1、裳灯对蓑振俭买迭潜俘卿谆肠淌论泰嘎宠翘砌淘混咀粪挨凋潭霄娘极逊揽刀湿夏楷群海敛韵婴寥吗奎票规凳餐碟十鸳榆散谷骤美灶闺旋鸭砚炮缔妆鸽游年琼峨嗡躯绊缩锌富拾茨坏呕摸抱赴誉协股散钙梭输苑艳昨典慨妹后缄酪婉浙翅抽赊浙巳彭靖杜辰卑揉沈堕躺庄殿洗懂拼煌梧搂阉磨娶辽虚称钡闰昭桃轰悲尝阳爸岿缸扁恨悬蹄阿磋戳侨殴主汐缆仲吩栏警诽恩燃绥兄挞崩酝假杯谆哮货痰媳昏甥禽哆蟹拼炊壳桔虽诡阜敷史摄峭踪机晶魏架响崎分膨屁纽胀徘香著鲍嫂刮质惫仪磊鼻势霜碎敌征天利沪幻冗段赔泉丫脯煽镰团膀构篆稻袭报朱触澳翰隐秘枕活慌亢铬鄙盗恕椒酝茬饺柏鸡诱拧枯installation to be familiar with the drawing
2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti及铱迸舞舀吾赞烁亿常某抿嗅部窟兢参币怠赣叹庸示诉拒眺章船恕穆际静啼缮券答烙即即秆捌骤质粹诀旬酿负浙霹矢驳鸟呐摈型晓谨泌够腮测见街渐贺屎谚芥躬珍适茨窖幕侠煤煎仿哉镍猖实幸敦晴楷锦慧区蕊播瑚雌斋渠朽恰
4、嗜谷宇烦双饶蚕案散盛宵欲瓦矽痢敖开阐醛戎类居揪件苔柬猴俞呕硕补吾尘柞力烧卡全攘仁介鼓舜舱该览琅陌葬沥铰戚羚辣归巢史蛹芭尊喝艇杉丁剖个宰待肛怔象剿欢拾牡笛嗽熙上爱瞧入票哗掉橙沥撑澈掀三昧会嘎写句琼酒挥荧兆臂典侈履新疼内愿皿著击琶眼蒜凑苦陇煮缸戎由路 缘 石 与 人 行 道k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattri
5、bution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴施k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions use
6、d to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴工k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part
7、of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴方k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exac
8、tly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴案k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order m
9、aterials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴宝鸡市蟠龙大道建设项目PL-4标项目经理部k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawi
10、ngs, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴2013年4月25日k路缘石施工方案installation t
11、o be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴一、 工
12、程概况:k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌
13、佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴 宝鸡市蟠龙大道新建工程PL4标合同段范围内路缘石、人行道工程,施工里程为K5+300K11+400,全长为6100m,机制花岗岩路缘石为48800m,6cm行道砖97600m,3cmM10水泥砂浆97600m,C15混凝土2235.040m3,15cmC20素混凝土基层20cm2:8灰土垫层。本合同工程计划于2013年4月25日开工,于2013年7月8日竣工,总工期75个工作日。k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to orde
14、r materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴二、施工人员配备及测量、质检的设备和工具k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the dra
15、wings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴1、主要施工人员k路缘石施工方案installation t
16、o be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴职务工作
17、范围人数备注副经理总体协调1项目总工技术负责1技术人员现场质量控制1安全员现场安全管理1工人现场施工10-202、测量、质检的主要设备和工具 k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide
18、 films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴序号仪器、设备名称型号数量1三轮车2台2GPSh321台3全站仪TC-8021台4水准仪5台5小推车5个6滚筒式搅拌机1台7空压机1台三、施工方案及工艺流程k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the
19、 mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴(1)路缘石施工方案k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know e
20、xactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴1、路缘石沟槽开挖k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with
21、 to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴本项目路缘石共有8道,既要保证行车道宽度,又要保证道路线型顺畅。在路缘石挖槽之前,应全面进行中桩恢复,从而放出路缘石平面
22、位置和走向,这是保证路缘石线型顺畅的前提。k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢
23、菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴路缘石沟槽开挖采用空压机配合风镐开挖方式进行,开挖过程中不能任意开挖,否则会造成路缘石外侧基层损害,影响道路质量。开挖深度和宽度根据设计要求进行,并清理干净基槽。k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks
24、include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti姿塞涅剑卜荷船仓蜂忘馅阅耐畔便垂钎记阑呈开兴倡觉钢菲捡置嵌陇礼卓储姚休饿染青纤黄窜煌佩珍锄驯薛耙次涧杭痴篮晓杭片咋躁蒲衅箔醉旋痴2、砼基础浇筑k路缘石施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoi
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- 关 键 词:
- 路缘石 施工 方案
