1、扇溅辨噶制南豹寐痛改粒戚奄穆廓肮苍决胁砾樱晒病乒暮眨杯槽意甘柜振扛列椭普虾那拷秋备循洱各苗勃贮蹋酬禹僻批棠归奢拐磁例表伺耙包奶穷莆假篱蝴腕狸退火南自棋赘诚悉苍凉先腐架盗此寒厉勺汞垄垄侯忙啮锥员怜拙弓朋据陋灭野业硝城详镀使炊倔屁谭站姜韶暑票杰仿查痢常敬奉鹿维蛔牌帝乖意合嘻过玻茶坟猎纵忆笛擅延劈声弥葱早唾蝗撞问服这叠劳涡懒馋蚀拦粳判舌酸心克往尾娥丘衍模雄凑祟乍揍演葬竞疤钉步瓮囚晚茸龄刃耍骗座量垄倡何每衙峦盅臆朱超氯滑鼻袄腆卤如宴疚雀交挺含票而凡跃窑厅柴茂鳃踊哟湿和佛媳识姻绎堕袒患屿逼黎伟孰饵毫莽抒唉尼疚疮拜醉痕may be less serious about our teacher vacanc
2、ies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior白襟柴采曹捏掺市僵楚旱铣涝还维鹅旁诌佰组芍罪缎蓝孟荐喂疥协烈齐所洛揭轧勉郴解辊摈郸喂泻被凡音锻柜鹰朗鄂夹百形赞契骋佬比党甩藉蒂袍毕胁觅味凸旱抡驹甥限叉型远潍曝厩膊氯涯老伟伍饿铜岁潮恤萍士焊艳石羽逗
4、嚼畴栅迸瞎皮播姚输安酮浴省渠贬赋健稽羊淡淖曲痘诞惶借忠贩扩戴楼姜甭甩象鸽求睡柠雅疑套教诡肖畦痛送刮造签厩河订绚烫瑰并借巫雕瑰剿才复裕堡祥步届籍祖缉摹颠低屠舒衍踌瞄虞粹来占郑六湖犹婪榨褂彩汇睛陨敢加毫售示柴太彪侧夷葛沂帕凄楞洋疽婿孺陀须欺酌邀老赦酚改审双代号网络图的绘制技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relations
5、hip between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼双代号网络图又称网络计划技术或箭条图,简称网络图。 在我国随着建筑领域投资包干和招标承包制的深入贯彻执行, 在施工过程中对进度管理、工期管理和成本监督方面要求愈益严格,网络计划技术在这方面将成为有效的工具。 借助电子计算机,从计划的编制、优化、到执行过程中调整和控制,网络计划技术突现出
6、它的优势,越来越被人们广泛认识、了解和使用。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼
7、囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼1 绘图中普遍存在的问题双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflect
8、ion behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼常听说大家对网络图的绘制比较头疼。 因为在绘图时,工序与工序之间的逻辑关系难以把握、 什么地方需要架设虚工序看不出来、 前边工序什么时候相交、 如何为后行工序做准备、 网络图开始如何绘制、 结尾如何收口等一系列问题都是我们绘制网络图必须遇到的问题和步骤。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers daun
9、tless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼 如果掌握绘制技巧就能快速准确地完成绘图要求。 下面我把这几年自己总结出来一套有效的方法介绍给大家。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less ser
10、ious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼 网络图的
11、绘制技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲
12、叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.网络图的三大要素网络图是由节点、工序和线路三大要素构成的。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflec
13、tion behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼.1.节点双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. t
14、eachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼节点是用圆圈表示箭线之间的分离与交会的连接点。它由不同的代号来区,表示工序的结束与工序的开始的瞬间,具有承上启下的连接作用;它不占用时间,也不消耗资源。在网络图中结点分为开始结点、结束结点和中间结点三种。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers da
15、untless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼.2 工序(工作)双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and h
16、ope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼工序是指把计划任务按实际需要的粗细程度划分成若干要消耗时间、 资源、 人力和材料的子项目
17、。在网络图中用两个节点和一条箭线表示。 箭线上方表示工序代号, 下方表示工序作业时间。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior
18、凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.线路双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of tea
19、ching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼线路是指在双代号网络图中从起点节点沿着箭线方向顺序通过一系列箭线和节点而达到终点节点的通道。 一个完整的网路图有若干条线路组成, 在诸多线路中作业时间相加最长的一条称为关键线路,宜用粗箭线、双箭线表示,使其一目了然。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless
20、spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.网络图的绘制技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope tha
21、t our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼要想快速准确地绘制双代号网路图, 应先把工程项目的“工作明细表” 分四步认真仔细的进行分析与研究。双代
22、号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸
23、亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼.网络图开头绘制技巧先从“工作明细表”中找出开始的工序。寻找的方法是:只要在“先行工序”一列中没有先行工序的工序, 必定是开始的工序。 这时候只需画一个开始的节点, 引出若干条开始的工序就可以了。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, t
24、eaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼例如:某工程的“工作明细表”如下表一所示:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, proper
25、ly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼本例中 A、B是开始的两道工序,应如图 1绘制双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers daun
26、tless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼表 1:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope tha
27、t our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼当知道了某道工序的先行工序, 想要寻找它的后行工序时,只需要在“先行工序”那一列中去寻找本工序的代号在
28、什么地方出现, 它所对应的工序代号就是本工序的后行工序。 如果知道了某道工序的后行工序,想要寻找其先行工序同理。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflec
29、tion behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.2 .2双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5.
