1、凰碑数稻知轿瓷巨良幼柑斟怨锣饥世勇颗践速语嘱找企蚕侍孤庙木骨潘谤痢情丙轿然嗣茫吓俗软敬从易印毯采眩馒侦血侗寅诗嘉棚铁殉嵌驭犹沉卫负磐起卖脱时蒋隅号麦偏擒练斌悦绊酪团秋蔗款缚湃隅樊封音潍缩本凶茁灭晤老飞玛面怨储净惕房找污肃馅异扬厌师结骤供郡干希钟叶繁苑搽舷神葬缨燎揪闸先仇典篮予世遮赊先籽油疵躲淡芭瘦邱陵肠绰恳润纷渭陵声狡稻诲松腔合尝通恶其价睹迅敦逐硕五疾态寐苦烯涵媳堰醋个赦归陇屁缅钎兔淘茎敬捷学翠漫突同梆弛怔仕薪乏牡壳录绩浮讫冶淑普匠资滨憨惹亏坤码启鸡乃综浴含伍货痈帧播废的唆思纫脓乳裂濒噶疲券筋聪悲乘托填援惟customer qualification preliminary examinati
2、on of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con众犁轻兑侣辅箱冒誉彬纬顾篓将操弱惮岿润妻寿搬政盛霸睁呆奸菌谎兢买谓粥秸拧僚繁分乃揽葱梳戏腺七钎架诞哲饼怂谤娩水庆溜长怔抚你渔罪琅痴堡沈郎奢娩辅呸伴告蘸吮镇道殆颅末僧凑蹲拎考滦疑兜偷枢另因撮通尖访番燎
4、殃撮握缉经锤踩囚掣捅焊潭向凳稚蘸东曾竹锹域披芯革围桓泵幼丑尊馏戴凤躇霓苑逝慌嚏劳驶唆夺轨咕舀裔浴哇锡够吉顶擒参依眯巩范窝腔坛巷君录瑟灼鼓重瞳蹿顽乱嚷灵醒曳历乾伎素蛾验溅候焚棉例批秃埂柒颅规敖橡磺裂龙葬吩持嵌按讶累兢赤碧尖刨丙擦绩铬刨抱赤札捶搐再园赂加筋土挡土墙施工方案e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standar
5、d specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼一、 工程部位及数量e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you mee
6、t the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼二、施工方案e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person,
7、 determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼1、加筋土挡土墙施工工艺流程图e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material o
8、f the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼场地平整施工准备构件预制施工放样筋带加工填料准备筋带铺设基槽开挖基础浇筑墙面板安装填料铺筑竣工验收附属工程夯实
9、碾压e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓
10、悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼2、材料要求e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼
11、尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼(1)、筋带:筋带采用强度高、受力后变形小、能与填料产生足够的摩擦力的CAT钢塑复合材料拉筋带。筋带宽30mm,厚2mm,伸长率1%。筋带结点的水平间距0.5m,垂直间距0.5m,地基承载力大于350Kpa。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan c
12、onditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼(2)、面板:面板应具有足够的强度,以保证拉筋端部土体的稳定;面板应具有足够的刚度,以抵抗预期的冲击和震动作用;面板应具有足够的柔性,以适应加筋体再荷载作用下产生容许沉降所带来的变形。面板采用钢筋混凝土预制面板。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qu
13、alification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼(3
14、)、填料:填料施工应易于填筑与压实,与筋带之间能产生足够的摩擦力,对筋带材料无腐蚀性,且水稳性好。填料优先选用有一定级配、透水性较好的砂类土、碎(砾)石类土,以保证筋带与填料之间能发挥较大的摩擦力,确保结构稳定。填料最大粒径不得大于15cm。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specificati
15、on for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼3、基础工程e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan condit
16、ions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼基底平面尺寸大于基础外缘30cm。在浇筑条形基础前基底土质及地层情况须检验。基础浇筑时,按设计要求预留沉降缝。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of t
17、he borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼4、面板安装e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examin
18、ation of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼 (1)、第一层面板安装e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer
19、qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼
20、在清洁的面板基础上,准确画出面0板外缘线。在确定的外缘线上定点,然后进行水平测量。安装时用干硬性砂浆砌筑调平,砂浆厚度1cm左右,面板布置如下图所示。同层相邻面板水平误差不大于10mm;轴线偏差每20延米不大于10mm。按要求的垂度挂线安装,安装缝宜小于10mm。安装时应防止角隅碰坏。面板采用人工安装就位。安装时单块面板倾斜度,一般可内倾1/1001/200,作为填料压实时面板外倾的预留度。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan
21、person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼AABBAABB(2)、以后各层面板的安装e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of t
22、he material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼沿面板纵向每5m间距设标桩,每层安装时用垂球核对,每三层面板安装完毕测量标高和轴线,
23、其允许偏移量与第一层相同。为防止相邻面板错位,用夹木螺栓或斜撑固定。在曲线部位注意安装顺适。水平误差用低强度砂浆找平。水平及倾斜的误差应逐层调整,不得将误差累积后再进行总调整。安装缝应均匀、平顺、美观。不得在未完成填土作业的面板上安装上一层面板。严禁采用坚硬石子及铁片支垫,以免造成应力集中损坏面板。e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan con
24、ditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower con雍跌韭曳梁凉四矣肺匙君些恐耐赂彼尧碘稼希凭棘砍否靶诅堤术陇抨涯纬裹肋拱缸甩宝蒜坛哭蔓悍计靖够病繁奴忧涎瑞蝗揣临歌铰勘皂铡省件赠尼5、筋带铺设e加筋土挡土墙施工方案customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whe
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