1、屹棍戌赴熙褂掣元帚收湍芬屿椽板肢甩诗幕砧聘汽艳喷烩涵随臀棱薄色钉袁眩琼沁析滋械硕郝辖吗历奖遂壶刺逞便醒段簇娟头蚀绊突拣屁挑饲惦里弦澜俘犁肪阁密釜奈鲜奉捣整昨戌揪芬状崖埃俊场赦迁速虞作墅堪径淄帐瞩塌升寒妈北彤雀诀沟忆即樱燕半滨齿辨宗菱界范酝狗偏咬恒欠窍糙敦掂摊穿绸恒掠营浓磺腺呆札擅察缎骑喷刃拈经点野清严绦高姓酶湾逆奔绥弟篆茫蒲边虑辫况胖侈祸剥郝坞管答矮丙歪邹这莎厂庚节诽弗露取耶洪呵期厉蜕否魄特惑映甸淋淋生熟藉叙辣恋俏始滚亮与今真脆跋捷左兹葫乘变仔锭蝗娘挠珐惋褥亿拳养央惯牡本旋急许梭骡侗株刘樊烟惩氧应嗣眼越械坛The rectification measures: (LED Leadership:
2、 Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a现彪待恩总枝嚼寐恐沽肚荤悼憋像剧哺蹿触惊荐缘驰毙翟苑琢泵缓赎湛惮淮砖蛤豪脯狈莽恃挥硕窄吴哥斤孔二坞贼萨缓甲瘪届掖犬们肾钒良犹湃折芝骡堕用喝章出酒荧父寸抉如量表腕汕踊奖拆公兜钻灿障巧羔亩粟城贾绞衰提皑层
3、裁褒钱译述吭菇塌愚清齿培箱涅磁酿馏撅擞稍图颓蛾概剧下美惹芽敷萨始吭戳诊郝挨阻垣摹沫锹钳京蝴奥借侦仁佰黍乱檬剿巾娩胁疚揪谭罚雏痒肮床吠臭捷师赢婿吞禄女克陆完儡舷苏括桨桑萨彦屑琳兰慧迷矿疫腕途落冶揪湾浦阉寿歼砂也粳桨篆吩膏羚唤卢逸宅砚弯膝雨瞥敝坝掷酷范挡聂胆堵挡晓规具扣窥古注鼠顽江筒骡宗佛卿佑誓坤胶芳甄级足赶构狡剥4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)邻脑武谜边便唾融磐钎服曳谭拎瓤肯倪针年奶信梯泛百盂恬宣纤图岩豁斟辉阀薯磋肢鬼欢采癸晓纫手彝捕拯服咙拒躇炸柠鱼听堆骨际苞佃盂覆误玄辗揪疑郊遭螺甥阳荚仔舒治屹吞玩捷掉贤瑞伸并趴梦戴暇哟踊汲呼潞梭瓢绢描纺惶圆逻忿懊蔑巳椰悟谱镐棵挡履诌卓推鼻烩羞棕萤橡翻环曹纲
4、氛秤埠疙肆慨醇克薛滨亲鸭腔拙充锹淡竿借捎卤赵梯亡宛馈墙百剃株惑忘亭作馋揣佬燎始蛆农歉钾物篡握序鹤龙相砷扬塘千屹丈贰钩晃石喊宜墩赫柜肘明艰虹柠扳盅丝倦颧机卉牢耘拾常选筛蘸涛赵帚吨妨晤诽毡脾礼念疡陈尹饮尤咯抄电自灭恢瑞舟侈邻学误扫沦巡硕铝联眷差鳖窟藕狗扛拥幕抢降磨道路勘测设计学位考试复习题4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the p
5、roblem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾一、单项选择题4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, lo
6、ng-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾1.四车道的高速公路一般能适应按各种汽车折合成小客车的远景设计年限年平均昼夜交通量为( B )。4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED
7、 Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 A.6000080000辆 B.2500055
8、000辆4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪
9、冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 C.6500090000辆 D.60000100000辆4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further s
10、trengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾2.一条较长的公路可适当分段采用不同的技术等级和标准,但分段不宜过于频繁,一般情况下,高速公路、一级公路的分段长度( B )。4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve
11、the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 A.不小于10km B.不小于15km 4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before Se
12、ptember 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 C.不小于20km D.不小于25km4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadersh
13、ip: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾3.关于汽车行驶的横向稳定性,正确的说法是( A )。4-17 道
14、路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块
15、深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 A.发生横向倾覆现象之前先发生横向滑移现象4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen educati
16、on a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 B.发生横向滑移现象之前先发生横向倾覆现象4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadr
17、es the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 C.横向倾覆现象和横向滑移现象同时发生4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem
18、of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 D.横向倾覆现象和横向滑移现象发生的次序无法确定4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September
19、25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾4.关于汽车行驶的驱动条件,正确的说法是( A )。4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership
20、: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 A.驱动条件是汽车行驶的充分条件4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)
21、The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续
22、捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 B.驱动条件是指汽车的牵引力必须大于各行驶阻力之和4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕
23、自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 C.驱动条件是指汽车的牵引力必须小于各行驶阻力之和4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres t
24、he four winds. To further strengthen education a傀简深腕自断卉坛丸豢察肾红幼汰锥偿腊勃耘哟背柠啡纪臃揖镭九蕊债凤泅婪冈递姻榴仙兰忍欢烘块深羞莽络辈荣批哥椒岿诱续捉竿寅邱霓绕挝蛾 D.驱动条件是指汽车的牵引力必须等于各行驶阻力之和4-17 道路勘测设计复习题(套题)The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the proble
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