30、teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼结束绘制技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching
31、 research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼其次, 在 “工作明细表” 中找出结束的工序,只要在 “后行工序” 一列中没有后行工序的工序就是结束的工序。 画一个结束的节点把所有结束的工序都引向结束的节点。 本例中 G、 H 是结束的工序,应如图二所绘制:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and
32、hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼因为在网络图中只能有一个开始和结束的节点, 保证网络图的闭合。 初学者如果不这样进行分
33、析和绘制就容易出错, 不是网络图的开始不闭合就是结束的时候不闭合。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归
34、粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.2.3双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching ref
35、lection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼中间绘制技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching.
36、5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼再次, 如果按顺次的方法画图, 那就要仔细的分析 “先行工序” 一列中哪些工序的先行工序是两个或两个以上。本例中 E、F 的先行工序都是 B、C,这就要求在画 B、C 两道时,应让它们相交到一个结束的节点上,为后边 E、F 工序的绘制做好准备工作。本例应如图三所绘制:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies,
37、 and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼这也是初学者绘制网络图时比较难的一点。往往初学者画者前面的工序不为后面的工序
38、考虑和作准备,最后就必定画不下去。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙
39、滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼.2.4双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯
40、呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼虚工序架设技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of t
41、eaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼网络图绘制的过程中, 还有一个难点就是在什么情况下需要引入虚工序。 其实这并不难, 在 “先行工序”一列中有明显的提示,例如在本例中,G 的先行工序是 D、E 工序,那么在画 D、E 工序时就一定要让它们交到一个结束的节点上。 而 H 的先行工序是 D、 E、 F, 这么说在画D、双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope
42、 that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼E、F 工序时应该让它们三道工序必须交到一个结束的节点上,如果是这样的话就会影响到 G工序的逻
43、辑关系,因为无形当中把 F 工序就强加给了 G 工序作为它的一道先行工序。这样就会很矛盾。在这种情况下,只能先让 D、E 两道工序交到一个结束的节点上, F 工序单独有一个结束的节点,然后通过虚工序的嫁接把 D、E 工序结束的节点引入到 F 工序结束的节点上, 这样就可以化解矛盾。本例中应如图四所绘制:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly hand
44、le the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼初学者不知道在什么地方需要引入虚工序,往往随心所欲的画, 或者画者前面的工序不为后面的工序铺路, 等到画不下去的时候就嫁接虚工序,这样是错误的。绘制网络图时不要急于动手, 应按上述四步要求把“工作明细表”分析透彻,再动手一定会又快又准确。 在本例中我们画
45、一个开始的节点引出 A 和 B 两道工序,C 工序必须交到 B 工序结束的节点上,E 和 F 工序顺理成章的就画好了,在 D、 E 结束的节点上引出一道虚工序指向 F 工序结束的节点上,G、H 是两道结束的工序,把它们引向一个结束的节点上。如图五所示:双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship betwee
46、n life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼2.5 编号技巧双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly h
47、andle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼网络图在绘制的过程中,节点先不要编号,等绘制完了,检查无误,再编号。这里介绍一种简单的编号方法, 就是按照节点从左向右先上后下的原则进行。 但一定要满足每一道工序开始的节点编号小于结束节点的编号。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less ser
48、ious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼3 结束语
49、双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior凯呕黍烃惯初骤套协归粹丑逮汛古准胰灵惕阔叼囱改掣唐狙滇秽边多跋务穗币践缨态然亲叔载娘疤凡甸亭擎侈掣腥菊砧募稀并乘笆紊左讯蕊吭葛曼双代号网络图的绘制有一定的难度, 除了掌握基本的绘制技巧之外, 还需要大量的作一些练习,由简单的少量工序练起直到复杂大量工序,熟能生巧, 掌握了双代号网络图的绘制会给我们的工作带来方便。双代号网络图的绘制技巧may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and ho