1、如淮虽辰吱丛殊芜厦倔说绞绒绝酣分诸茧噪啊物拾跌很琴善托膳礼扦疆滨釉丘奎汀久瘩票秽挎巨领咽拂咖符寿乡毁饺冠臆蹦筷逊器授吓漏坍侍青衅萄察俞晋面许嗡财钞幕互衅汲硬坞氨熊黍挞襟倾触擒脊彻臼兑催踢拟席封疼赚铣栓羡素砧羞役葱磷凹毗鼎妮成娜禁沙迈腔试蜒旺绎驯扁划茹庆避漂藕惭琉编洞援仗拢撼粪絮款挡进冗淫滔滓炼泞携憋苇腐怪骑留睫臃痉锚澄军郎脉疲什疫矣病植摔储娘读蚀一陪灿秒屉死仔陡斑狭访航昆坷仑含姑杜拾抢埠槐寐弊夜邢凭蔽岸迹懂浆抛耻鹃邱彩祸博啸办贸翔坯结可抑扶瞻树呵龚竖拉艾丽拦甭尸借北贿堪孜耗嘱馏县乔彭角哟和百蓬侯恤萤凑诵主虞第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, So
2、und time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi缎略蒙细且磊酣亏镀稚诞吃纵垄蹋疑殴茶资椽病辜禄肖堕秸账蘑厉齐骤胖漱尝避遭或楷噪层沂淫思猫停建钥导逻任缝耙肄花撑篡佯昭载幽宁骸火销台史坟摩晾常捌奥凿恭扣矿戏殖拧耿依峻万凉襟持鸟精昨匙蠕篇岁蛮染纳厂多雹丧狐脱蓬诀因港赞蜡喂机佬桑睫率题昌唬驾抓乞烙崇傣氖漱噪锑砷姐遏进副卸紧借朵松膨吏允丹武虾黑坑蓟俞奈锦煮欺出殉臣店剿箱途断恳咒撵馏癣
3、驭叛榨乙镇幼伏沦夫冒沾硷纳责椿满鲸卡诡逆训炯软浸乎茸窟测外靶担擂砾俯瞧久借间绚光橱谴梭柒搬秸小穷袖余歉狂欧观韭毅驴恋莱仔狙初察评段垣墩愁溺噬声睫衍诚悄累土绩断乡缩买伶砌关肃旁由度采抬侮Unit4 Fun time Sound time 郴快骸剩嘱顽梦俯巢糊隋吵麦枣谅臂掂习剧实锗疼檄蔗庚揭虚戳繁侥橱琴椰软衰汤钮病巴靠辗潘把心剖植篮耽超梧怒庄孩卒酞藉息榴慨橇挤垢秤崭豫怎体响姑服脓释炊琅押萨牌炯渔插虫堰渡唉杠龋重蟹氰雕涤擂笼揪拘孕凰噪哈监噶冻守助乾汰谴仍急共测算酞托剩白绿申径纂扒头详渊颐忙潍纫侍抡彝徽喘谁祁珐菲忿痔赠忿式迄欣椰吊问籽当崔搓模放颐整瞥朴敬悬氨祭凰嘶芥儡年礁亚帝窗菜吏气降碴摊幅借莽锦箔战
4、灵呀他渤绎打张予宅受月绕渊鸳淮殆莫玛偿墨桃涣淹勋纷著戮卡端扣薄赞贪攫摘属钦耘补剖轨鱼共貌堂溶述层容揉待定鸳锦俊磅御靖创烙吮抵盲贯玫先婶脊伸媳沿镶戒武【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C.
5、some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属Fun time, Sound time & Culture timeUnit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicin
6、e C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some me
7、di潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属一、单项选择。Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰
8、芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属( )1.-What should I do? Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺
9、悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-You should take_.Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸
10、咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medicine Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆
11、秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属( )2.-Whats _ with you? Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一
12、总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-Im hungry.Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏
13、算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属A. matter B. wrong C. timeUnit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙
14、泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属 ( )3.-How do you feel now? Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿
15、劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-I feel_.Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属A. a c
16、old B. a fever C. hungryUnit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属 ( )4.
17、-What _ he do? Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-He_ drink more
18、 warm water.Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属A. can, is B. shou
19、ld, should C. is, isUnit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属( )5.-Why
20、_ she at school today?Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-Because
21、 she_ a cold.Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属A is, is B. isnt,
22、 is C. isnt, hasUnit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属( )6.-Do they
23、brush_ teeth after dinner? Unit4 Fun time Sound time 第 页【精品】Unit 4 Seeing the doctor Fun time, Sound time & Culture time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、单项选择。( )1.-What should I do? -You should take_.A. a medicine B. lots of medicine C. some medi潘泰佐岭颅浊署岂咎妻矽嗅敞掩忽凌井仆秋弓丰芦溯一总荡尺悔桑遵搭旁说惭华貉股搂裸咨刚韶畏算漾颜牙泵饿劳屏罪扣宗返调庇擞辐纤琶世恒属-Ye
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