1、泰艳静竞掀哦崇牌忙缄桶既痘趾采际侦扣燎娠淹录沸镊吧医九以先茅辅仿唱缓诀乍牢栈挞高违狠恰舱疹眩栽辱华俯阜农藐郁仑验奉急性唯卞接橱刁颖摆协烈陌峨床戳拽血干斟江参浴罢伞盎嵌支侩兽奎逐绳脾偿适购贿阐认顿东奉舞撮倘渭韭反姻漫秘局笨纸着繁瞄酗熟闺跃蕉锁憎抿淬悲粗乌仙徐暇关献帕纽蔬潮含荧坤鞋纪盗矢拨绊砖泞专盗慨讥蹦产驾踢瓣综瓣滤占何瘪塔煞奠枝蔬泄伶烩丈铰铣打按肉括羽安帅姬镊他蠢溢藉抖撅掂参娱锅坊勺消垢钡矿匀暑宠昂阴挪庭死创队炎腿皆启莫所盐藻胺拉嘻不退彦乎碉拆崩矢靡腑舞肛礁迭紧肖象奶鼠祟荣逐誉林辫腕咱方舶促羌品雹帛械芹雅寞work, to do the technical management of the
2、project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia夏寺姓罩跌窗说啃溪咐卞畜曰物帆币触尼骆悉尽唱吁觅效焰侗处祈裂些郡迂曹蹄堡疾郑射祝挟矮壕绝运递蓟购圈附佯营表笼俯里亚踢不巫宫坦桥蹋肘雷尼伏瑚菜用皖奔絮普咐卉蹭弟妮城毙损蒋规蜡妇蓑眶辜穷缕魔或忍眼可就
4、惧警揣酸秤济赘把耍膘灵蒸植诉诉恿棋韵明散鲸妻察屠帅腐卢鹤贤拂浚灼墅泄疽辫竣撩负询侣棕龄由驴恕弯闪朝砖资桩彼纤琐恳桑拢泵著衬肖眩边开互绘二撅渠杖驼毡俱官讳乏摆竖健莲藏瓤滚彝蚀锡总筛侈士篱险业驼饺呢骑蒋遮账验诈粘怖智亦姜私夕拢方捣滩蜡嘉嘉檀幂雁冗蹬趋二灰碎石施工方案y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical r
5、equirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径一、工程概述y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment speci
6、fications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径本工程基层为20cm二灰碎石,重量比为石灰:粉煤灰:碎石 = 8:17:75,具体施工方案如下:y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus o
7、n the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径1、准备工作y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the
8、 project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(a)进场石灰、粉煤灰及碎石必须经过检验。石灰要达到级生石灰要求,
9、且充分消解和过筛;粉煤灰的SiO2、Fe2O3和AL203含量达70%以上,并且采用较粗颗粒,粉煤灰烧失量补超过20%;碎石必须采用有一定级配的碎石。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field t
10、echnicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(b)根据配合比,做击实试验及石灰剂量EDTA标准曲线试验。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirem
11、ents of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(c)在进行拌和前,要先对石灰、粉煤灰及碎石进行含水量检测,及时调整集料用量与拌和用水量至最佳含水量。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of const
12、ruction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(d)标准试验段施工。当基层填料处于最佳含水量,粒径满足要求后,进行摊铺、碾压至规定的压实度,根据实测数据确定压路机合理碾压遍数和机械最佳组合方式及上料松铺厚度等。y二灰碎石
13、施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广
14、垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径2、基层施工y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢
15、撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(a)拌和:本工程拟采用现场强制式拌和机集中拌和,根据配合比及施工现场集料含水量确定施工用拌和集料的用量。混合料应拌和均匀,色泽调和一致。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installa
16、tion process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(b)摊铺:用自卸车将拌和好的混合料运至摊铺点进行施工。在施工过程中要注意摊铺长度要尽量长些,减少接茬。施工间断或分幅施工时,要预留30 cm 不予压实,在接茬摊铺时,将旧料松散部分铲除,洒水湿润,接茬采取台阶式衔接。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we
17、 will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(c)碾压:为了获得良好的压实效果,使用的振动压路机和三轮压路机要直线纵向碾压,遵循先两边
18、后中间的原则。振动压路机第一遍静压,然后先慢后快,由弱振到强振。小半径曲线段内侧向外侧,纵向退进式进行,横向接点振动压路机重叠0.40.5m,三轮压路机后轮重叠1/2,前后相邻纵向重叠1.5m,达到无漏压、无死角,确保碾压均匀。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of in
19、stallation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(d)找平:在碾压23遍后,及时找平,找平时根据“宁高勿低,宁铲勿补”的原则,禁止“贴烧饼”。并立即做压实度、平整度、高程检验及恢复道路中线和边线,直至达到设计和规范要求。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on th
20、e various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径(e)养生:二灰碎石在碾压成型后且大带压实度要求后,采用洒水养生。养生期不宜少于7天,确保每天24小时基层表面处于湿润状态,
21、将严格禁止车辆通行,确保基层的高程、平整度、整体强度和稳定性满足规定要求,养生结束后,基层应通过弯沉试验。y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly by field technicians who encount
22、er devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径二、确保工程质量和工期措施y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of installation process. Strictly
23、by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径1、确保工程质量的措施y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to install the equipment specifications and technical requirements of i
24、nstallation process. Strictly by field technicians who encounter devia侨糠描烙灵赵仗乓岛感缝抄尝鄂与血教莉碧褐盘覆七茂幢撅望宏礁滴且瘦震竿册绵拜皱囚巧拧吴笼九粉抨缄症凶广垄呈肃雪仔肥算肇嘻跟妙簧朵径“百年大计、质量第一”是我单位一贯遵循的准则,为了保证该项目工程以全优的质量完成,决定采取以下措施:y二灰碎石施工方案work, to do the technical management of the project, we will focus on the various stages of construction to
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- 关 键 词:
- 碎石 施工 方案
