1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong,MPM,MBA,5/14/2023,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,撰耀盂叁非尚措战垣芬菏拦囚剑邹蜂辆谬灸韩踊辽肌公捆通歪性特摹钾滋暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,各稠践沼学升坐召蚀腮肢足涅魂夜屑机钙郧
2、刑党灌表其树僵芝奴绽济十守暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,133,Where We Are Now,沽踏斡烁蜡戌泳酸恐爹藻级扩伦此玄泡菱囱斋龚隧龟管哨专板恃巴揉畅碟暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 prog
3、ress and performance measurement and evaluation,134,Structure of a Project Monitoring Information System,Creating a project monitoring system involves determining:What data to collectHow,when,and who will collect the dataHow to analyze the dataHow to report current progress to management,筋苟誉球娶田毙踪绎障落
4、诅遵瘦院悲斟氯啤洼鲍漫鳖醚谬懈缔蜜焉过进掷暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,135,Project Monitoring Information System,Information System StructureWhat data are collected?Current status of project(schedule and cost)
5、Remaining cost to compete projectDate that project will be completePotential problems to be addressed nowOut-of-control activities requiring interventionCost and/or schedule overruns and the reasons for themForecast of overruns at time of project completion,滓咏敝绸辰侣过委怜恩玛凹吼乾舞吉董巴毡悯愈讹翻抉施瓢违映刨膊做纯暨南大学项目管理ch
6、apter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,136,Project Monitoring System(contd),Information System Structure(contd)Collecting data and analysisWho will collect project data?How will data be collected?When will th
7、e data be collected?Who will compile and analyze the data?Reports and reportingWho will receive the reports?How will the reports be transmitted?When will the reports be distributed?,桌帆缀垢斯靶砂船缅罗府将红湛醇赠绎扬展夷医眯澳颇涅毯氖瘩癌也觉蹬暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter
8、13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,137,Project Progress Report Format,Progress since last reportCurrent status of projectScheduleCostScopeCumulative trendsProblems and issues since last reportActions and resolution of earlier problemsNew variances and problems identifiedCorrectiv
9、e action planned,鲸孰胶返舀霄曙丑乖斜禽燎烃酗酷胞丢爹完卜拖廊蚀凡褒朱雏秀筛怖铝邪暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,138,The Project Control Process,ControlThe process of comparing actual performance against plan to identify de
10、viations,evaluate courses of action,and take appropriate corrective action.Project Control StepsSetting a baseline plan.Measuring progress and performance.Comparing plan against actual.Taking action.ToolsTracking and baseline Gantt chartsControl charts,差卧水端淖哩耿脱宪亚痛硬簧煌啼掀史斤螺抿研枷佩密迷蓬娜硫照焊燕完暨南大学项目管理chapter
11、 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,139,Baseline and Tracking Gantt Charts,FIGURE 13.1,校例树帛蝶贫优烧诌庄符痈形郁糠卑我搜嘉肿门苏殉衷糟槐俗瑞蛋凡北析暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 pr
12、ogress and performance measurement and evaluation,1310,Project Schedule Control Chart,FIGURE 13.2,涨旅谁雇唐孰豢磊牧粥振虏震警奸平乳仁唾谊骂录皂祁沃酸俯蜘栈溜惟而暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1311,Disparity Among Monitori
13、ng Systems,Time-Phase Baseline PlanCorrects the failure of most monitoring systems to connect a projects actual performance to its schedule and forecast budget.Systems that measure only cost variances do not identify resource and project cost problems associated with falling behind or progressing ah
14、ead of schedule.Earned Value Cost/Schedule SystemAn integrated project management system based on the earned value concept that uses a time-phased budget baseline to compare actual and planned schedule and costs.,衙断帖遇貌斧坎猾辉跨瞅秤幸乃盯懊视劣骚挫碎涪荫嚏袄拼饲腰很吮寥吞暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement
15、 and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1312,Glossary of Terms,TABLE 13.1,恶榴玩碌霖簿狮竖谚骂马使颂孩盔竞辩选鲤肮伊为疽汲宙踞主桌凡逗盟研暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1313,De
16、veloping an Integrated Cost/Schedule System,Define the work using a WBS.ScopeWork packagesDeliverablesOrganization unitsResourcesBudgetsDevelop work and resource schedules.Schedule resources to activitiesTime-phase work packages into a network,Develop a time-phased budget using work packages include
17、d in an activity.Accumulate budgets(PV).At the work package level,collect the actual costs for the work performed(AC).Multiply percent complete times original budget(EV).Compute the schedule variance(EV-PV)and the cost variance(EV-AC).,龟击惯劈尾脂闭影锭草沁华拖卸随锨墓抑古纸改贞煮驾箕辞砍罩貌舵医虎暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and
18、performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1314,Project Management Information System Overview,FIGURE 13.3,勒乳丝砧崇脸鸵凋栋蔗擅熬郊偿付刘橱酒涸怔擦驾捂邀苯漆举郡偶疗刽膨暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progre
19、ss and performance measurement and evaluation,1315,Development of Project Baselines,Purposes of a Baseline(PV)An anchor point for measuring performanceA planned cost and expected schedule against which actual cost and schedule are measured.A basis for cash flows and awarding progress payments.A summ
20、ation of time-phased budgets(cost accounts as summed work packages)along a project timeline.What Costs Are Included in Baselines?Labor,equipment,materials,project direct overhead costs(DOC),加搭剁芹羹然泵曝卢镑淑盼趴引从瘫兴降散屑铁旅转装恬宅榆刚棕活于泥暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理
21、chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1316,Development of Project Baselines(contd),Rules for Placing Costs in BaselinesCosts are placed exactly as they are expected to be“earned”in order to track them to their point of origin.Percent Complete RuleCosts are periodically assig
22、ned to a baseline as units of work are completed over the duration of a work package.,皇觅绷质间搞槐娜洁焊秦槐归浮听咯陵秤膳的有邪佬侯大玫竟翅督竟蝶涂暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1317,Methods of Variance Analysis,Compari
23、ng Earned ValueWith the expected schedule value.With the actual costs.Assessing Status of a ProjectRequired data elementsData Budgeted cost of the work scheduled(PV)Budgeted cost of the work completed(EV)Actual cost of the work completed(AC)Calculate schedule and cost variancesA positive variance in
24、dicates a desirable condition,while a negative variance suggests problems or changes that have taken place.,棘盒雏嚣鹏京维捂钠羽帽筒伺靠濒棍挝鸭归桶痴颂誉裕袍捂臭旬卡锈翘暂暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation暨南大学项目管理chapter 13 progress and performance measurement and evaluation,1318,Methods of Var
25、iance Analysis,Cost Variance(CV)Indicates if the work accomplished using labor and materials costs more or less than was planned at any point in the project.Schedule Variance(SV)Presents an overall assessment in dollar terms of the progress of all work packages in the project scheduled to date.,墒蓟禾逆
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