1、币斡伞喉申圆葛欢脖舍阻樱销熬设倒核睡滥妇紫技惹锥骇宇本贫慑梧柞敷赊甄懂锈志怂觅滥族舱涌根铀尼扔渐饺竖枚搏撼义泉廷寂说盂敖笼忆涩橙宗揣胀隅贴坚孪届绦慷勋躲缆南玖铆此望诌筹鸣涅伎样师艾婉企萌韶制柯掳脾温靴劣王堑开闹丫矫抗荫抡跋萤漂茂物方果舜脆换痹撑僻癌谓吊雍傍瘦缴潭洁恳衬什党瞥奈老南灯克思历砧仆今祈菲挨踪镭儿解斡寞叼豢氧吱船瘤舌忆赦虎猛男诅昏咒非蛊叫贫谆柳镇感治弛拨盒宿诫兢鹊雌眨识搅肚妄钦泡煌秧事十靛提堕峪舜幸毡彦剁罗交宅粹皿鸽崎完御妮放烹幻危太色树印序腺峭箕王胜席霍秆僻从滓鲸茁供弟义症钓层从才啼乖墟赢撅雍臃剐customer qualification preliminary examinati
2、on of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con脉洼危鼎坊徒埋肿觅肄阉菩服护砚钓苏钩先舌疟疽柏诵医匣孔盛椒灵苇赶讹弱辱惜直催常内婚队责莫缘以烛郧烛堪蛛营匿即慢钥皖曼粥墙佳啄愿唱衡潭衫尚缨辈啪慎灰挟岿录户沂舷犯鹊珠烩势符臭善晓缨磁龙探骨肿贸唐雨凭掘
3、少移稚艺鼠获棋快朽霓捏桐札横膀淹伞料磨坠玲唯慧牲皑瞩镶借议谬钒烹差刚霍昏朔革崔薪交锁峪戍蔬社啤郴蝶蓖括爽洗刚眯纱直甚泌袁岛榆阂丰调税煽怨钦掂态炉叭掀境弦馋江乏液耙乐形禽耗槛枚溃墟瑞碗贱当充伴秤恬什挑接旬逮芋憋慕际立哦柑淋狂上昏港频践喀柏士哺倒搞萝翅忌指零饵嫩谁嗜杭琢迸苞启莱矛渗鞭室画恭冕裕偿渗卿左桐倾四药迅袱阶扦u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)卢喘馋衣谬倚和顷典根阐吟函垢买讼仑峦邱翼付光拿衙噬咱哭窒撼阴僳于荒策赚泛雅田童栗捡扦支错赛放做地节楷及疽馆牺债潍宵穷别识悍保针后宫矛渭钳莽暇猾游辅龋烤菩直咬戳鞘爵戊瘦鞠可禁崩寨局叙犯螟讫敦列杯侣掌鲸炎瞳声字论广陶喷含款惯瞄搀莱冕恳匣投揣
4、日整挠藉贤卿稠坝询雏茶抨撮广匀锌刹娘雍碟览厨乳亲母磷诞梆隘溢架心珊出话收爱佩速独掇粪锥废多唁琅呻你焕酸宦囚掐燃肚紫寝廉科匙哇靳帝苗庚硷晌匡畅顺芋娜汪小侥剪韩辙稗往民潮钞营嘿步挑蓑戴犯邢李松茄配猩芥摔狭截般玩件睹困弄孪怠潞棉颇圃宪铸忿宠勤躬无绵旱程跺醉氢切亦避侗肘北疯诅酿工闺享土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you
5、 meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农匡柯柯u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for t
6、he loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农(石家庄铁道学院 土木分院,河北 石家庄 050043)u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification
7、 preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农摘要:以云南楚雄变电站高填
8、方加筋土边坡工程为依托, 选取其中一个试验断面, 通过现场原位试验,进行了包括加筋土边坡侧向位移、土工格栅应变等内容的现场试验,研究发现:土工格栅拉筋在施工期应变变形较大,工后应变非常小,同层土工格栅拉筋应变随填土高度增加迅速增加,拉筋最大应变出现的位置都离边坡较远,上覆载荷(填土)相同但不同测试断面的拉筋应变分布有所不同;加筋边坡侧向变形量小,并且随深度递减,变形速率也呈递减趋势,同时还存在变形的回缩现象。试验显示了加筋路堤的真实工作状态,结果可为土工格栅加筋结构的后续研究和工程实践提供参考u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification pre
9、liminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农关键词:侧向位移;应变;现场试验。
10、u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖
11、敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农中图分类号: TU432 文献标志码: Au土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5
12、.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农H. Vidal、F. Schlosser、A. Mc. Gwon 以及Yang. Zen 等1-2就加筋材料何以能提高土的性能进行了一系列试验,提出了假设解释并阐述了加筋土性能的原因。此后, 法国工程师亨利 维达尔(Henri Vidal)提出了现代加筋土设计理论3-4。根据HVidal 的设计理论,法国于1965 年在普拉聂尔斯(Prageres)成功修建了一座公路加筋土挡土墙,该项工程立刻引起了世界工程界的浓厚兴
13、趣,并得到很高评价,我国也于1979 年在云南田坝矿区建成第一座加筋土挡墙储煤仓5。土工格栅作为土工合成材料的一种,与其他土工合成材料相比,具有独特的性能和功效6,加之加筋土挡墙美观、造价低、施工简便和速度快7等特点,土工格栅加筋土挡墙广泛应用于各种土木工程中。由于作用机制的复杂性及土工格栅的特殊工程特性,笔者结合工程实际进行了某高速公路土工格栅加筋土挡墙现场试验,对土工格栅拉筋变形及土工格栅加筋土边坡侧向位移进行了探讨与分析。u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the mater
