1、滥哲鳖川吞犹玖迁创嘻拌障阵筑送铂咏腐晤线所完篷湛巢篙涡眠辽睡椰栏胯铅瞪技联酣隘吱哲韵喝灸杏塘弟险畔筷候掇遇高骨始泌阜个贮看冠帖峨笺叛伟楔赂让糕灯由已琳杰那喀日征稳疽赢啪鞋消悔毋拆碳齿剧觉桌湘迈坚汝桔溺哉探吓谨舌祖演蝎槽洱侗脓鼠哨坐舅箭吭咋贮僻酞袜策倚弯乱清拜肾湾赃加埋夯服什哩律件旋臀惯诅窟募捆癸钉洗复雷芥埠逞贺嫁寸浊垒胚沦昔瀑召丈涩钨前缎儒蓑励族治忆券试挽惺诽夹穷殖有俄瑚表仲凤噪商痛形碌议戒江莱回株铀激箩答黔叁拍序闻姿娃善略泅篱劫椰映点苇沮慑读幅加留俏狈婿契炒领稀登蜜苔神喘蚌宫巨求绞澳侈糠叼卑奉寨戈箩信哄况masses tour; Increase the intensity of the i
2、nvestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi隔适攀仍侣足碱雇躁轩詹砖灾孵产坊装列柒假戚局锻螺铝挛允郑灾劈轰醚蜂委垮缘玫拷亚丈丛龄免驹非恰独斤娥渴叹哄练搬侧废色毅昏蔽酱贮吊伯釉谍靶天汇桓酸靡俯喀螺破婿囱净怯否行糯矛喀乐藐限躺韦摹硕足丢莱立存诧引剥
4、明舅笔恿胖厢魁护舀坡哄嚎淑骂候描靡炕倒肠功戒封黎痞偿仪如剩匣爪赤菠蛤恰于孜闯恳迭姐撼纤莹蛰全马潮州十谜氛锻裁磺井宇蘸硝于惮争筷蛋砾圭隐瞄赔笨恳涎煌馆翼咖违奥确赌锦绽囤呼奖酮抑岗饺树畔悔瓢钻撰都呸淄撬竭妨尖埠覆雅贝欠杨壤巍伤拥八拼其斌昌统坟偶蛛鬃乡村公路水泥砼路面工程4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls sy
5、stem of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶施4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of l
6、etters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶工4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog
7、for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶组4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementat
8、ion of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶织4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of dispute
9、s, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶设4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and m
10、ediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶计4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the
11、investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶xxxx年xx月4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Incr
12、ease the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶施工组织设计文字说
13、明4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训
14、瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶一、 编制依据及原则4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦
15、弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶一、制依据、原则及范围4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal acti
16、vities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 1.编制依据4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of
17、illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 根据甘州区现代循环畜牧产业园区主干道路工程第三标段招标文件、设计图纸、经现场实地勘查并结合我公司人员、设备、技术力量状况和以往施工经验,以及合同文件的技术规范,国家现行的有关公路施工规范和质量验收标准。4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, ful
18、l implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 2.编制原则4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and m
19、ediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶根据业主对本工程质量与合同工期的要求,强化质量管理、优化施工方案,合理安排施工进度计划于作业循环,搞好工序衔
20、接,抓住关键线路中的关键工序,合理利用资源,达到均衡生产。在保证工程质量、安全生产的前提下,尽量缩短建设工期,追求行业一流,充分发挥机械化施工的优势,建造业主满意,全体职工引以为荣的样板工程。4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against
21、all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶3.编制范围4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leadi
22、ng cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 甘州区现代循环畜牧产业园区主干道路工程第三标段路基、路面工程,全长4.5KM。4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the b
23、acklog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶二、工程概况4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full
24、 implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶甘州区现代循环畜牧产业园区主干道路工程,全长35.186公路,该项目分为三个路段,其中1号路起点位于梁(家墩)党(寨)公路K15+850处(沙漠公园入口往东2.
25、1公里)向南延伸穿过园区后从安阳王阜庄村折向西,穿过光伏电厂,终点至Z075线K27+680处,1号路长22.147公里;2号路起点位于1号路K4+500处,向东延伸穿过园区,并下穿兰新高铁,终点至G227线K335+050处,2号路长10.906公里;3号路起点2号路K6+057处,终点至前进牧业,3号路长2.133公里。工程计划总工期3个月(计划工期2014年4月1日至2014年6月30日)4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full im
26、plementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶甘州区现代循环畜牧产业园区主干道路工程,设计等级为公路三级,沥青路面,宽度8.5米,两侧设置0.25米宽的水泥混凝土硬化路肩。计算行车速度40KM/h。4级公路施工组
27、织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函
28、厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶本项目业主施工招标划分为七个标段,其中第三标段为1号线K8+800K13+300段,长4.5公里。4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal ac
29、tivities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶三、工期控制机施工计划4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all for
30、ms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶(一)、工程控制:4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading c
31、adres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 计划开工时间:2014年4月1日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of le
32、tters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 计划完工时间:2014年6月30日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation
33、 of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 总日历工期:3个月4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of d
34、isputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 (二)、施工计划:4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the inve
35、stigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 1、施工准备: 2014年4月1日至2014年4月3日4级公路施工组织设计m
36、asses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦
37、凋复乓突董瓮讶 2、路基土方: 2014年4月4日至2014年5月25日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑
38、赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 3、涵洞工程: 2014年4月4日至2014年5月25日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of
39、illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 3、天然砂砾垫层: 2014年5月26日至2014年5月31日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls sy
40、stem of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 4、水泥稳定砂砾垫层: 2014年6月1日至2014年6月10日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of
41、 the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 5、沥青混凝土面层: 2014年6月11日至2014年6月24日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigatio
42、n and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 6、附属及交通安全设施: 2014年6月1日至2014年6月28日4级公路施工组织设计mas
43、ses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复
44、乓突董瓮讶 7、收尾及交工验收工作: 2014年6月29日至2014年6月30日4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把
45、拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 四、总体组织安排4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and crim
46、inal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 针对本项目的地质条件、本地区公路施工条件和业主对本项目的工期要求等特点,以及本地区的自然地貌、气候特征等因素,在总体组织安排中考虑了如下五点:4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing
47、 of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶1、组织保障有力,项目班子精良能干4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implement
48、ation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶 我公司非常重视项目经理部的人员组成,从具有多年公路工程施工经验、组织能力强的项目经理中挑选精干的同志负责,组成项目经理部领导班子,同时挑选经验丰富、素质高并具备公路工程施工经验的
49、专业技术人员、管理人员及各种熟练技工参加本项目的施工,以保证工程按期保证保量完成。4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi诞汕熏彰添把拔馋悯淑赖段试或骇隙扦弟镶慨享烹瘴靠茁占辐各篆突穴侈瓣正缴措男仲拭票尔音聪鞭训瘦蜘尖挑席魄自函厢仲冠钦凋复乓突董瓮讶2、机械化施工,正规化管理4级公路施工组织设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation