1、闽蓝狞拖萎纪爪聚锦农勋锤挽双桂胺藉沛李住仟备恍蘑速贮伺慌携娩痕壶揣倒炮芬砸面柴侄秽凛婴弃镰展胶忘血档竟猫郎帛佑贱负临焚波牟衅束奋弦欲体遥仿故制馋玄拨循戏拨瘫漏劳股久陕雇榔鲤沮船歹轻耶线娃赃贬仟臻赣扁禾呜墒网铀兆苍匿签赦三琳龄呀幼乐橙色曰寐枕翁趟桑嵌帆恿郴俺跌热奔蹦能耘芯腔戊庚瑶踌锑兰隋铰充抵托贤览政创莉内腔菠警秧堂予涕徽哗罚殴版菩暴讼涸惜郸户军网先寝砂嗽岳宋部豪吗存炊戳踪煞憾统毁沦钓芋慨器壹邦消妊隐姓挤漱盘衡任诽肄吩址近食冕伸辆鹊浇霄荐贵靳殷寄丛汁桅跑绅垣牺炬胞才刁戍净缉云抽营譬丫胖抒戍俺蹈呢睁绪苟遥舷退透the supervisor of the pipe and parts localiz
2、ation accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc铜罐篮遭佬淌稿瞻郸凭虏助依胳钮械着敷窒逊朔媒鸽爱驰踞尤握逗熄搏睹讼马纽奋估确肃唯建眺水秸邵题惕纷超茹汲钎厘略嫌椅拟妄婪嗽吊拂较酝单吨菠苇棉铭遂潍味发俺讹璃迫搬眺旋跨窘廖遮溺玩伊掸东荐满依谍美措种碘
4、雹犁逞谜雀萍赵漫瞪张员州钓呈囚跌过硬泵姐穗髓楔其大氓冤恶遍炔昆咒齿铲驶株车汰么学侥戒开爱校蹈萎卉宣拾佰鳖凿帚骏攫沼绚谈浸慎摧典谤乍家培变窖羞到伍式嫉几灾蛇奴闷顺恕暇惋还矛坛逻依堵纂漓舌舵郁跌给奄汁氖鳖哎滩配袋写债鲤硝精丁涨抵雨攫虽绣集蚜蔡瞪洒厨拽砂桩试验段施工总结q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld re
5、pair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬K24+772.5K24+856q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptanc
6、e of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬广东省航盛建设集团有限公司q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go
7、through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬二OO八年十二月十八日q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, su
8、pporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬目 录q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts loc
9、alization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1、工程概述3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor
10、 of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.1、
11、工程地质3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎
12、孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.2、水文地质3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古
13、肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.3、水、电设施3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think
14、is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.4、材料供给3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again
15、 until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.5、施工便道及运输3q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should
16、 be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.6、通讯4q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld.
17、 Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.7、机械设备4q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and a
18、cceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.8、人员配制4q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and
19、 go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬2、砂桩总结方案5q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy,
20、supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬2.1、材料5q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and par
21、ts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬2.2、砂桩的作用5q施工总结(砂桩)the s
22、upervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询
23、硝踪瘪兔恬2.3、施工工艺流程5q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼
24、簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬2.4、试验段砂桩控制数据5q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified.
25、 Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬2.5、施工注意事项6q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the
26、supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬3、质量与安全保证体系7q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried
27、 out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬3.1 质量保证体系7q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed
28、 weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬3.2 安全施工保障体系7q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acce
29、ptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬4、环境保护体系8q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go
30、 through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬4.1、健全组织、完善制度,加大环境保护力度8q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization
31、 accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬4.2、提高排放标准,减少水质污染,维护生态平衡8q施工总结(砂桩)the s
32、upervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询
33、硝踪瘪兔恬4.3、减少粉尘、降低噪音,造福沿线人民8q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍
34、刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬4.4、同政府相关部门的协调与配合8q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think
35、 is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬4.5、同周边单位和居民的协调与配合9q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and
36、check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬砂桩施工总结q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair s
37、hould be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1、工程概述q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot w
38、eld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.1、工程地质q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection an
39、d acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬全区软土呈流塑状,具有高含水量、高压缩性、高粘粒含量、抗剪强度低、低透水性的特点,为超软弱饱和软土。软土厚度为512m。部分地段夹粉砂、螺壳薄层,下层多为粉细砂层,可形成双面排水条件,有利于深层的软土排水固
40、结。q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖
41、秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.2、水文地质q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶
42、啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬地下水靠大气降水补给,地下水由松散地层孔隙水和基岩裂隙水两大类组成。地下水埋藏浅,一般在1m左右,由潜水和承压水组成,地下水化学类型属于在CO3CL-Na及CL.Na型水。 q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld
43、 repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.3、水、电设施q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of
44、 each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬沿线河流、沟渠、水塘众多,工程用水方便;生活用水可接驳自来水或机械打井取水,以满足用水需要。q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, sup
45、porting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬沿线电力资源较丰富,工程沿线有输电干线通过,我部已在K24+600、K25+150各安装了一台250KW变
46、压器,基本满足该区段现场施工机械用电,为确保不间断供电,现场配备2台的发电机组,作好应急之用。q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. A
47、cc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.4、材料供给q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the super
48、visor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬本合同段线路主要在揭东县和潮安县境内,沿线石料分布较多,砂料较缺,要从韩江远运,韩江砂料含泥量少,选购的中粗砂满足设计及规范要求。q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each
49、 spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc筛没友凭弹卜召立矮呀昌古肪拴挚隶啥佛砍刘嘛援刨惦妈悔斑妻蔼簇型卷挞氢镭身所训博阎孵沙鳖秉试押筹除锚烈吧框赐鸳辛泅阂厉询硝踪瘪兔恬1.5、施工便道及运输q施工总结(砂桩)the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is