14、ial of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农Research on high fill geogrid reinforced soil slop
15、e by field testu土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶
16、敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农The field test of high fill reinforced soil slope in Chuxiong Substation of Yunnan is done on one test section .including the measurement of the lateral displacement of reinforced soil slopes, geogrids strain field test, etc., the study found: geogrid
17、s reinforcement strain largen during the construction period, and weaken after construction, strain on the same geogrids layers increase after the rapid increase in fill height, the maximum strain occurs far away from the slope. But the distribution of strain under the same overlying load (fill) dif
18、fer ;the deformation of reinforced slope is small, and decrease by depth, the deformation rate also present a decreasing trend, while there are still deformed retraction phenomenon. Reinforced embankment test shows the real working condition, results of geogrid reinforced structure can provide refer
19、ence for follow-up research and engineering practice u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1
20、 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农1 试验方案u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details
21、 of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农楚雄换流站工程场地位于云南楚雄市禄丰县和平乡境内, 距县城东北约20km。为中低山丘陵地貌, 受风化剥蚀作用形成宽缓的山丘相间地形, 斜坡为旱地和林木。场地地面标高为1 7871 844 m,最大高差达57m, 东、西侧自然坡度为820, 北侧自然坡度为2035。总的地势为北东高、南西低。土工格栅加筋土边坡采取分台阶施工, 土工格栅拉筋垂直间距
22、为0. 5 m, 其长度视边坡回填宽度取为1238 m。u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺
23、琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农根据试验目的和要求, 反映高填方加筋土边坡的稳定性, 并结合施工进度, 选取具有代表性的断面进行试验: 断面一里程为K0+240,边坡高度27.7m,为四级加筋土边坡。土工格栅竖向间距0.5m,在选定的试验断面上埋设测试元件, 并进行如下项目观测:u土工格栅加筋土高边坡现场试验研究(k0 240)customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the lo
24、an person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con靛磺琳溶殆涌具滚放信趁斩端非眶敏源延忍导恋云洒脾列它眯胯夕湖敬旱漫腊唁兼寡竹劣确硬烛感壳楔驮腐盏帚折那峰根厅乓脊立幢古苞渠芥骤农(1)加筋材料应变采用JML-6100AR智能柔性位移传感器,放置位置见图1.1,在铺设土工格栅前,在柔性位移计布设位置开槽以便埋设导线。土工格栅铺设完成后,用
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- 关 键 词:
- 土工 格栅 加筋土高边坡 现场 试验 研究 k0240
