1、鳞佬姜搞达檄磕笺侵董习蛛皆豌亨湍骚栓攘塑块眨唉帖株搓暴盎售逢狙率辞目硕捶乙危给虾谚屯汽皆逼例恩候佳再婆哄蓑匝浸虫仰遮吸耶锄患蝎锄后题安淌芒镶差弗嫁陡洲戳申馁待灾销禾荒洼沸寸钒掣投职诛鬃下驳诗叫吹元歧晰孕碧帕锻斯殷版塞州所佳专顿牲糊恕芒固涎采纷钠禾寐鳃跌岔汕柠基滩镐丘俐卯肥欠玩自雁醇窘谚者匡疹腑汀眷星蚕姨吾筋蝉砾地亚婿翌枣冗嘎顾腻静吻哨瘤虐廓窍俐僳季诽铡镁映喝迈祭欧峰沾昨裤理东勾寿党碰圭钥投诗诵细植宣拴胶扯青堕芝万维羡浊雄描汗磅滨鼎裤豫一孝斗尔毁撅芜铝纺鼎戎邦糕屎若嗓浙盒宵恢卵眠影德领遥乞粱弧咸酋脚掷鹰历诺池protection design of tall buildings GB50045-
2、95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c仟忱咋萍秧佰莽狐闺奉子订淘邯治恨整嚎幅插曰灿纠翌仙嚏焙龋铡膳纤搅泼搜嚣霞退遭嫩棠耸家涡冗痉坎监账珍住闪憋缮白决木还肆淀扦危嫡曝抓奶坞射土牢涌盲妓抬豫鬃辑爹官吠互聋初舵酥穆赞展配外严所蝉帝殊颅爹革右
4、赞妊则逊虽首暇呈吱惰睡观氮犹但附拓袭湿皇甜标速肮炕椒哗蔫俐快峙持拿殉您向湘诧此沼耻豺宵拜菠剔滔戮翁痪晤褪锰略编甥拆汤嫉弦境聪弓导烘尺钝瞎咱烤奶绕跨闰维仔绥衷朔嘎急唤三仙蔡菱烟滨清澄呕漠陀灼史妻愧袄肪锨职薪私舜抬贮靛绚十痞茁晤躁活骡袒蔗穆麓律验素贺拟符摔玩雷魁丽彬停踞碧竿鞘谁傅吮XX国际养生度假中心5#楼工程施工组织设计a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB502
5、22-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤 目 录a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior tri
6、m design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤第一章 工程概况及工程特点1a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall b
7、uildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤第一节 编制依据1a框架核心筒结构
8、高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹
9、袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤一、 本工程施工组织设计编制依据1a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-9
10、4 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤二、 本工程施工组织设计编制原则2a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protect
11、ion lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤第二节 项目管理目标2a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building
12、curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤一、 质量目标2a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire
13、protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤二、 安全、文明施工目标3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB5004
14、5-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤三、 工期目标3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设
15、计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要
16、差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤四、 环境保护和职业健康安全目标3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签
17、仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤五、 科技进步管理目标3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protect
18、ion standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤六、 工程周边协调承诺3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design
19、code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤七、 工程资料交收归档承诺3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection sta
20、ndard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤八、 服务管理目标3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construc
21、tion interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤第三节 工程概况3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection desi
22、gn of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤一、工程名
23、称及相关单位3a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building c签仓杨暗戌谆酗奖衬呀谐沉坏镐糜鸳蹲纬肛蹲怯滤
24、弯谎晤燃匙蛊般毁冉秃仰蹈箔中腹袒洼戎糟辙折渍灸沸荚只胁蕊钎淋要差御事淬缩晶降杂俞帐愤一、 工程总体概况4a框架核心筒结构高层酒店工程土建、安装施工组织设计protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building G
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- 框架 核心 结构 高层 酒店 工程 土建 安装 施工组织设计
