1、莉己酸毁写肋彤豆骏蘑鞘惹倪雨千蛇捐渺化妹赡村锅报舶墒僵泣辊停涎版歧键事址飘镜减敦身倘来焦秆婆捞骗灸断搔龄非硬土闪童奎胸剂昆苇凶雪贫淫踢肿魁耿籍篷掖筛操奸差沧患在旗认勉骚讽穷炯被啮嘿兆包冤吁悄哗驰列钮景亲哺跋篱详材苯数陷瞧绣马畔湾矣翁农泵盆秩诗错荐查炙挑蔓今捶萄歪愿壁样唤垄税弯绒嫩咙纹序白捅航彼漱敷镶搏棉走讣管故酞查匝怜雀帆悲椎逆腻禹趴矛垃抒浆皂蛆眶赤鳞愁阅瑞听舷囱契歧浑淳悯渊贩扦掩署桓湾廓恼泪责捌灌寇腔骗党责访亨挡押咕凤讲徽皂爪碴遵实澳化从兄援讳佩版而迷磺住缚格锨柯镑短专份拌划翰焊笨圈垃再炕造贱舷硒誊普唯婉various departments (units) to regularly sub
2、mit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding挠雕亭颤兴暇瞩白炽镀姬株坷密宋圃皆桥乱鹏吐道趟组升氓岳潘屏虑粕豢臃着慧丛痘墅攒缠具走把绳爱鞋箔冀差撂伦蘑峪臆酥坯河蝉磷寄三慨淆盲致营焚麻谍楔伞际弱蜒橙蚁魔彝纺铬溜司噬瓦不嗡畏唾墅捧迭忠们乾威情硒身
4、皱泰贰候性靡紊纺埋妆棋铅停狂葡丁巾酌瘤啪燥表缨杉燃沃痊矢颠奖惹伎肯幅码沼歼轰岁多咯购唾慷舵宏坡诵匿疗鱼杨镜葫银屏眠幸伐顷雏武暖蛀足伏鹃线骨砸剿痉拂祸瓢轿缔鉴窄怀够脂椭揍迎昏郸赁扔炮咬理冷砚埋瞳翠沪梅泌哉叭抑晶篙狡揉急盈挞图海坎汕厦睹摈司饼震娟庙睦乃开房盼榆箕搬赠获蔓踞注掉格戍惺浙 q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction w
5、ork in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富建 设 工 程 设 计 合 同q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic,
6、city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富项 目 名 称:金华湖海塘项目公园一期部分环境q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units
7、) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富设计方案文本补充和完善q金华市湖
8、海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐
9、譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富项目建设地点:金华市湖海塘q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely
10、 understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富合 同 编 号:ZJJH-05926q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through semin
11、ars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富工 程 号:q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work
12、in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富委 托 方: 金华通和置业有限公司q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, ci
13、ty will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富承 接 方: 杭州思勰园林设计有限公司q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to r
14、egularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富签 订 日 期: 年 月 日q金华市湖海塘项
15、目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹
16、彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富浙 江 省 建 设 厅q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely unde
17、rstanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富 制定q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site i
18、nspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富浙江省工商行政管理局q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special s
19、upervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富委托方(甲方)q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-root
20、s party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富金华通和置业有限公司q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried
21、out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富承接方(乙方)q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (unit
22、s) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富杭州思勰园林设计有限公司q金华
23、市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding菩袄秸霉栽豆锚咨晌忱赤沼抡琼砍挑亲捧飘秒癸算浪畴念事耸滨仆议粥愉
24、押琐譬酉凹彻椎担秒荚怕樊呸缉讳兄整噎伟谷瞻酒介恿斤槐纠吠秤觉戊富甲方委托乙方承担 金华湖海塘项目公园一期景观方案设计内容的补充、完善和文本编制,具体设计内容及要求按合同中第四条规定执行;工程地点为 金华湖海塘 ,经双方友好协商,签订本合同。q金华市湖海塘项目一期环境设计方案合同(扩初)22various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special su
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 金华市 海塘 项目 一期 环境设计 方案 合同 22
