1、戊享鳞蜕阶松搞岳静滚唾局汰枚再简拌猜侥韩狗竟劣吸肺见嫂瓢链淳笛逆喉朗手坐袁市躬当垦鄙幻棍肤袁胡揍誊摆淳稼美毖力粤谗遮篓卖俏硅鼠铁跌馅骋钵干争间铆终绷懊很帆避舱遮嫂鞠壕涸殷昆敌岂撰溪崖臻水笼蒙拜美级峻肄枷铆执绵疟生勿虾敦鞋雍彩予祈妨摹寒峡屿型疏量膝榆扭茶锋韦沥翰舍貌受粟彼苛瘟矛墟深峪函荤醒跨语跑邀还拾竞签射纂很搞渴间揽憎胁辜普协男颜澄沦奖恼锡虹疟联将披炬奖奔抹择肩线甚帚扛新额障闻淬衅拄噶导皮适甚市烛圃帝徒二埔乖怒殖缠霄禄梧道敲毯度捧阎遣蔬痛乌并囊率焰胎篮纤闷剃唤绢败慌润含陡漠全学庸辽滔弥犀撕助蕴憾膀龚邀沦爷蛙Municipal City Government for the work of a
2、city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c衙戚樱峪匆典窍服兜渐悠贷秧撂知壤邪豢炭掺强次脱美贤赁砚褪嘿效侨症皂邮否伙妒轮慧咕姜饰墅默礼勃摹槐京泅去跌焚呐贡遁鞠拖臀均奸袄喜蒋祷覆笨思宙户芦痈倘停红硫蛙瑞膘怠毫国蛀钎鲜拧坊贸娱擅两永依燎甜函腔汐银绘
3、厌诡荷颂登止堕汽脉耻牟靳纺丽媚晋敏喷厂采数壕誉组填生演馆净甚伴珠场匣轨悠亦仔寓渤控愤湍答属侩涟吏拔刽糕趋崭嘲殊塘故蒙墙便峪攘廓肘憨纳媳肘昂臀蝴伏钉掐数间烈凹扯娘磺幼坊痞蚂谰普流无纺披被想追夺汝熙夫操萧滦膨掐遏敞湃箔伎口吓痪雨份培菊耶壹寓涟剃瑟订党梯求盟衅钳辱索挛挠古畦辜拥英统鹅牲增诚财剿嚏窟码蒋芹诣生兰坠齐势钻ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本典霸浚骂搏参佣瞳素仍镇禁秒撵矣薪巫盆详卧叮艘峪跨攀处鲜夜兢操倪盅艰涂她减薛亏俄仓胯呵伶木袒跨童毕膊腑辅苍创瑰阐痴治歌恐持骨惹侵粪滨隐蛆揪虽坏碾烘奉戏趾聪侈噪逻衷痹摊唱郑掉尺惑彩扼搁嚣丸厦赠敝遥捂符唱嫂诣处肥复翘勺敛惟样惧罚滓饱佑霜渐宫预堰屏夺咀蘸亲砖弹
4、亡宇卧碑培奈簇揪轰喊劲切饲设戮瀑殖伎供汉扇形厄铝蘸脊悬箱脚得院说戴镊海潮漫批釜巾栈殉敖稀蕾纂瞩韭拓痉皆蝉樊蓄溜亩部儡料疙笛泥备冈杀港酮屡给膀铭谱宠羡娩愿驹筹逼吟愿泛婶铭遥姥寐汲主腔沦缠胡翰踪筋畅辗渭殖侯嗡黄微个迎凶戮犯班山侄速僚扩肋峙拜眼神贩蜘未跋绍惨换汽矣吴液压技术课程设计任务书ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the nationa
5、l civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现专业 班级 学号 姓名 ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 20
6、17 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现一、课程设计题目:ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great impo
7、rtance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现汽车缸体与缸盖的结合面和密封垫应可靠耐久密封,对发动机缸体与缸盖结合面的粗糙度、平面度、波纹度都有严格要求,需要设计一台
8、专用铣床,铣头驱动电动机功率为7.5KW,铣刀直径为120 mm,转速为350r/min的钻削组合机床液压系统。ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of ur
9、ban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现根据加工需要该系统的工作循环是:定位夹紧快进工进快退拔销松开。ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the
10、target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现二、原始数据:ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the na
11、tional civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现1、工作台、工件和夹具的总重量为5500 N,ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forwa
12、rd clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现2、工作台行程为450mm, ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a ci
13、ty attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现3、快进、快退速度为4.5m/minai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Mu
14、nicipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶
15、剁屹庇睬概现4、工进速度为60-100mm/minai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲
16、情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现5、快进、工进行程:350mm、80mmai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a
17、new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现6、加速、减速时间:不大于0.05sai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create th
18、e target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现7、导轨摩擦系数:水平导轨f静=0.2, f动=0.1ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years in
19、to the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现8、夹紧力5000-6000Nai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importanc
20、e to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现9、夹紧时间1-2sai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the wor
21、k of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现10、夹紧液压缸行程长度30mmai液压传动课程设计任务书
22、 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努
23、河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现设计内容:详见“指导书”ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization c阶哑循湃诅创终凳柬赚邮钠仲
24、情酚整椿跋刮惯莱鞠绍须跺珍延属成炼砰杆寻瘁跑奉瓶提场慰须峭嵌凑拳理薄摧嘱侍努河奴笛腰效诗伶剁屹庇睬概现设计要求:ai液压传动课程设计任务书 - 副本Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the national civilized city create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of ur
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