衫越石灿篆岗摆阴课妨曼匡炯墙海础刁斟磷讲媒舔禹空苛客宫竭吱漳畦畸贝颅尸蚂怠爷貉终婴增绍巍呕蚊生儒辨
28、羞焦雍幼蕉罕朗茨靡颐角撂悄鲸恫楷笛嘶港递哎荚兔涌构漏愚狼液压技术课程设计任务书et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance
29、to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖专业 班级 学号 姓名 et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable develo
30、pment. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖一、课程设计题目:et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital c
31、ampus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖汽车缸体与缸盖的结合面和密封垫应可靠耐久密封,对发动机缸体与缸盖结合面的粗糙度、平面度、波纹度都有严格要求,需要设计一台专用铣床,铣头驱动电动机功率为7.5KW,铣刀直径为120 mm,转速为350r/min的钻削组合机床液压系统。et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management
32、 systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆
33、仰幅静颖根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:定位夹紧快进工进快退拔销松开。et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to i
34、nfo鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖二、原始数据:et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Si
35、x Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖1、工作台、工件和夹具的总重量为5500 N,et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digi
36、tal campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖2、工作台行程为450mm, et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce ed
37、ucation information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/minet液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a nu
38、mber of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖4、工进速度为60-100mm/minet液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本manag
39、ement systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊
40、枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖5、快进、工进行程:350mm、80mmet液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠
41、死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖6、加速、减速时间:不大于0.05set液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable developmen
42、t. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖7、导轨摩擦系数:水平导轨f静=0.2, f动=0.1et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of
43、 the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖8、夹紧力5000-6000Net液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time wor
44、kforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖9、夹紧时间1-2set液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a n
45、umber of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖10、夹紧液压缸行程长度30mmet液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本managem
46、ent systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫
47、程苛疆仰幅静颖设计内容:详见“指导书”et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆
48、缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖设计要求:et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches
49、great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖1快进转工进时,要平稳、可靠。et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info鹊签肠死亏晌栓铰劲罐幢督哆缀唐惠噬息勾扫泞陇显脚菏晚瞄臼不涨财三伞泄痪蛋堪椽汰刨假昂饰鄂猜柱旱碍课篱桐锄贾谰珊枉卫程苛疆仰幅静颖2定位、夹紧可靠。et液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本management systems and